Thursday, September 28, 2017

General Mills Appalling Decision Hurts Children

As part of the Food Babe Army, I doubt you're filling your carts up with Trix and Lucky Charms at the grocery store, BUT I have some really idiotic news about Trix and let me explain why I'm so ANGRY about it.  

People sometimes criticize me for writing about processed junk foods like Trix because they think it's obvious how unhealthy it is but there are still a lot of people out there who do not know this information. They do not know what additives like Yellow #5 and TBHQ could be doing to their health or the health of their kids. They do not know that there could be Roundup weedkiller in their Cheerios, silly putty in their french fries, or wood in their cheese. We still need to reach these people! That's why it's important to keep raising awareness of these issues and share this news.

General Mills just announced they're putting the artificial dyes – Yellow #6, Blue #1, Red #40 – back into Trix Cereal because they were "besieged" by customer complaints since they removed these dyes two years ago.

This upsets me to no end because I know there are thousands of children who are suffering greatly due to the use of these dyes in their food, and their parents are struggling to find out what's going on.

Since we launched the successful petition which got the artificial dyes out of Kraft Mac n' Cheese, I've received countless letters from parents who have seen their children's behavior, skin, and health change DRAMATICALLY after artificial food dyes were removed from their diets. Today on the blog I shared a remarkable story about how one little boy's life was changed forever when he stopped eating food dyes following our petition. This is what his mother had to say after solving the mystery behind her son's behavioral issues...

"I never in a million years would have thought additives in food could be linked to Cameron's behavior, but after seeing the cravings for and withdrawal from food coloring, I can honestly say it should be illegal. It is addictive and mind-altering, just like any other drug. After consulting many allergists, dermatologists, pediatricians & pediatric rheumatologists for more than five years, and not getting help, we finally figured out my son's issues. It began with an online petition and continued with the help and guidance of the Feingold Association. Happily, Kraft removed the synthetic food coloring from its Mac & Cheese in 2016." ~ Feingold Association Pure Facts Newsletter, September 2017

Read Cameron's remarkable transformation story after he stopped eating dyes here.

I am so moved by this story and hope this information helps every family out there who is affected by the dyes in our food. I truly believe if consumers knew that these colors are derived from petroleum, what they do to their bodies and how they have been shown to affect children, they would not want to eat them. We clearly still have so much work to do and need to keep spreading the truth. Please share this email and Cameron's story with your loved ones. You never know who it may help!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Want a career in health and wellness? Here’s your chance!

Last week I shared with you the pivotal moment when I knew it was time for me to dedicate my work to helping others learn about their food and achieve amazing health. I wouldn't change this job for anything! I know many of you are feeling called to help others with their health and wellness too. I often get emails from readers like this one

"I am a big fan ever since I came across your site and just like you have become interested in food and nutrition. I would like to learn more about holistic health and nutrition and be able to share information informing people about the truths of our food and make better choices; however I don't know where to start. I thought about going back to school to learn more and become certified so I can actually be able to create a career out of it (figured people would rather receive info from someone with credentials) but, then I realized that is not the only way. What would you suggest? I'm just trying to see what my options are."

Do you feel this way? Would you love a career in health and wellness?

Whether your calling is to work in wellness centers, doctor's offices, gyms, spas, yoga studios, schools, private practices… or you want to write books, create products, open restaurants, teach, and start your own business… the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) Health Coach Training Program can help you get there!

Their program teaches you how to nourish every aspect of your health and life, AND it teaches you how to launch a new career in health and wellness. You'll get everything you need to start working with your own clients, and turn your passion for wellness into a career you love.

I was honored to be asked to be part of their curriculum and you can watch a clip of a lecture I gave at their NYC headquarters here. They provide online training, so you can work towards your certification from anywhere in the world and whenever you want!

Sign up for a free sample class here.

Inside the Sample Class you'll learn:

  • What a Health Coach does and how they help people make lasting changes to their health and lifestyles
  • What to expect as a student at IIN
  • How IIN is leading the way to a healthcare revolution + incredible activities you can engage in!

