Thursday, March 28, 2019

I hope you don't buy this cooking oil

Imagine the following scenario…

You're grocery shopping and trying to find a safe cooking oil. You've been cleaning up your diet and want something healthy to saute all those veggies you've been eating. Since you've read my investigations, you know that canola, soybean, and other processed oils are out because they are ridiculously bad for you. You see a shelf lined with cooking sprays like PAM, and recall hearing that those aren't healthy for you either, until you see this one…

It says simply "100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil" right there on the front of the can.

100% means 100%, right?

So you think, "Bam! This is perfect! It contains just 100% olive oil without any nasty unhealthy additives".

Well, what if I told you this product was lying to you? That there's not really 100% olive oil in that can?

In a brand new investigation, I show you how certain food brands are LYING to you on their packaging. Read it here now.

I can't count how many times I've been shopping and found a product with a marketing claim on the front of the package that was so misleading that it was hardly true.

If you know anyone who might be swindled by grocery store lies, please share this brand new investigation with them. People need to know the truth.



P.S. You can find my new book Feeding You Lies on Amazon at about 40% off the list price today. This price may change at any time, and I have no control over pricing, but wanted to let you know about the discount! In this book I show you the 3 simple questions I ask myself before I buy a product or sit down to eat. It all starts with knowing what is in your food, despite the lies we find on food packages. 


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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