Tuesday, March 31, 2015



7 Egg Label Claims You Need to Know

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 03:32 PM PDT

For the first time in more than 50 years, eggs could be sold in a new healthy light and not with a cholesterol warning. This all depends if the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee files its springtime report with USDA and HHS (after the public comment period), and sticks to its decision to no longer caution against eating foods that contain cholesterol.

Either way, eggs are great any time of the day; for breakfast, lunch or dinner or even a quick snack, they provide a ton of nutrition for low cost, and they don't take long to prepare. So what kinds of eggs should you choose? Here are some of the different ways eggs are marketed in the US:
  • Cage-free or free-roaming: Over 90 percent of hens are raised in cages that are between 48 and 68 square inches. Birds that are cage-free or free-roaming are not caged; however, they likely were still raised within the confines of a small building and generally do not have access to the outdoors. So this is a distinction without much of a difference.
  • Certified humane: For a farm to make this claim, it must meet specific criteria: The hens may not be caged; their feed must be vegetarian and contain no antibiotics; and the birds need to live in a natural environment that allows for behaviors like preening and scratching.
  • Fertile: These are eggs that, when incubated, will develop into chicks. They are no more nutritious than other eggs and are usually priced higher than others. Usually fertile eggs are cage free and come from hen houses where roosters roam as well; some consumers believe this is a more natural habitat.
  • Grass-fed/Pastured: There is no USDA-approved definition of this term when it comes to hens. Farms touting grass-fed egg laying hens claim their hens are as close to being "wild" as possible. Grass-fed hens are usually allowed to roam freely and so they eat a variety of things found in their natural habitat: grass, bugs, and whatever animals they might catch and kill. All of these (individually and together) contain adequate protein. (Including vegetation) Because this term is not USDA regulated, if you are interested in purchasing grass-fed eggs it may be best to get to know your farmer and their farming practices.
  • Hormone free: The use of hormones in poultry has been banned since the 1960s. So by law, all eggs are hormone-free. If a carton offers this claim alone, it's a waste of money if it costs more.
  • Natural: This is another meaningless term. According to regulations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, no additives or colors can ever be added to eggs.
  • USDA-certified organic: This means that the hens have eaten only organic feed and grain grown without fungicides, herbicides, commercial fertilizers, and pesticides and that their diet hasn't contained any animal or poultry by-products. The hens also have not been given any antibiotics or growth hormones, and they've been allowed access to the outdoor.
So what are the best eggs for your nutrition buck? Look for pastured eggs or those that have access to the outdoors (although this is no guarantee); also get to know your local farmers and find out how their chickens are raised – this is your best bet for the best nutrition and for supporting your local economy and community.

According to Mother Earth News, one (of many) study demonstrated that free-range or pasture-raised chicken eggs have four to six times more vitamin D (one of the only natural sources), three times more vitamin E, two-thirds more vitamin A, one third less cholesterol, and seven times more beta carotene. They also have two times more omega-3 essential fatty acids, and some would say a better taste. Buying eggs from a local farmer also ensures their freshness, you know they were produced only days before.

In any case, eggs are a great all day long and all year round!

Skin Cancer: 6 Ways You Are Putting Yourself at Risk

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Skin Cancer: 6 Ways You Are Putting Yourself at Risk

Published March 30, 2015


Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, with over 3.5 million documented instances a year in the U.S. alone. Many people still believe that skin cancer won't happen to them, but the fact remains that it can happen to anyone. There are actually three major types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. Surprisingly enough, skin cancer is not just a result from too much sun.

Six Avoidable Risk Factors

While melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, squamous cell cancer also spreads and causes issues. Aside from the obvious, there are six avoidable ways in which you may be increasing your risks of skin cancer.

1. Nail Salon Lamps

Manicures can be a great way to keep your nails in shape, but, if frequenting nail salons once a week or even more, the practice can lead to some health risks. The prolonged exposure to the nail salon lamps used to dry nails could potentially increase your risk of skin cancer due to the way the rays emitted from the lamps damage your skin cells. [1]

2. Indoor Tanning Beds

Many people still believe that indoor tanning beds are a healthier solution to regular sunlight, but the same rays that cause skin cancer in sunlight are also present in tanning beds. Some argue that indoor tanning (like anything) is fine in moderation, but keep in mind that it can still potentially increase your risk of developing one of the three types of skin cancer. [2] Despite this knowledge, many college campuses still house tanning bed facilities for students. [3]

3. Facial Peels

Many people indulge in the benefits of facial rejuvenation in the form of facial peels, but if you are going to do so, you must be aware of the increased risk of skin cancer associated with these procedures. [4] The chemical TCA can potentially act as a carcinogen which increases a person's risk for cancer, though there have not been human studies as of yet. An alternative to TCA chemical peels would be a salicylic acid peel or something similar.

