Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to choose rice to avoid arsenic poisoning…

When headlines broke that store-bought rice was contaminated with arsenic – I felt pretty upset and almost completely lost my appetite for rice!

Since then, I've had a lot of conversations with experts and consumer advocacy organizations and thankfully, there is a safer way to enjoy rice. I discuss that and share a new rice recipe that combines cooked and raw food.

Combining cooked and raw food is one of my favorite ways to increase the available nutrients in meals – try it and let me know what you think!

Read the brand new post here.



P.S. Here are some of my other favorite rice recipes…


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Making myself stronger + New Post

There's no doubt we have made a lot of enemies with the investigations I conduct and share with all of you. So many enemies that I am just now learning about how far they have gone and are continuing to go to stop our food movement.

The bottom line? People make a lot of money selling us cheap processed food, chemical ingredients and industrial byproducts that we all end up eating.

It doesn't matter how hard they come at us – I only have to look as far as my own family to keep me courageous and brave enough to share this information with you.

I've been dealing with a lot these past few weeks with my Dad in the hospital. And dealing with it all has strengthened my resolve to continue to share the truth no matter what. I don't want to end up where my Dad is today and I certainly don't want my family to deal with this type of crisis when I get older. I hope to share more of this story with you – but right now I'm a little too emotional to get it down in words.

Until then, I have a new post - I am completely disgusted by this ingredient in our food.

It's an industrial waste product invented by Proctor & Gamble and most Americans (and many people in other countries) eat it and really shouldn't - it's extracted with hexane - a carcinogenic gas, can produce its own insecticide and is sprayed with very toxic pesticides.

It's important for you to know where this is hiding in your food and for you to ask questions until you get answers.

Read the brand new post here.






P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Monday, May 16, 2016

It’s not just the food!

When I was younger I used to suffer from eczema - and it was all over my face. I tried different types of treatments, but nothing really worked until I changed my diet and began eating fresh organic food.

Even after I changed my diet, one product that continued to cause me issues was sunscreen lotion. Every time after a beach vacation or going to the pool, I'd end up with a rash on my face or body. I wondered if I'd eaten something that I was allergic to. Little did I know at the time – the culprit was sunscreen!

Remember, your skin is your largest organ.

It covers and protects everything on your body. How you treat it is incredibly important to your health. However, the skin is one of the most unappreciated organs, and one that I used to totally take for granted, slathering products full of toxic chemicals on it day after day.

The unknown long-term consequences of the chemicals in sunscreen are just starting to be revealed and go beyond the common skin rash. Here in the United States, the FDA does not regulate cosmetics as rigorously as pharmaceuticals or food – allowing cosmetic companies to get away with using all types of chemical ingredients that are not used and in some cases banned in other countries. Sounds familiar – eh?

Now, I am very careful about not only the food that I eat, but also the products that I apply to my skin. Here are some general rules for choosing a safe sunscreen:

  • Look for titanium dioxide and zinc oxide based mineral sunscreens, which do not penetrate the skin and provide UVA protection against the sun's most damaging rays.
  • Choose non-nano products that do not have small particles that can absorb into skin.
  • Choose sunscreens that are unscented or use essential oils as fragrance.
  • Pick lotion based sunscreens that are labeled "Very Water Resistant".
  • Choose sunscreen products that are rated "0" to "2" in the Environmental  Working Group's Sunscreen Guide.

One brand that meets (and exceeds) these guidelines is Raw Elements, the first ever certified non-GMO and organic sunscreen. It is rated a "1" by the Environmental Working Group and is Leaping Bunny Certified.

I partnered with Raw Elements a couple years ago because I'm such a huge fan of their products. Their sunscreen provides amazing coverage when I'm out in the sun and you can even apply it while you are in the water! I use their tinted stick on my face and their lotion all over my body. I love to snorkel and scuba dive, so I need to have good protection in the water – this stuff stays on, which is a blessing! This year, they came out with new plastic-free packaging which is great.

As a partner of, they are offering 10% OFF all products in their online shop when you use the code: FOODBABE (expires May 20, 2016). 

These products work great for children of all ages. Hope you enjoy the discount we are offering and the sun this week wherever you are!



P.S. To get the 10% off please remember to use the code "FOODBABE" at checkout this week - a small portion of all sales go to supporting our mission - so thank you!


