Yesterday I shared some organic Halloween candy swaps on social media and got this response…
While I understand where this way of thinking is coming from, is this REALLY just one day a year?
When I was a kid my Halloween candy bucket was stuffed to the brim and I had candy for several weeks… And, when we didn't get enough Trick-or-Treaters we would end up with a bunch of leftover candy at home too. All this candy was filled with artificial colors, flavors, and risky preservatives... and I was eating a steady supply of these ingredients for a very, very, long time.
Sometimes my Halloween candy would last all the way until Christmas, when I'd get even more candy at school and in my stocking. Then there was Valentine's Day, Easter, birthdays, parties… all with candy, candy, candy, candy.
To be clear, I'm not saying you should never buy or eat candy. But if you normally avoid GMOs, artificial colors, flavors, and controversial preservatives, there's no reason to buy them "just one day a year" for Halloween. Especially since there are soooo many better candy options available:
Check out this BIG LIST of good Halloween candy swaps!
I've got you covered with alternatives to everything from Snickers, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Starburst, and M&M's. These alternatives aren't perfect (they're candy after all!) but they are much better options. I've got some great non-food treats included too!
Remember - popular Halloween candies contain risky ingredients that no child should be eating... artificial colors, artificial flavors, GMOs, TBHQ, BHT... and more. The fastest way to get this junk out of our food is to refuse to buy products made with them. That's why I choose to vote with my dollars, even when shopping for Halloween treats.
I invite you to JOIN ME this Halloween season too with this Halloween Treats Buying Guide.
Please share these alternative treats with family and friends and get your whole neighborhood on board.
I wish you and your family a happy (and healthy) Halloween!
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