As part of the Food Babe Army, I doubt you're filling your carts up with Trix and Lucky Charms at the grocery store, BUT I have some really idiotic news about Trix and let me explain why I'm so ANGRY about it.
People sometimes criticize me for writing about processed junk foods like Trix because they think it's obvious how unhealthy it is but there are still a lot of people out there who do not know this information. They do not know what additives like Yellow #5 and TBHQ could be doing to their health or the health of their kids. They do not know that there could be Roundup weedkiller in their Cheerios, silly putty in their french fries, or wood in their cheese. We still need to reach these people! That's why it's important to keep raising awareness of these issues and share this news.
General Mills just announced they're putting the artificial dyes – Yellow #6, Blue #1, Red #40 – back into Trix Cereal because they were "besieged" by customer complaints since they removed these dyes two years ago.
This upsets me to no end because I know there are thousands of children who are suffering greatly due to the use of these dyes in their food, and their parents are struggling to find out what's going on.
Since we launched the successful petition which got the artificial dyes out of Kraft Mac n' Cheese, I've received countless letters from parents who have seen their children's behavior, skin, and health change DRAMATICALLY after artificial food dyes were removed from their diets. Today on the blog I shared a remarkable story about how one little boy's life was changed forever when he stopped eating food dyes following our petition. This is what his mother had to say after solving the mystery behind her son's behavioral issues...
"I never in a million years would have thought additives in food could be linked to Cameron's behavior, but after seeing the cravings for and withdrawal from food coloring, I can honestly say it should be illegal. It is addictive and mind-altering, just like any other drug. After consulting many allergists, dermatologists, pediatricians & pediatric rheumatologists for more than five years, and not getting help, we finally figured out my son's issues. It began with an online petition and continued with the help and guidance of the Feingold Association. Happily, Kraft removed the synthetic food coloring from its Mac & Cheese in 2016." ~ Feingold Association Pure Facts Newsletter, September 2017
Read Cameron's remarkable transformation story after he stopped eating dyes here.
I am so moved by this story and hope this information helps every family out there who is affected by the dyes in our food. I truly believe if consumers knew that these colors are derived from petroleum, what they do to their bodies and how they have been shown to affect children, they would not want to eat them. We clearly still have so much work to do and need to keep spreading the truth. Please share this email and Cameron's story with your loved ones. You never know who it may help!
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