The next training session begins soon and, as a partner, IIN is allowing me to offer up to $1,500 off tuition to Food Babe readers! To claim your IIN discounts, simply sign up for a free sample class here. IIN will be in touch to answer any questions you have about curriculum, tuition and the HUGE discount offered to Food Babe readers.


If you enroll in the Health Coach Training Program at IIN right here, I will also give you a FREE One Year Food Babe Eating Guide Membership. This is the perfect compliment to your journey with IIN and will help make your life easier while you are in the program! As a member, you'll get an entire year's worth of Food Babe monthly meal plans, new recipes, shopping guides, and resources to keep you looking and feeling your best. I normally charge over $119 for my annual Eating Guides, so this is an incredible bonus that I know you'll love!

If you are feeling scared about taking this step, I get it. I used to feel that way too. Throughout my life I have had some amazing people encouraging me to take the leaps of faith needed to keep growing. I want to be that person in your life. Remember, it is NEVER too late to find your calling. The community at IIN is one of the most supportive, enthusiastic groups of people I've ever seen, and everyone says that is one of the best parts of their program.

See for yourself! Check out the free sample class here.

If you know anyone who wants a career in health and wellness, send them this email and encourage them to go after their dreams!



P.S. Here is a note I just received from a recent IIN graduate. I hope to hear from YOU next!

"Thank you Food Babe. In so many ways you have inspired me! Back in 2012 when I was starting to open my eyes and start my journey I found you. I was ranting to one of my co workers about the GMOs and chemicals in our food and how I wanted to shout about it from the roof tops and tell everyone about it. My co-worker looked at me and laughed and then said you know Food Babe is already doing that! I have to admit I was a little jealous. Lol...... I was also excited and full of joy that someone cared as much as I did and all ready took matters into their own hands. You my friend are a force to be reckoned with.

I graduated from IIN last November as a health coach, I also have my personal training certificate......I also just quit my corporate job and took the leap of faith.... I am now trying to build my health and fitness business. I call my business exciting life and fitness, because I want to help everyone live their best life. I feel we have much in common, I too was tired of being sick and seeking the root cause and not just a bandaid...... My friends call me the health hustler because I never stop trying to interest everyone I meet in their health and happiness.. I think I want to brand this name. Eventually I want to host motivational health seminars all over the US and possibly the world..... . Hopefully someday I will teach a lecture at IIN and meet Joshua and YOU.

Thank you for doing what you do! I am by your side working for our healthier world! Rock on Food Babe!" ~ Nicole H.


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Have you found your calling yet?

A few short years ago, I NEVER would have guessed that I'd be in the position I am today. Together, we have created a massive community that not only cares about their own health, but also wants to create a safer, more sustainable food system for everyone. It's crazy to think that someone like me who had no experience with social platforms now has over a million followers on social media and a #1 bestselling book - but it can all happen when you hit a nerve and share your passion with the world.

What is your passion? What do you love to do? Are you working in a job that allows you to do what you're passionate about? What's the one thing that would make you happily jump out of bed on Monday morning? Share it with me here or respond to this email. I'd love to hear from you!

I wasn't always living the life of my dreams, but there was one moment that sparked me into living my passion and I've never looked back. Let me tell you a story that not many people have heard…

Four years ago I was standing at the top of Machu Picchu taking in the beautiful landscape. As I stood there with my husband, I had a gut feeling that something big was about to happen and it was time for me to make a decision...

At the time I was working in the corporate world. I was climbing the corporate ladder and doing all the "right" things in my career, yet I wasn't truly happy. So, I started to live a double life. During the day I worked hard at my "real job" and when I got home from work I dove into writing as the Food Babe.

For a couple of years I wrote undercover, never using my real name on the blog and rarely posting a picture of myself. I had to keep appearances up at work, but my coworkers started to catch on. I went from eating the unhealthy processed meals that were catered at work to bringing in my own homemade lunches. More and more of my co-workers began to ask me about the green smoothie they often saw me drinking.

I loved teaching people what I was learning about health and food and how to feel vibrant. My friends and family saw the way my own health was transforming and they wanted to know more about what I was doing. I wanted to help them - and everyone I could. I realized I couldn't keep living a double life anymore.