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Friday, May 13, 2016

8 Healing Herbs You Can Grow

Posted: 13 May 2016 01:34 PM PDT

Please note: Healing herbs are not meant to be medicinal, and that you must be careful that any plant you ingest is safe for you and your family.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile is known by almost everyone for it's ability to ease us into sleep, when steeped into a tea. It also is used for stomach upset. Dry the flowers for long term storage in ziploc bags, or use them fresh steeped into a tea. This is a gentle herb that can be used for children as well.

The best variety to grow, and the most commonly used for tea is German Chamomile. This is an annual that grows into a bushy plant about 2 feet tall. It prefers well draining soil, full sun to part shade, and moderate water. Chamomile is easy to grow from seed.

2. Feverfew

Feverfew (Tanacetum) has had some scientific studies done on it's use for migraine headaches, with some positive results. Brewed into a tea, feverfew is best used as a preventative for migraines.

Grow Feverfew from seed, sprinkled onto the soil in early spring. Like Chamomile, it needs light to germinate, so don't cover, just water in. Give it plenty of sun and you will be rewarded with hundreds of tiny button daisy flowers on a 20 inch bush. This is also an annual, but tends to self seed liberally. Also like Chamomile, brew flowers into a tea.

3. Lavender

Lavender is used to ease tension, and is generally used in aromatherapy… that is, the scent is used in oils and infusions. It is also edible, the flowers being used in salads or drinks, and can also be brewed into any tea.

Easy to grow, lavender loves the sun, and is drought resistant. It does fine in poor soil, but the soil must be well drained. It will not tolerate heavy soil. Several different types and colors are available , the most common is English Lavender, but French Lavender and Spanish Lavender are popular as well, although less hardy. The varieties bloom at slightly different times, but usually from later spring through mid summer, with another short flush in the fall.  A short lived perennial, it will come back for several years, but will then tend to die back, stating in the center of the plant. Luckily, you will find many volunteers popping up ready to take it's place. Did we mention, it's gorgeous as well?

4. Peppermint

Peppermint is one of the tummy trouble remedies I actually use, and so do my kids… It really does help relieve nausea and even stomach cramps. It can be energizing as well.

Peppermint is an aggressive plant that can take over a garden if you let it! Although I love growing any kind of mint, if you don't want to be pulling it like a weed, plant it in pots. Prefers afternoon shade in hot areas, can tolerate some shade in any area. Perennial that comes back every year. Grows best in fertile, moist soil. Flowers are not showy. Foliage is aromatic, and leaves are edible in salads, sauces and can even be frozen in ice cubes to refresh cold drinks.

5. Thyme (Thymol)

Thyme is a powerful antiseptic and astringent. Used for coughs and sore throats, it is gargled with or made into a tea, usually in combination with other herbs. Also used as a disinfectant spray.

Thyme is an herb that has become popular with several decorative varieties in the last few years, including one of my favorites, 'Doone Valley Thyme' with its pink flowers. Flowers are tiny but plentiful, and the plant loves sun and tolerates drought. Varieties exist from the low growing 'creeping Thyme', to the parent variety, common thyme. Common thyme has been said to have the highest level of Thymol, or oils. A semi woody shrub, it is useful in the garden as well as the kitchen.  Easy plant to grow.

6. Garlic

Garlic is one of those herbs that continues to prove it's health benefits. Long known for it's cardiovascular health benefits, it is also used as an anti viral and anti fungal… In my opinion, the best way to take advantage of the healing powers of garlic is to cook with it!

Garlic is easy to grow, especially if you already grow vegetables. Each clove from a garlic bulb will grow into it's own bulb, and yes, you can plant from grocery store garlic. Simply soak them in a jar of water with a tablespoon of baking soda before planting, to prevent fungal diseases.

Plant garlic in fall, and allow to overwinter. In June or July, when the green stalks are 3/4 brown, gently dig up bulbs and tie together several bunches, then hang to dry. Store in a dry, cool place. Make really good pasta!

7. Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is used in a tea for anxiety. Just pick the leaves as desired and brew.

Grow lemon balm in  partly shady area for best results. Rich, moist soil will give you the best plants with the highest amount of oils in the leaves. Being a tender perennial, it will not survive any but the modest winters.

8. Parsley

Lastly, we have parsley. More than a garnish at the side of the plate, parsley helps cleanse the liver, flush the system of excess water and soothes the stomach.

