Thursday, February 28, 2019

These product comparisons are horrifying (America vs. other countries)

A college buddy of mine decided to go live in London for a few years. While she was there, I often had her go to Tesco and other European grocery stores to take pictures of the ingredient lists for me and mail me products back home. I'd compare them with the same brand of American products side-by-side and seeing completely different ingredient lists was maddening!

If most Americans knew food companies are selling similar products overseas with healthier ingredients, they'd be outraged. I know I am. This is what set me down the path of advocating for change in the food system and I've never looked back.

See 6 shocking examples of US vs. UK products here.

Please read and share this brand new blog post with all of your friends. Everyone should know how food companies are scamming Americans with inferior products. This will also inspire these companies to do better and sell safer products in the U.S. Don't believe me? Look what happened to Kraft Mac & Cheese.  



P.S. I dedicated an entire chapter in Feeding You Lies to this subject because there is so much more you need to know! The food industry doesn't care about your health, so you really need to. It is now available in bookstores everywhere.


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What I eat for breakfast almost every single day... and more!

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind! My daughter turned 2, and then we flew across the country to California to promote my new book Feeding You Lies, had a huge launch party here in Charlotte, was on the cover of a magazine, had a road trip to welcome a new baby nephew and do a talk/book signing in Charleston, SC, and have been on what feels like a million interviews.

These interviews and events have been crucial in getting the word out about how the food industry is lying to us and what we can do about it. The more people listen to them and share – the more we have the chance to change the world. So that's why I am sharing some of my favorites here today…

If you want to know what makes me tick, why I became a food activist, and how I REALLY eat – grab some (organic) popcorn and listen in! 

Watch and listen to these brand new videos & podcasts here.

You'll hear me discuss…

  • What I eat for breakfast (almost) every single day
  • My journey to health and how I started blogging
  • How the food industry dupes us (straight from my new book!)
  • The 3 simple questions I ask myself before I sit down to eat
  • What I practically had to sneak on the plane on my flight to California (funny!)

Did I say anything that surprised you in these interviews? Tell me in the comments here! I'd love to hear your thoughts.


P.S. Please share these interviews with your friends. The food industry can't keep up with their tricks and lies if everyone knows about them. This is the best way we create change, so thank you for spreading the word!

P.P.S. After you've had a chance to read my new book Feeding You Lies - can you please leave an honest review on Amazon or post about it on social media? It will only take a small amount of time - but it's big deal to me and the rest of the world. This is how the truth spreads - one word, one post, one review at a time... Thank you! We are so powerful when we use our voices.



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Breaking report - Roundup found in popular beer and wine

I shared this breaking new blog post on social media last night and this news is going viral.

New tests find the weed killer glyphosate (Roundup) in many popular beer and wine samples...

See the list of brands here

We all know that alcoholic drinks are not a health food – and alcohol itself is linked to cancer.

But, these new findings are just further evidence that this hazardous weed killer is ending up in almost everything that we eat and drink.

How much weed killer are we each eating every day?

Is your favorite brand on the list? Do you see one that your friend drinks?

Please read and share this breaking information with your loved ones. 

I also shared these test results on Facebook and Instagram to make it easy for you to spread the word.




P.S. Even if you don't drink alcohol - I'm sure you know someone who does. Please forward this email to them and share these test results.








P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Free gift with book ends today

Today is your last chance to get the FREE BONUS: Product Lie Detector Guide.

It's completely FREE when you purchase my new book Feeding You Lies from any retailer. The value of the Product Lie Detector is $39.99, and it's free until tonight at midnight.

So - What is the Product Lie Detector?

It's the perfect compliment to the book. It's a 70+ page guide to help you find the best brands at the grocery store. I walk you through each aisle (bread, cereal, cheese, pasta, etc) and put some of your favorite food brands through the Product Lie Detector Test. Here's a peek at what's inside...

Many food brands market themselves as being healthy, but are actually misleading you with sketchy labels and claims on the package that don't pass the Product Lie Detector test. I explain why certain products pass or fail, and map out exactly what labels to watch out for.