4. Cheap Swimwear

Not all swimwear is created equal. Some of the more affordable options might seem like a good deal, but in a random inspection of brands, one quarter of the swimwear tested failed to meet quality standards. [5] The presence of excess formaldehyde is one thing that can cause a garment to fail inspection. Formaldehyde has been linked with causing allergies and certain forms of cancer.

5. Smoking

Everyone is, by now, aware of most of the health dangers associated with smoking cigarettes, cigars, hookah, etc. Risk factors include an increased risk of lung cancer, respiratory diseases, and more. As early as 2012, smoking has also been linked to a 52% increased risk for squamous cell skin cancer. [6] Though it's not deadly like melanoma, a disease that kills 9,000 to 12,000 people a year, it is still a significant increase to a person's risk for skin cancer and something we should all be aware of.

6. Limited Sunscreen

Even if you do have proper sunscreen habits for repeated sun exposure, sunscreen does not protect you fully from harmful UV rays. [7] Many people think that once they apply one coat of sunscreen, they are completely protected. This is false since sunscreen does melt away due to sweat, can wash off in water, and also wears off after a certain amount of time. Plus, chemical ingredients in conventional sunscreen can often do more ham than good. New ingredients could be added to enhance the effectiveness of sunscreen, but the FDA has not acted on incorporating them despite pleas from dermatologists and skin cancer groups. [8]

How to Further Decrease Risk for Skin Cancer

From all of this evidence, one might think the only way to avoid skin cancer is to completely avoid the sun! This wouldn't work out very well either since sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. It's also been noted that people with mild symptoms of hypertension have lower blood pressure in the summer in comparison to the winter, [9] which suggests a correlation with sunlight and relieving symptoms of mild hypertension. While avoiding the sun and harsh artificial lighting is certainly not always practical (or healthy), it is important to find a balance. Also, be sure to consume a diet high in antioxidants, as these compounds can support skin health and combat free radicals associated with disease.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Seaman, Andrew M. Are nail salon UV lamps a skin cancer risk? Reuters. 2014.
  2. Tavernise, Sabrina. Indoor Training Poses Could Be Hazardous. New York Times. 2015.
  3. Bruzek, Alison. Campuses play host to tanning beds, despite skin cancer risk. NPR. 2014.
  4. KPRC. Are chemical peel users putting themselves at risk for cancer? KPRC (click2houston.com). 2014.
  5. Yue, Ma. Cancer chemical 4 times national standard found in swimwear. ShanghaiDaily.com 2014.
  6. Joelving, Frederik. Smoking tied to one type of skin cancer. Reuters. 2012.
  7. Briggs, Helen. Skin cancer: Sunscreen 'not complete protection'. BBC News. 2014.
  8. Tillman, Jodie. Dermatologists and skin cancer groups urge FDA to act on new sunscreen ingredients. Tampa Bay Times. 2014.
  9. Medew, Julia. Skin cancer fears blinding people to health benefits of sunlight, say scientists. Fairfax Media. 2014.

The post Skin Cancer: 6 Ways You Are Putting Yourself at Risk appeared first on Dr. Group's Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

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More from Dr. Group's Blog:

Facts You Need to Know about Home Radiation
The Two Most Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners
FDA Approves New GMO Foods Apples and Potatoes
6 Avoidable Risk Factors for Asthma
5 Crazy Facts About Poop

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Facts about Radiation from Home Electronics

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Facts about Radiation from Home Electronics

Published March 29, 2015


There is no doubt that home electronics have made our lives more convenient, more entertaining, and have helped us to stay better connected with those we love. Devices like microwaves and blenders have made food preparation quick and simple. Other home electronics, like televisions and DVD players, have greatly enhanced our ability to entertain ourselves. Cell phones help us to communicate with family members, and many people have forgone their landline phone service in lieu of a cell phone. Still, most home electronics equipment emits electronic radiation that can be harmful to our brain and body. [1] As we continually add new home electronics, the negative effects on our health are compounded. It is important to know the impacts that these devices are having upon your health, and how to reduce the negative effects.

Where Does Electronic Radiation Come From?

Most home electronics devices emit electronic radiation. Below is a list of equipment that could be causing problems in your health.