Parsley prefers part shade and rich soil, and does well grown indoors in a sunny windowsill. I prefer to grow the flat leaved variety. Give afternoon shade in hot areas. Harvest by cuttings leaves as needed.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Last chance - This program ends at midnight tonight.

The food corporations, restaurants and fast food joints do not control our health - we do! The first step to gaining back control is to stop outsourcing our meals and get back into the kitchen. If you've been saying to yourself that you don't have time, I know we can help. So many proven resources are waiting for you:

  • A community to hold you accountable and cheer you on
  • New meal plans with Food Babe approved ingredients every month
  • Valuable time saving tips to keep you on track with your busy life
  • Live time with me so we can work through any specific challenges or questions
  • Inspiration to keep you and your family engaged and excited about healthy eating

And this is the very last day you can get instant access to these 2 bonus health guides (a $54.98 value) when you join the Food Babe Eating Guide Program:

  1. Dining-out Guide: Eat anywhere, anytime! I break down the healthiest choices at over 40 fast food and chain restaurants so that you'll always be able to find something healthy no matter where you are. This is a must have survival guide.
  2. Smoothies For Health Guide: Brand new smoothie recipes geared towards how you are feeling and what your current mood is. We'll give you smoothie recipes to help you sleep, deal with anxiety, and even balancing your body after you may have fallen off track.

All the details for how to download these guides are offered here.

If you have any doubts about what this program can do for you, just read these stories from members here and here. They are very inspiring! 

If you have any additional questions about the program: Check out the FAQ and feel free to reach out to us by simply replying to this email.

It's time to make all your dreams come true and make your health your #1 priority. You can start right now here.


P.S. Remember this program closes in just a few hours. Your free guides valued at over $50 will be no longer be available after Midnight. 















P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

I’m heading to McDonald’s. You in?

Ha ha, okay I'm just kidding with you!

I may not really be heading to McDonald's, but I know there are times when you are away from home and it feels like you have no other option than to speed through a fast food drive-thru. Also, you might be living in an area that doesn't offer much in the way of healthy foods, especially at restaurants, and that can be really frustrating.

Let's face it… we can't always cook everything that we eat ourselves.

Whether you are traveling, meeting a friend for dinner, or simply just tired of cooking – it's inevitable that you sometimes eat out at restaurants.

You've seen the enormous amount of food additives used at most restaurants in my investigations. The vast majority of them serve heavily processed food full of GMOs, refined sugar, preservatives, and other additives that can rob you of your health.

It's downright shocking and has made me so angry at times that I feel like my head will explode! If you have ever felt confused and frustrated when trying to figure out what's healthy on the menu, you are not alone.

The number one question I get asked is what to order at restaurants.

Outsourcing your food to restaurants can be a disaster. It can make you pack on the pounds if you don't do it right. Ingesting invented food chemicals all day long won't do your body (or your health) any favors and I know this from personal experience!

In my early 20's, I worked for a large company that generously catered our meals from local restaurants. Subway… Chick-Fil-A… Starbucks… late-night Krispy Kreme…

I ate it all… and gained 30 pounds in only three months! Can you relate?

It took me years to figure out why restaurant foods were making me feel fat, sick, and tired all the time. Once I did – I began living a healthy lifestyle that has allowed me to lose all my unwanted pounds, and made me feel better than I ever thought was possible! I've now made it my mission to help others do the same.

I'm sure you wouldn't be here unless you were concerned about how to find the healthiest food to feed yourself and your family, so let me help you!

I've found a way to dine out at restaurants without sacrificing my health and will show you how in my Dining Out Guide, which I'm offering as a special BONUS when you join me here by this Friday, May 6th (tomorrow)!

One of the best ways to take control of your health is to control what you put into your mouth. That can be hard to do, unless you read the ingredient list to see what's in your food. Yet – you've probably had a hard time knowing exactly WHAT you are eating when eating at a restaurant.

Have you ever asked for ingredients at a restaurant and gotten a blank stare? Let me tell ya… I've been there!

Most restaurants don't list ingredients on their menu and only a few disclose ingredients online. Employees often don't know what the ingredients are and are too busy to check for you. Many restaurants claim their ingredients are "Proprietary" and refuse to disclose them even if you call!

So, how are you supposed to know if you are eating carrageenan, sodium benzoate, yellow #5, GMOs, or cottonseed oil without seeing an ingredient list???