It doesn't matter if you buy Feeding You Lies in a store or online… if you pre-ordered it months ago or bought it today… once you've made your purchase all you need to do is fill out this claim form and we'll send it instantly to your email!

Again – it's free! But today is the very last day it's available...

Get your FREE Product Lie Detector Guide here - Ends TODAY. 

To make it easy for you, here is where you'll find my book Feeding You Lies today:

This Product Lie Detector is my big thank you to you for supporting Feeding You Lies and the mission to tell people the truth about their food. I hope you get your copy before midnight tonight.

Thank you – I feel the love!



P.S. Here's what some people are saying about Feeding You Lies…

"I received the book yesterday and I can not put it down!!!" ~ Beatrice

"Love this book, can't stop reading it!" ~ Sul

"Started reading it and couldn't stop - had to force myself to close it up until I got my chores done" ~ Mindy

"I'm on page 17 and I'm LOVING IT!" ~ Andrea

"This book is already changing my life" ~ Faith

"I am beyond sucked into to the new book #feedingyoulies I ALWAYS knew there was something wrong with our food industry and @thefoodbabe knocks it out of the park with educating and spreading light on the truth behind these companies and what they aren't telling you!" ~ Erika





P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Friday, February 22, 2019

American Heinz Ketchup vs. European (shocking)

If you're following me on social media you've likely seen my comparisons between food products found in the U.S. vs. the U.K. and how shockingly different their ingredients are.

Check this out for example…

Heinz ketchup is GMO-free in the U.K. but full of GMOs  and High Fructose Corn Syrup in the U.S., along with lab-produced "natural flavoring" that helps create an addiction to their product. Think of this next time you're dipping your fries in and can't stop!

Why doesn't Heinz sell the same ketchup everywhere? Why the double standard? If a company can get away with using cheaper ingredients, they will. It all comes down to their bottom line... at the expense of our health.

I dedicated an entire chapter in my latest book, Feeding You Lies, to this subject because there is so much more you need to know! The food industry doesn't care about your health, so you really need to.

The majority of chemicals that have been invented in the last fifty or so years have only been invented for one purpose only - to improve the bottom line of the food industry, to make processed foods cheaper to produce, NOT to improve our health or nutrition, and a lot of those chemicals have been extremely risky to our health.

Why doesn't Heinz sell the same ketchup everywhere? Why the double standard? If a company can get away with using cheaper ingredients, they will. It all comes down to their bottom line... at the expense of our health.

I dedicated an entire chapter in my latest book, Feeding You Lies, to this subject because there is so much more you need to know! The food industry doesn't care about your health, so you really need to.

The majority of chemicals that have been invented in the last fifty or so years have only been invented for one purpose only - to improve the bottom line of the food industry, to make processed foods cheaper to produce, NOT to improve our health or nutrition, and a lot of those chemicals have been extremely risky to our health.

You've only got until tomorrow to get the FREE GIFT: Product Lie Detector Guide when you buy a book.

This guide tells you exactly what food brands I like to buy and why. It makes a perfect compliment to the book. If you've ever wondered what it's like to go grocery shopping with me, this guide will show you.

You can find Feeding You Lies at all Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million locations and these major retailers online…

Just fill out this form after you get your copy of Feeding You Lies and I'll send the Product Lie Detector Guide instantly to your email. But this free gift is only available until tomorrow. 

Have a great weekend!



P.S. I'm doing a talk/book signing tomorrow at Blue Bicycle Books in Charleston, SC on Saturday at 3pm. I'd love to personalize your copy of Feeding You Lies. The event is FREE and open to the public. If you're coming, reply to this email and let me know!






P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Can I call you?

Last night I went down to my local Barnes & Noble to see Feeding You Lies on the shelves. It was surreal seeing years of research and the truth about the food industry smack dab on the New Releases table at the front of the store…This information is now out and no one can stop it from spreading. Thank you for getting your book this week and sharing it with those that you love. If you still need to get your copy, you'll find it at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and your local bookstores.

And, I'm doing something really FUN this week…

If you post a picture of yourself with the book (like the pic above) and hashtag #FeedingYouLies, I'm randomly selecting a person every single day this week to receive a personal phone call from me! Can't wait to see what you are up to… you can even Facetime me from your pantry as you are doing the 48 hour toxin takedown in the back of the book!