So, while at the top of Machu Picchu I knew I had two options: Option one was to stay put at my corporate job with all of the security it provided - including benefits like health care, a 401k and a steady paycheck. Option two was to make teaching people about health and writing on my full time job.

There were big risks in leaving my salaried job to work full time on my blog - which at that point was bringing in zero income. Although the prospect of walking away from my corporate job felt risky, what felt even more risky was missing my true calling in life because I was too scared to take the leap. I knew it was time. On the top of the mountain I turned to my husband and told him I was going to make my full time job. He sweetly replied, "What have you been waiting for?"

Those words helped to change my life forever.

I wanted to send you this email today because I know many of you are feeling called to make big changes in your own life. Whether it's in your career, your health, or your home let me be one of the voices in your life that says: Trust it. You've got this.

There is power and support in community. Come on over to Facebook and share what you feel calling you. I can't wait to see what you have to say! I hope this inspires you to live the life of your dreams, whatever that may be.

For those of you who, like me, know your true calling is to work in educating and inspiring people to achieve their greatest health, be on the lookout for an email from me on this subject next week. My partner, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, has an amazing online health coaching certification program. If you want to learn more about them now, sign up for a free sample class.





P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I cannot stop eating this processed food. Eh!

I have a confession to make. My once in a while processed food meltdown is with Annie's Chocolate Bunnies. Once I crack open the box, I literally cannot. stop. eating. them. (And thinking about them right now, is making my mouth water.) It's insane! I've noticed when I make homemade cookies I don't get the feeling that I need to eat the entire plate... but with those Annie's Bunnies, man, I really can't stop. Why is it that they're so addicting? Is it all the sugar? There's actually more to it than that.

To find out why, you have to check out this brand new post where I interview expert Mark Schatzker about the situation. 

You know how addicting Doritos are…well, the stories he tells about food and flavor are out-of-control incredible. 

Our interview is a MUST WATCH and you can catch the full version here

After you watch what he says in the video - you'll see one reason why I don't eat things like RX Bar, drink La Croix or put Nut Pods in my coffee on a regular basis. I'd rather not eat foods that trick my tastebuds (like those Annie's Bunnies!) and I like to know exactly what I'm eating. Sticking with real food is just simpler, healthier, and oftentimes cheaper too.

Is there a specific food you can't stop eating? Could this be why? Watch our interview and let me know in the comments.

Share this video with all your friends and let's stop those uncontrollable food cravings together!





P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Enrollment closes in just a few hours!

Just a quick heads up that there are only a FEW HOURS LEFT to get an additional 6 months free + instant access to 3 bonus guides when you sign up for the Yearly Food Babe Membership Program.

BONUS #1: The Food Babe Slim Down ($29.99 value)

  • 50 favorite slimming recipes from my personal collection for breakfast, grab-and-go healthy lunches, family friendly main meals, soups, salads, juices, smoothies, snacks and desserts.
  • All designed to help your body shed unwanted pounds and detox naturally.

BONUS #2: Real Food Slow Cooker Guide ($29.99 value)

  • All you need for healthy, easy and delicious one-pot meals that are full of flavor, filling, and can be made in a pinch.
  • No more excuses for not having enough time to make a home cooked meal.
  • Over 50 recipes included!

BONUS #3: Love Your Lunch Guide ($24.99 value)

  • 30 quick and easy everyday lunch recipes to look forward to + 10 basic condiment recipes to spice up any meal.
  • Make ahead options for those busy mornings.
  • Steps for creating a Food Babe approved lunch anywhere.
  • Tips to plan ahead for successful meals that are healthy and keep you full and satisfied all day.

This bonus offer expires at midnight PST tonight. When you sign up for the Food Babe Membership Program, you'll get 90+ pages of my first hand advice…

Food Babe Starter Guide:

  • "The Terrible 20" ingredients that keep you from losing weight, where to spot them and what to eat instead.
  • Top organic budget tips and organic shopping priority list.
  • Strategies on how to curb cravings and stay on track in the face of temptation.
  • How to avoid bad advice that can sabotage your weight loss goals.
  • How to adopt a routine that will help you accomplish your health goals without even thinking about it.