The hard truth is that unless the restaurant is willing to tell you what is exactly in their food… you'll never know. That is the dilemma that we all face, and it's one that I know all too well.

In my personal life, I spent countless hours on the road and was met with the task of figuring out what I could eat that wouldn't sabotage my healthy eating lifestyle. For years, I studied the types of ingredients that are often used in specific dishes and at specific restaurants. Through much trial and error, I've learned what to order and the right questions to ask – and it's made healthy eating anywhere a breeze!

With my Dining Out Guide, you'll always find healthy options when away from home!

You'll learn to forget all about the misleading marketing messages and so-called "healthy options" offered by the mass-produced food giants… and find the best menu items that aren't loaded with junk!

I'll give you real food suggestions to consider next time you're in line at the drive-thru, at the grocery store, or in a restaurant where the menu is in a foreign language! I also include my advice for ordering at any ethnic restaurant, so whether you're at a local Mexican, Chinese, or Indian restaurant, you'll know how to spot the healthiest options!

Here's a recap of everything that is covered in this guide:

  • Real food suggestions at over 40 fast food and chain restaurants, including: Chilis, Subway, Wendy's, Starbucks, Olive Garden, Applebee's, Red Lobster, Burger King and many many more!
  • Guidelines for avoiding GMOs in restaurants.
  • Questions to ask your server to find the healthiest options.
  • How to pack a "survival kit" for GMO-free eating on the go.
  • Navigating any restaurant menu for success.
  • Grocery store quick guide for when you're stranded without any other options.

I normally offer this guide for $29.99, but if you join the Food Babe Eating Guide Program (starting at $9.99/month) The Dining Out Guide is free as a special bonus until Midnight tomorrow.

The Food Babe Eating Guide Program is strategically designed to take the guesswork out of nutrient dense eating. When you join, each month you'll get new exclusive content that will make life easier, less complicated and help you adopt essential habits that will last a lifetime. The feedback that we've received from members has been outstanding and I'd love for you to join us!

Once you sign up, hundreds of pages of life changing advice and recipes will be available to download immediately by logging into your profile. You'll get access to special video content, a member-only forum, and live webinar check ins with me too (the next webinar is in two weeks)!

Join us here & get your Dining Out Guide instantly. 

We are here to support you in your journey, answering any question you have along the way. Feel free to reach out to me!



P.S. The two bonuses that I'm offering this week, the Dining Out Guide + Smoothies For Health Guide are both available only through TOMORROW, Friday, May 6th. Sign up here - I don't want you to miss out.




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unhappy with the way you are eating?

If you're unhappy with the way you are eating or need help – we are here for you.

Hands down, the most rewarding part of my job is helping you and that is why I have dedicated my life to doing whatever I can to help all of you acheive your health goals. We've asked you to share your success stories with us here and I'm so happy to see how many of you are now on the right path with your health!

If you aren't there yet, that is okay! I will show you how to get there.

Recently, my team and I heard from Kerry, a Food Babe Eating Guide member, and we asked her if we could share her personal story. I am so encouraged by what Kerry has done, as she hasn't had to turn her life upside down to make a positive change - she is simply taking it day by day and not trying to be "perfect" - yet she is losing weight and feeling healthier as a result! She is also finding that she enjoys spending time in her kitchen again. Her story is real and it's a good testament to what can happen if you start making small changes to your diet and take it just one day at a time!

Here is Kerry's story...

"I started my journey at 216, and as of this morning, I am down 9.6 pounds which is great. What I am most proud of is taking control of my health and eating habits. When I ate according to the food guide for two weeks I felt great and had energy and my headaches disappeared. When I slipped back into my drive through habit and ate processed foods I felt bloated and crappy and my headaches returned. There is no doubt in my mind that eating organically as much as possible is beneficial. Sure, it was expensive at first to stock the cabinets and very time consuming to go through my kitchen and throw out the junk. My goal is not to be perfect but to be wise in my food choices and take responsibility for my current condition (which is improving).

The best part about changing my health is cooking. I forgot how much I like to cook and using the meal prep guide is fun and keeps me on track while looking ahead. I space my times for eating to every four hours and when I am tempted to eat, I ask myself why? Is it out of habit, boredom, or am I eating to postpone an unpleasant task? If I am really hungry I eat and don't worry about it.

