Sunday, September 13, 2015

Speed Eating: How To Eat Healthy Without Even Thinking About It

As a country, we have grown accustomed to outsourcing the majority of our meals. We've been brainwashed by the food industry into believing that a healthy meal is just a drive-thru or microwave away. We believe that we don't have time to cook, and find it all too easy to pick up pre-made, packaged, processed, fast "diet" food and shakes. We are eating in restaurants, on the go, and consuming food prepared by someone else, with a list of ingredients chosen by someone else. 

Outsourcing our food is outsourcing our health to an industry that is making a lot of us sick. It's a never-ending cycle and needs to stop.

People who eat more food prepared in their own homes avoid thousands of unnecessary food additives than they would otherwise.

Many of these additives and food packaging materials are known obesogens that can trigger our bodies to store fat even though we might be restricting calories. The effects are complex. Some of these chemicals increase the number of fat cells, others expand the size of fat cells, and still others influence appetite, cravings, fullness, and how well the body burns calories.

Imagine a world without processed food, yet you never needed to sit and wonder where you're going to find a healthy meal. 

What if you could speed through life and get all the nutrients you needed without blinking an eye?

I'm not talking about actually eating fast, I'm talking about speed eating decision making – there is a difference. We all need to be mindful and chew every bite carefully and slowly – but what if you could stop thinking about what to eat in the first place? - Speeding through that decision so you can focus on other areas in your life and be healthy without even thinking about it?

What if I told you this wasn't some fantasy, and that this is really possible?

I've learned how to make this happen in my own life, and this reality is not far from your reach. I know that many of you don't know where to start, or even how to make nutritious foods taste good (believe me, I've been there). I've figured out how to navigate this over-processed food world and I'm going to show you how to do it with ease and peace of mind.

On Monday – I will show you how to navigate all of the obstacles that are in your way to becoming healthy for life. You're not going to believe how easy (and fast) it is!

Just because I can't wait until tomorrow, I'm going to give you a little sneak peak into what this program will give you access to...

This new recipe for decadent Avocado Fries is exactly what I'm talking about. They're quick, easy, inexpensive, healthy, and delicious. The perfect solution to your next "What am I going to snack on?" dilemma! 

Don't forget to check your email on Monday for all the details on this life-changing program. 

Have a great Sunday! Talk to you tomorrow.










P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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