  • Cordless Phones
  • Cordless Baby Alarms
  • Cellular Phones
  • Wireless Routers
  • Microwave Ovens
  • Bluetooth Devices
  • Radios

All of these items emit varying levels of radiation, with cell phones (smartphones, in particularly) being the largest source of radiation. [2] If you live nearby a cell phone tower, you are probably receiving an even larger dose of radiation. Neighborhoods are typically swimming in radiation due to the numerous wireless networks and cell phones being employed in practically every house. This makes it very challenging to completely remove it from your life; however, there are simple ways that may reduce radiation.

The Dangers of Electronic Radiation

Electronic radiation from everyday devices is usually emitted in very small quantities; however, with the large (and ever growing) number of devices that we have in our homes, the cumulative effect can be very dangerous.

Here are the proposed health problems that are often said to be associated with radiation:

  • Irregular Behavioral Patterns in Children[3]
  • Minute Skin Cancer Risk[4]
  • Hypersensitivity and Increased Blood Pressure
  • A Constant Feeling of Melancholy or Depression
  • A Chronic State of Exhaustion and Fatigue
  • A Disruption in Sleep Patterns
  • Frequent and Severe Headaches
  • Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Diarrhea

Many of the above health risks associated with radiation from everyday electronics have seen some, but not much, scientific investigation. Until more research is provided, it's very difficult to say that radiation in itself causes any of the above health concerns. Still, because these are valid concerns, it is best to take certain precautions to reduce the amount of radiation you are exposed to on a daily basis.

How to Eliminate Radiation from Home Electronics

Test your home to determine where your radiation is emitted. Adjust your environment to reduce the amount of radiation that you are exposed to at home. Investing in clothing garments that protect against radiation can go a long way in protecting your health. Antioxidants may also protect from radiation, with turmeric being one of the highest sources of antioxidants in the spice world.

What are some ways you protect yourself from radiation? Do you wear protective clothing, or do you try to minimize your cell phone use? Please give us your suggestions and tips in the comments!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Hardell L, Sage C. Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards. Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2007.12.004.
  2. CNet. Cell phones with the highest radiation levels. CNet.
  3. Karen N. Peart. Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in offspring. Yale News.
  4. Poulsen AH, Friis S, Johansen C, et al. Mobile phone use and the risk of skin cancer: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Jul 15;178(2):190-7. doi: 10.1093/aje/kws426.

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More from Dr. Group's Blog:

Two of the Most Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners
FDA Rushes Approval for New GMO Foods
6 Avoidable Risk Factors for Asthma
5 Crazy Facts About Poop
6 Toxins that Destroy Your Thyroid

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Two of the Most Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners

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Two of the Most Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners

Published March 28, 2015


Artificial sweeteners were initially designed to be sugar substitutes and a helpful tool for the battle against the bulge. Unfortunately, the state of obesity in the world has gotten worse, and artificial sweeteners are clearly not helping. You can find sugar substitutes in diet sodas, yogurt, and a host of other food products. These artificial sweetener additives mimic the flavor of sugar but offer no useful energy and may in fact be toxic.

The Two Most Concerning Artificial Sweeteners

There are five dangerous sugar substitutes that are approved for consumer use: saccharin, neotame, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and sucralose. Of the five main artificial sweeteners, sucralose and aspartame are the most pervasive and dangerous substitutes found in products on store shelves today.

1. Sucralose

This relatively new additive is marketed under the name Splenda. Sucralose is basically denatured sucrose. Its preparation involves chlorinating sucrose, chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups. [1] Chlorine a known carcinogen, so why would the FDA allow toxic materials to be used in our food and beverages?

It's uncertain as to why the FDA approved sucralose knowing the nature of chlorine. You should know too that it was approved even with the pre-approval research revealed possible toxicity of the substance.

There have been no long-range studies of the effects of sucralose. The same thing happened with tobacco. As a result of not performing the required epidemiological research, it took years to track the dangerous effects of smoking cigarettes. It’s unfortunate and confusing that the same mistake is repeated even with the initial negative indications and checks and balances that are now in place. If the FDA does not step in and make monitoring and research possible and necessary, then we can’t readily learn the safety of such substances, including food items.

2. Aspartame

This additive is sold under the names Equal and NutraSweet and there are thousands of other everyday products that contain aspartame, too. Just to name a few: yogurt, sodas, pudding, tabletop sugar substitutes, chewing gum, bread, etc. For its approval we have to thank the Searle Company for falsifying reports, and unscrupulous attorneys for delaying legal proceedings. [2] Once the statute of limitations ran out and the product was once again up for review, many discrepancies came to light between reported versus actual findings.