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is one of my very favorite foods, but I no longer eat it (per my agreement) I guess I should say, I no longer consider this my favorite food. I ate a so called healthy burger and was amazed how salty it tasted. My taste buds are changing. I love using new spices such as curry in my chicken and having cucumber in my green drink and putting fresh ginger in hot water for tea.

The Food Babe is just what we need. I will become more of a testimony to my family and friends once they see me gain health, vitality, and lose weight. They have heard my "diet plans" so much they are immune to what I say. They just kind of pat me on the head with a "There, there, God bless her, she keeps trying." ~ Kerry

You can read more stories here.

The old motto, "Garbage In, Garbage Out", is so true! There is no doubt about it - you feel horrible when you feed your body fast and processed food.

One part of Kerry's story that I can really relate to is when she went back to a drive-thru fast food lifestyle, she felt "bloated and crappy" and her headaches returned. I've learned that the only way to feel great is to stop outsourcing my food to corporations and spend more time preparing meals at home. When I began cooking and eating whole foods, my health soared as a result - and now I never look back.

It's time to stop outsourcing our health to the food industry and take back control.

I know that many of you don't know where to start, or even how to cook (believe me, I've been there). I've figured out how to navigate this over-processed food world and I'm going to show you how to do it with ease, peace of mind and an easy-to-follow plan.

The Food Babe Eating Guide is a program that will help you opt out of this broken system and finally break free from the grips of the food industry. We can't control what they are doing to our food, but we can control what we put in our mouths every day.  

For as little as $17.99 (or $9.99 a month for a year subscription) you'll have our full support every month plus a Starter Guide, a new Monthly Eating Guide each month, access to live webinars with me, exclusive videos, a community forum + amazing bonuses - A Smoothie for Health Guide & Dining Out Guide

Living an organic lifestyle is not always easy – but can be with these guides and the help from my team.

Remember, if you're unhappy with the way you are eating or need help – we are here for you.


Much Love,


P.S. Remember these bonuses are only available through this Friday, May 6, at Midnight. Next week I'm getting back to investigating, so stay tuned!





















P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

One simple thing I do (almost everyday!)

Today on the blog I share something near and dear to my heart… one thing that I do every day that has dramatically improved my skin and my overall health. I realize that making sweeping changes to your diet can be a challenge, and that to succeed you need to take small steps like this - and that is why I'm sharing this with you!

If you feel overwhelmed and like you are burdened down with responsibilities and distractions that keep you from eating healthy - this is one easy thing you can do to make all the difference.

Read the new post here.

Also remember that I'm offering 2 special bonus health guides - but only through this Friday, May 6th!

If you want my team and I to personally help you with your healthy living goals, this is a program that you don't want to miss. When you join, you'll get hundreds of pages of my tested tricks and tips to make healthy eating mindless, and a monthly meal plan full of Food Babe approved recipes and guidelines to help you detox naturally every day. You'll also get exclusive how-to videos and access to live group check-ins with me, where you can ask me anything.

As a bonus when you join by Friday, I'll also send you my Dining Out Guide so that you'll always be able to find healthy options on the fly whether you are traveling or too tired to cook for yourself at home. This comes along with a brand spanking new Smoothies For Health Guide that will help you take your smoothie game up to the next level with some of my favorite healthy smoothie recipes to satisfy any mood.

I can't wait to see you there! Here's where to join and download your guides.










P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Additional help is here!

I hope that you were able to spend some time this weekend thinking about your health goals and tried some of the quick solutions that I sent you on Friday. I'm still reading through your emails and I see how many of you are struggling out there. Sticking to a healthy eating plan is something we all need help with and I have some resources here for you to check out that I know you will love!

Even if you know what to eat… Living a real food lifestyle is definitely NOT easy.

Life can get in the way and throw us totally off track. One of the biggest obstacles that people face when ditching processed food is the time and energy that it takes to find and make the right food decisions. Always thinking about what to eat next can be stressful and figuring out something healthy to cook at the last minute totally sucks!

One of the quick solutions I gave you on Friday was to write out a meal plan for yourself every week. Having a meal plan has been absolutely crucial to my success and I'd never be able to do it otherwise. But, even that takes quite a bit of effort and time. You have to ask yourself questions…

  • What healthy recipes do we like?
  • Which meals will help me reach my goals?
  • Which brand of (xxxx) should I buy at the store?
  • What can we eat when we go to a restaurant?

And then you still have to write yourself out a shopping list so you don't forget anything. It can become a real job if you aren't used to making it a regular habit.