Monthly Meal Plans:

  • 19 new delicious recipes every month (breakfasts, lunches, family dinners, salad dressing, and green drinks)
  • Meal calendar outlining daily menus.
  • Detailed grocery list and approved brands.
  • You'll receive a brand new meal plan every month while you're a member!

You'll also receive…

  • Food Babe Pantry List: How to remake your pantry and stock it for success (with recommended brands!)
  • Substitution Chart: We've got you covered if you have an allergy, or don't have an ingredient available and need a substitution. Helpful ingredient suggestions for food allergies or picky eaters. Variety is the spice of life, learn new ways to use ingredients for recipes on the fly.
  • Success Journal: The ultimate tool to hold yourself accountable and keep yourself on track. Proven to deliver results!
  • Exclusive Member-Only Forum: Get support from the Food Babe team and other members on the program. This is where you can cheer each other on and share your success!
  • All the guides are downloadable and ready to view on your smartphone, computer or iPad instantly.

All members get exclusive access to live group check-ins with me, where you can ask me anything and we can spend time getting to know each other. Our next check-in is in just a couple weeks and you'll get an exclusive invite after you sign up. If you'd like to learn more, I've created a video to explain it all.

It's time to make all your dreams come true and make your health your #1 priority. You can start right now here.



P.S. If you have any additional questions about the program, check out the FAQ and feel free to reply to this email. Remember the bonuses + 6 months free offer is only available tonight until Midnight PST. Have a great weekend!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

See what I’m eating in a new live video! (Membership closes tonight)

It's almost the weekend - yeah! It's been a crazy week for me and let me tell ya, I'd NEVER be able to stick to a healthy diet without the meal plans provided in the Food Babe Membership Program. We are all exposed to foods on that can sabotage our health, weight and looks. Back when I used to work in a busy office, I ate whatever everyone else was eating, and that was a big mistake!

Thankfully, I broke free from this mentality, started thinking for myself and taking back control of my food. Not only did I lose weight when I did this, my entire body changed. This program has taught hundreds of others to do the same.

Yesterday, I went on live video to show you what a typical day looks like following the meal plan - breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks - so you can see if it's right for you. I also answered your frequently asked questions - like "how much time do I need to spend cooking?" (The answer is less than 30 mins and sometimes as fast as 5 minutes!) Watch a replay of the video here!

The yearly membership offers closes tonight at Midnight. No exceptions.

You can get an additional 6 months free + instant access to 3 bonus guides when you sign up. Join us here by tonight!

Witnessing so many transformations from eating a typical processed diet to this new way of life, gives me even more confirmation that dedicating my life to helping others was the best decision I've ever made.


"The excess fat literally melted off my body. I lost 35lbs in 4 months by eating The Food Babe Way and I have been able to maintain my current weight and lifestyle with help from the Eating Guides. Through the last year, I have found that I have more energy, my eyes and skin are clearer and I sleep much better than I did before. My family jokingly now calls me their own Food Babe." ~ MRP

"Since purchasing the annual membership and transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle, we feel so much better and we have both lost 15 pounds each! Not only are we living a healthier life because we are eating better, but we are decreasing the chance of developing ailments!!!" ~ Joe and Sue

"I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months!" ~ Anne

"The recipes are easy to prepare, delicious and I can always trust that ingredients are the cleanest possible. Since I started following Food Babe's eating principals I have felt so much better physically. I don't feel like I am "denying" myself by passing up chemical-laden artificially-colored sweets, whereas I used to have to resist temptation constantly with sweets. I have higher energy, feel more attractive, and feel more in control of my appetite." ~ Nina

"My clothes fit so much better, and I'm not bloated all the time." ~ Jack

"I love knowing what exactly is going into my food and it actually tastes better than restaurants!" ~ Rachel

When I get feedback like this, it makes my heart sing!