Consumers lodge complaints about NutraSweet, to the tune of “80% of all complaints about food additives,” but Betty Martini reported that the FDA has yet to move on any of them. In spite of this inaction by the FDA, there are indications that this sweetener is toxic. According to Ms. Martini, in a report from Flying Safety, an official United States Air Force publication, US Air Force pilots were warned not to consume Aspartame in any amounts at all. Why? “Aspartame has been investigated as a possible cause of brain tumors, mental retardation, birth defects, epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, and Diabetes.” [3] And the FDA has made no move to regulate this toxic substance.

How to Eliminate Toxins from Artificial Sweeteners

Check your food labels at home and throw out everything that has on its label:

  • Aspartame
  • Acesulfame Potassium (K)
  • Saccharin or Sucralose
  • NutraSweet®
  • Splenda®

Use natural sweeteners like raw, organic honey. Avoid products that are labeled “low calorie,” “diet,” “sugar free,” or “no sugar added” since they all likely contain sugar additives. Drink purified water instead of diet drinks. Do NOT drink tap water because our drinking water has now been contaminated with sucralose. [4] Ask your government representatives and the FDA to ban toxic artificial sweeteners. In the mean time, regular intestinal tract and liver cleansing can help fight the toxic effects of artificial sweeteners.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. AlDeeb OA, Mahgoub H, Foda NH. Sucralose. Profiles Drug Subst Excip Relat Methodol. 2013;38:423-62. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-407691-4.00010-1.
  2. Pigi Cipelli. The Lowdown on Sweet? The New York Times.
  3. FDA. Reported Aspartame Toxicity Effects. FDA.
  4. Mawhinney DB, Young RB, Vanderford BJ, Borch T, Snyder SA. Artificial sweetener sucralose in U.S. drinking water systems. Environ Sci Technol. 2011 Oct 15;45(20):8716-22. doi: 10.1021/es202404c.

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FDA Rushes Approval for New GMO Foods
6 Avoidable Risk Factors for Asthma
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6 Toxins that Destroy Your Thyroid
Support GMO Labeling in New England!

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

FDA Rushes Approval for New GMO Foods

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FDA Rushes Approval for New GMO Foods

Published March 27, 2015


Genetically-modified food is one of the most controversial subjects today. Not only are regulations loose and manufacturers getting away with not labeling them, they're being approved at an alarmingly swift rate without the appropriate long-term health assessment. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved of two GMO foods, potatoes and apples, as safe and equally nutritious as conventional varieties, and they're pushing to get these items to a grocery store near you.

The Approval of GMO Foods Apples and Potatoes

The new approval is covering six varieties of potatoes and two varieties of apples. [1] The potatoes come from Idaho from the J. R. Simplot Co., and the apples come from Canadian company Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Inc. Fortunately for the health food movement, McDonald's, a long-time client of J. R. Simplot Co., is no longer purchasing from the company, opting out of using GMO potatoes for its food.

ConAgra is another big-name company that supplies potatoes for restaurants all across the world, and it is also in line with consumer demand for non-GMO potato varieties. While french fries and hash browns are certainly not health fare, it does go to show how companies listen and respond to the desires of consumers. In order to keep up the fight against GMOs and keep them out of our food supply, we need to continue advocating for labeling laws that will help us, as consumers, differentiate between natural food and Frankenfood.

What You Can Do

Along with contacting the FDA and urging them to look into labeling laws, there are a few things you can do to get the ball moving. Buying organic as much as possible shows companies that consumers are demanding more natural, non-GMO foods. Consumer research into buying trends weigh heavily on the actions of companies in producing their products, so vote with your pocketbook by buying as many of your products as natural as possible.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Mary Clare Jalonick and Keith Ridler. FDA approves genetically engineered potatoes, apples as safe. Associated Press.

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6 Avoidable Risk Factors for Asthma
5 Crazy Facts About Poop
6 Toxins that Destroy Your Thyroid
Support GMO Labeling in New England!
7 Toxins Harming Your Brain Right Now

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Friday, March 27, 2015

It pains me to admit this.

I have family members that still eat at McDonald's. Yes it's true and I'm talking CLOSE family members. Ahhhhhh.

This is why I had to do this. It's for them, and for all of you out there that have friends and family members that eat at McDonald's too.

Dissecting the 37 pages of ingredient lists at McDonald's is no easy task.

Check out the WORST 12 ingredients at McDonald's No One Should Be Eating (8 of them aren't even used in other countries!)

Read the brand new investigation here.

Please spread the word. I'm counting on you!

Much love,


P.S. If you live in or near Ft. Lauderdale, I'll be at Green Bar & Kitchen tonight at 7:30pm. Can't wait to see ya!


***Share my new book with your family! I put the most critical health information into my new #1 National Best Selling book The Food Babe Way. Start the 21 day program together to lose weight, look years younger and get healthy now!***

Get your copy below or at Target or Costco:


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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