Monday, June 22, 2020

My mom made me drink this - here’s why

When I was a kid, my mom used to make me drink tea. 

But it wasn't a "normal" tea. 

It was almost as if it was an elixir because it was filled with many different herbs from the Indian market. 

It was SO soothing!

And even though she'd make this tea with all the love in the world...

I didn't truly appreciate it until I started learning about the importance of things we put into our bodies. 

You see, some of the ingredients she used like ginger and licorice root have been used for centuries to support overall wellness.

This got me thinking...

While making these special teas is always possible with fresh ingredients from the farmers market...

I'm a working mom and sometimes I just don't have the time. 

Which is why I was inspired to create Truvani's Immune Support.

It's a supplement containing a blend of 8 organic, plant-based ingredients that can help support overall health. 

I know you'll love it…

And I'm so sure of it, we're offering our first-ever Buy One Get One Free offer at Truvani!

Simply order a bottle of Immune Support now, and you'll receive a second bottle as our gift to you.

(Limit 3 purchases per household, which equals up to 3 free bottles!) 

So, if you're ready to try it out...

Follow this link to learn more and get a free bottle now




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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