What if I could do that work for you?

After I spent years juggling meal planning, food shopping and cooking, I consulted with a nutritionist and worked with my team to create an Eating Guide Program. This is more than a meal planning service, it will keep you on track, help you lose weight (if you need to) or maintain the healthy lifestyle you may have already built. This program makes eating a healthy diet practically mindless (and delicious)!

I put all my tools, secrets and strategies that have helped me go from someone who used to struggle to eat healthy food to someone who now finds it a breeze! If you haven't already heard my personal story about what happened when I changed my diet to whole unprocessed foods and how much my health improved, read it here.

I invite you to join this program and see all that it has to offer you...

You'll get recipes for new healthy meals every month (easy to make green drinks, breakfasts, lunches, dinners), a meal schedule, and a shopping list, along with my Starter Guide full of budget tips, organic living strategies, and a list of the "Terrible 20" ingredients that keep you from losing weight, where to spot them, and what to eat instead. You can download all of these guides to your computer and keep them forever.

Hundreds of pages of knowledge at your fingertips INSTANTLY.

After you join, you'll also get a special invitation to attend a LIVE webinar with me later this month (a recording will also be available after the event, if you can't make the specific time). I hold these webinars with members so that I can check-in to see how everyone is doing on the program and answer any questions you may have - it's a very fun and interactive way to spend time with members.

We just launched a new feature to the program to support you even more!

The private member-only Eating Guide Forum is a new place where we can interact, support, and cheer each other on! I've found that having a community to back you up and help hold you accountable is so valuable to achieving success. I also love that this will be a place where we can privately share our experiences without judgement - since a lot of us are all facing the same type of struggles!

We also have two amazing BONUS GUIDES just in time for the warmer weather and traveling season! If you join by Midnight, Friday, May 6 , 2016, you'll also receive the brand new "Smoothies for Health Guide" and our "Dining Out Guide".

The Dining Out Guide addresses another huge obstacle that many of you are dealing with.. convenience. With the Dining Out Guide, you'll always find healthy options when away from home. I'll give you "Food Babe Approved" suggestions next time you're in line at the drive-thru, at the grocery store, or in a restaurant. The guide includes:

  • Real food suggestions at over 40 fast food and chain restaurants, including: McDonald's, Subway, Wendy's, Starbucks, Olive Garden, Applebee's, Red Lobster, Burger King and many many more!
  • Guidelines for avoiding GMOs in restaurants.
  • Questions to ask your server to find the healthiest options.
  • How to pack a "survival kit" for GMO-free eating on the go.
  • Navigating any restaurant menu for success.
  • Grocery store quick guide for when you're stranded without any other options.

You'll get this entire 25-page guide as a bonus (a $29.99 value) if you join us here by Friday!

In the Eating Guide Program we include recipes every month for smoothies and juices  - and the bonus Smoothies For Health Guide will help you step up your smoothie game and take it to the next level! Smoothies are an ideal "fast food" and a great option for breakfast on the run or an after-workout snack. Inside this guide you'll receive a collection of 10 brand new smoothie recipes geared towards how you are feeling and what your current mood is. For instance, if you are feeling tired and need energy, simply flip to the recipe for the Smoothie For Energy to whip up the perfect smoothie in no time. If you are battling sugar cravings, try the Smoothie To Beat Sugar Cravings full of ingredients known to help keep them under control. We'll give you smoothie recipes to help you sleep, deal with anxiety, and even balancing your body after you may have fallen off track. This guide is only available as a special bonus if you join the Eating Guide Program by this Friday!

This entire program is set-up to keep you accountable and on the wagon so you never fall off. Weekly emails, monthly recipe plans, and new content is delivered every month to keep you inspired and healthy. Even if you don't have any weight to lose, this program will save you time with meal planning and shopping lists, so that you are always able to eat nutritionally dense meals on the fly that taste better than any restaurant!

Give it a try, don't delay!

Go here to sign up! See you there and I can't wait to chat with you in the forum!


"THIS MEMBERSHIP IS THE BEST MONEY SPENT! Our health is priceless and this membership is our Bible. Since purchasing the annual membership and transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle, we feel so much better and we have both lost 15 pounds each! Not only are we living a healthier life because we are eating better, but we are decreasing the chance of developing ailments!" ~ Joe & Sue, Food Babe Eating Guide Members







P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.