Friday, September 1, 2017

Fast food you can eat

Earlier this week I asked you "Do you have obstacles that prevent you from eating healthy? What are they?".... and got thousands of responses via email and Facebook. They're still rolling in. As my team and I read them…we've noticed ONE BIG OBSTACLE that's affecting nearly everyone - and I want to help you with that right now!

The biggest obstacle most of us face is lack of time. We're looking for convenience and want healthy food on the fly… but this can be a real struggle in our processed fast food world. Below are strategies that work wonders for me...

  • It all boils down to planning. I could never stick to my busy schedule without a solid eating plan in place. On your day off, write out exactly what you plan to eat for dinner every night for the next 7 days (if you know you're meeting friends for dinner one night, put that on your schedule too). Then try to eat the same couple of breakfasts and lunches you can repeat throughout the week.
  • Use your meal plan to write out a shopping list so that you aren't going to the grocery store blind, and consider keeping a master list of the items that you pick up weekly.
  • Make enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch the next day - that way you only cook once and get at least 2 meals out of it. You can also eat the same breakfast every day for a week to keep the planning simple.
  • Prepping some items early in the week such as dressings, spice mixes, sauces, cooked beans, meats, chia pudding and smoothie packs can make a world of difference! I like to make a big pot of soup on the weekends so that we have something healthy to eat throughout the week - just pair it with a green salad and you've got a meal!
  • Keep a list of healthier restaurants and specific items you can buy at the grocery store that are convenient and healthy. You can keep this list on your phone or wallet, so next time you find yourself hungry and away from home you'll have good options. Download the Food Babe Dining Out Guide (free download) for some "Food Babe Approved" options!
  • Develop a repertoire of at least 5 healthy meals that you can throw together quickly with a short list of ingredients that are usually in your pantry. That might sound like a daunting task, but it really is pretty convenient to throw together a veggie stir-fry or some rice & beans. Just list out some easy favorites and tack it on the fridge to remind you what to eat when you are too tired to cook anything crazy.
  • Convenient healthy snacks include fruit, nuts, hummus, and veggie sticks (that you can chop up and keep in your fridge or bring to work).

I hope these tips help you eat the healthiest foods when you're crunched for time. But, before I wish you a happy weekend, I've got one more question for ya...

What are your personal health goals? Spend some time this weekend pondering this question. Ask yourself what is really important to you and why....

Do you want to lose weight so you can fit into your favorite pair of jeans again?

Is there a health issue you want to improve so you can do an activity you used to enjoy?

Do you want to increase your physical fitness so you can chase your kids (or grandkids) at the park?

If you changed to a whole food organic diet how would it change your life?

Write your goals down. Writing them down is REALLY important, because it helps you plan to succeed! Discuss your goals with your family or a loved one and ask them them to support you. Having someone else that has your back and will help to hold you accountable can make a real difference.

Watch your inbox on Monday for some additional resources - and have a great weekend!



P.S. Feel free to share this email with anyone who may be suffering from these healthy eating obstacles too and ask them to join our community here.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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