Yes, we've worked together and gotten big companies to change their ingredients and become more transparent and that's amazing. But these success stories from real people like you keep me going the strongest and will make the biggest impact on the food industry in the long run!

When you sign up, not only are you setting yourself up for a healthy life but you are also supporting the investigations I bring you completely free each month. Taking on the big food industry is no easy task but with your support it's happening!

After watching this video if you still have questions just shoot me back an email. My team and I are here to help!



P.S. Remember this offer closes at Midnight tonight. If you sign up for a year by this Friday (9/8), you'll get an additional 6 months free + access to 3 amazing bonuses, hundreds of pages of tricks, tips, and "Food Babe Approved" recipes will be available to you instantly. 

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Answer to your #1 question

After years of trial and error, I now know the one thing that has helped me look and feel my best was having a plan. Without a solid plan in place that outlines exactly what I plan to eat each week (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, everything!) - I would never be able succeed at my goals.

We are bombarded with processed food at every turn, and when you try to go through life without a written meal plan and a properly stocked kitchen, it's WAY TOO EASY to fall into all the tempting junk foods around us. When I started this blog, the number one question I got from friends and family was this…

"Can you develop a weight loss meal plan for me – and give me everything I need to know – the ingredients, the shopping list, the menu, what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it?" They'd go on to say... "I'll do anything to get to my ideal weight"... "Please show me what you're doing because I want to do it too"...  and begged me for help.

I've opened up my own personal Meal Planning Service to all of you - so you can eat exactly like I do every day. You'll no longer have to worry about trying to figure out what foods to buy at the store or what to make for dinner. I'll give you my easy-to-follow meal plan for success, every single month! Join all of us here.

Of course, you don't need to use my plan to succeed at your goals. There's no reason why you can't just stock your pantry with the healthiest foods and develop your own meal schedule and shopping list each week. In fact, I consider it imperative to do so. But when you subscribe to my Meal Plans - your food decisions will be SO EASY because I do all the work for you. Plus, the monthly recipes are always delicious and strategically designed to help you get healthy and slim or help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It'll make your life easier, less complicated, and help you adopt essential habits that last a lifetime.

See everything you get (plus bonuses!) when you sign up here.

This week only (ends tomorrow 9/8!) I'm offering an additional 6 months free when you sign up for a year. I'm also giving away all three bonuses to new yearly members…

BONUS #1: The Food Babe Slim Down ($29.99 value)

  • 50 favorite slimming recipes from my personal collection for breakfast, grab-and-go healthy lunches, family friendly main meals, soups, salads, juices, smoothies, snacks and desserts.
  • All designed to help your body shed unwanted pounds and detox naturally.

BONUS #2: Real Food Slow Cooker Guide ($29.99 value)

  • All you need for healthy, easy and delicious one-pot meals that are full of flavor, filling, and can be made in a pinch.
  • No more excuses for not having enough time to make a home cooked meal.
  • Over 50 recipes included!

BONUS #3: Love Your Lunch Guide ($24.99 value)

  • 30 quick and easy everyday lunch recipes to look forward to + 10 basic condiment recipes to spice up any meal.
  • Make ahead options for those busy mornings.
  • Steps for creating a Food Babe approved lunch anywhere.
  • Tips to plan ahead for successful meals that are healthy and keep you full and satisfied all day.

Here are all the details.

Once you sign up, dozens of pages of life changing advice & recipes will be available to download immediately. My team and I are here to support you in your journey, answering any question you have along the way.

We can't control what the food industry is doing to our food, but we can control what we put in our mouths every day. This plan will dramatically reduce your exposure to the toxins in your food and help you finally break free from our broken food system.

It's time to make living in an over-processed food world a piece of cake!

You can start now right here.


P.S. I know you are going to love this program – the feedback has been amazing…

"The recipes are easy to prepare, delicious and I can always trust that ingredients are the cleanest possible. Since I started following Food Babe's eating principals I have felt so much better physically. I don't feel like I am "denying" myself by passing up chemical-laden artificially-colored sweets, whereas I used to have to resist temptation constantly with sweets. I have higher energy, feel more attractive, and feel more in control of my appetite." ~ Nina

"The thing I have noticed most about using the food guides is that I actually love cooking! I wasn't so much of a cook before. I love knowing what exactly is going into my food and it actually tastes better than restaurants!" ~ Rachel

"THIS MEMBERSHIP IS THE BEST MONEY SPENT! Our health is priceless and this membership is our Bible. Since purchasing the annual membership and transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle, we feel so much better and we have both lost 15 pounds each! Not only are we living a healthier life because we are eating better, but we are decreasing the chance of developing ailments!" ~ Joe & Sue

"I started my journey at 216, and as of this morning, I am down 9.6 pounds which is great. What I am most proud of is taking control of my health and eating habits. When I ate according to the food guide for two weeks I felt great and had energy and my headaches disappeared. When I slipped back into my drive through habit and ate processed foods I felt bloated and crappy and my headaches returned. There is no doubt in my mind that eating organically as much as possible is beneficial. The Food Babe is just what we need." ~ Kerry

"I would encourage anyone to read her articles and get her menu plans. As for me, I have lost sixty six pounds to date. Let me encourage each of you to take this amazing journey. You will never look back in defeat again. It is beyond worth it." ~ Jennifer



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Healthy meal plans for looking and feeling your best!

The only person who can control your health is you. I didn't understand this growing up. Instead, I believed what everyone else around me was telling me. I looked up to several authoritative figures, organizations and companies and blindly followed them as many people do today.

The food industry and organizations like "Weight Watchers" told me I could eat anything I wanted as long as I checked the calories or points and fat grams. I followed their advice and found myself always in a struggle to maintain my weight. Their advice left me with no energy and feeling hungry all the time.

I outsourced my meals to restaurants like Subway, who told me I would "eat fresh" and lose weight if I ordered their sandwiches. I believed them and so many other restaurant chains that were serving me industrial chemicals instead of real food. For so long, I looked to everyone else for answers. I didn't know that everything I believed for most of my life would be turned upside down once I started to investigate this for myself. My biggest lesson learned during all of this discovery has been: I cannot outsource my health or my food.

As a result, I learned how to stop trusting my health, my weight, and my life to the food industry - and this is how the Food Babe Membership Program was born.

This all-encompassing program has everything you need to succeed – including live online check-in's with yours truly to coach your way to success! I'll show you how to easily avoid GMOs and risky food additives, so you'll feel and look your best. I'll help keep you accountable and on the wagon so you never fall off. Whether you want to make a change to your diet and don't know where to start or if you know what to eat but just need a little push to go that extra mile, this is the program that will do it for you. It's helped hundreds of members get healthy, lose weight, and look their best....

See how this program changes lives here.

The positive experiences of our members means so much to me because it shows me the power that the Food Babe Membership Program has. One of our longtime members shared the following experience that her and her husband have had with the program and I'm so moved by their story. I love all that they've accomplished, and I'm sharing her letter with you because I know it will inspire you too:

"We started out with being very concerned about all the additives and preservatives that food companies are ALLOWED to put in our food and we did a lot of research on what they are doing to us everyday we eat those foods. We were determined to make a change in our lives and help those around us to become more aware. Then we found Food Babe. Food Babe was the person who was going to help us complete our mission: To live a long healthy life together! We wondered how we would make such a drastic, BUT IMPORTANT, change with there being so much information we needed to understand about additives, preservatives, going organic, reading labels, looking for symbols and numbers, etc… We always say it is like learning a new language.

Then we saw the Food Babe membership and it provided all the information we needed to transition by providing us with a Starter Guide AND it provided us with a Monthly Eating Guide, which helped us when going to Earth Fare. THIS MEMBERSHIP IS THE BEST MONEY SPENT! Our health is priceless and this membership is our Bible.

Since purchasing the annual membership and transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle, we feel so much better and we have both lost 15 pounds each! Not only are we living a healthier life because we are eating better, but we are decreasing the chance of developing ailments!!!

We felt so much better eating healthy and avoiding all the processed food, junk food, and all unhealthy foods. Our bodies felt lighter, not bloated, and the healthy habits like lemon water and dandelion tea….they make us feel so great! Between the healthy food and healthy habits, we lost so much weight! WE believe there is a reason for everything and why people come into our lives, why Food Babe came into our lives." ~ Joe and Sue

Read more Food Babe member success stories here.

I can't wait to help you on this journey. Remember what I said in my last email, it's time to stop being the victim, let go of the fear and take back control. Accomplishing your goals is not always easy – but can be with this program and the help of my team. If you're unhappy with the way you are eating or need help – this is the plan you've been looking for.


If you sign up for a year by this Friday (9/8), you'll get an additional 6 months free + access to 3 amazing bonuses, hundreds of pages of tricks, tips, and "Food Babe Approved" recipes will be available to you instantly.

Any questions about this membership program? Let us know by replying to this email.



P.S. I always want to help and inspire people to live healthy and vibrant lives - and when I hear stories like these, I feel so happy. You can read another incredible Food Babe Membership success story by Jennifer here. Isn't she amazing? You can be next. Simply sign up here.




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Fast food you can eat

Earlier this week I asked you "Do you have obstacles that prevent you from eating healthy? What are they?".... and got thousands of responses via email and Facebook. They're still rolling in. As my team and I read them…we've noticed ONE BIG OBSTACLE that's affecting nearly everyone - and I want to help you with that right now!

The biggest obstacle most of us face is lack of time. We're looking for convenience and want healthy food on the fly… but this can be a real struggle in our processed fast food world. Below are strategies that work wonders for me...

  • It all boils down to planning. I could never stick to my busy schedule without a solid eating plan in place. On your day off, write out exactly what you plan to eat for dinner every night for the next 7 days (if you know you're meeting friends for dinner one night, put that on your schedule too). Then try to eat the same couple of breakfasts and lunches you can repeat throughout the week.
  • Use your meal plan to write out a shopping list so that you aren't going to the grocery store blind, and consider keeping a master list of the items that you pick up weekly.
  • Make enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch the next day - that way you only cook once and get at least 2 meals out of it. You can also eat the same breakfast every day for a week to keep the planning simple.
  • Prepping some items early in the week such as dressings, spice mixes, sauces, cooked beans, meats, chia pudding and smoothie packs can make a world of difference! I like to make a big pot of soup on the weekends so that we have something healthy to eat throughout the week - just pair it with a green salad and you've got a meal!
  • Keep a list of healthier restaurants and specific items you can buy at the grocery store that are convenient and healthy. You can keep this list on your phone or wallet, so next time you find yourself hungry and away from home you'll have good options. Download the Food Babe Dining Out Guide (free download) for some "Food Babe Approved" options!
  • Develop a repertoire of at least 5 healthy meals that you can throw together quickly with a short list of ingredients that are usually in your pantry. That might sound like a daunting task, but it really is pretty convenient to throw together a veggie stir-fry or some rice & beans. Just list out some easy favorites and tack it on the fridge to remind you what to eat when you are too tired to cook anything crazy.
  • Convenient healthy snacks include fruit, nuts, hummus, and veggie sticks (that you can chop up and keep in your fridge or bring to work).

I hope these tips help you eat the healthiest foods when you're crunched for time. But, before I wish you a happy weekend, I've got one more question for ya...

What are your personal health goals? Spend some time this weekend pondering this question. Ask yourself what is really important to you and why....

Do you want to lose weight so you can fit into your favorite pair of jeans again?

Is there a health issue you want to improve so you can do an activity you used to enjoy?

Do you want to increase your physical fitness so you can chase your kids (or grandkids) at the park?

If you changed to a whole food organic diet how would it change your life?

Write your goals down. Writing them down is REALLY important, because it helps you plan to succeed! Discuss your goals with your family or a loved one and ask them them to support you. Having someone else that has your back and will help to hold you accountable can make a real difference.

Watch your inbox on Monday for some additional resources - and have a great weekend!



P.S. Feel free to share this email with anyone who may be suffering from these healthy eating obstacles too and ask them to join our community here.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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