I'll be calling a new person every day this week so you have multiple chances to win.

Here's how to enter…

  1. Take a picture of yourself with a copy of Feeding You Lies. You don't need to purchase a copy if you don't have one. Take a pic with the book at your local bookstore or with your friends copy. There is no purchase necessary to enter.
  2. Post the photo to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #FeedingYouLies along with a link to
  3. Tell us why you are excited to Spread The Truth about our food in your post.

That's it! I will randomly select one person each day who we will contact directly to set up our call. I can't wait to see all of your shining happy faces all over social media this week! Let's spread the truth about our food.

Also, please don't forget to leave an honest review online after you've read the book. I really appreciate this!



P.S. You can see the live video from Barnes & Noble last night right here - thanks for sharing the excitement with me!



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Feeding You Lies is out - In book stores everywhere

Today's the day! Feeding You Lies officially hit stores everywhere. You can now find it at these stores in your town:

I wrote this book because the food industry is deceiving people. Even the so-called "health food" companies are guilty of this…

Packaged products are not what they seem, labels don't mean what they should, and food that you're told is healthy really isn't. They manipulate us to buy their products and they use dirty tactics just like what the tobacco industry has done. Some food brands are so sneaky, that even I get duped.

Feeding You Lies will open up your eyes to the lies of the food industry, so that you'll stop spending money on products that are doing nothing to serve your health. You will be able to quickly spot deceptions on product packages, in advertisements, and in the media.

This book is not something that has ever been written before. 

I give you action steps that protect you from cheap, processed, unhealthy foods. My 48-Hour Toxin Takedown at the end of the book will help you rid your pantry of foods that are weighing you down. You'll end your sugar and processed food addictions, lose pound after pound, never diet again, and rejuvenate your energy levels.

And, I've got great news!

We received feedback from several people who wanted to wait until they could buy the book in their local stores, so I'm extending the offer to get the free 77-page Product Lie Detector eBook when you buy a copy of Feeding You Lies through Saturday 2/23.

I don't want you to miss out on this incredible eBook.

Get yours here today.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this book, asking your local bookstores to carry it, and for sharing it with your friends.

You are courageously helping me stand up to the Big Food industry that always puts their profits over people.

It needs to stop.




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Monday, February 18, 2019

4th largest retailer rejects my book

2 weeks ago, I got a very disappointing email from Costco…

They told me in no uncertain terms that they would not be carrying my latest book, Feeding You Lies, in their stores.

It was like a knife in the heart.

You see, 4 years ago, with my first book, I did signings at their warehouses all over the country. I met hundreds of people and it was one of my favorite parts of the book tour.

It was SO AWESOME seeing my book at Costco - which as you know, is largely a grocery store - telling people the truth about their food.

This book ended up a big success, staying on the New York Times Best Sellers list for 5 weeks straight. So, when I found out that Costco would not be carrying my new book based on "sales" of the last book, I was not only disappointed - but a bit shocked. Especially coming from a retailer who sells more organic food than any other grocery store and has recently eliminated Roundup weedkiller from their stores.

But let's face it. This book may be too much for mainstream stores to handle. Certain people and corporations do not want the truth about the food industry to be revealed. And that's okay - we have a grassroots movement to spread the truth - it will get out there!

I am counting on you and thankfully you can buy a copy at any of these retailers:

I'm telling you this, so you know what I'm up against.  It can be hard for an activist like me to get their book in some mainstream stores, as you can see from my experience with Costco.

This also goes for media - I had a major news outlet cancel my interview at the last minute last week, without much explanation (it happened with the first book too). That is why I am counting on you to spread the word about the book and get its message out.

Thankfully, there are thousands of you who pre-ordered Feeding You Lies and who will be receiving your copy tomorrow. This is the moment I've been waiting for - I know the truth will spread.

We've done it before, and we'll do it again. We are so powerful together.



P.S. I'll be making an exciting announcement tomorrow for everyone who gets their book this week.

P.P.S. Reminder - I'll be live streaming my book launch party tonight. Tune in on Facebook or Instagram at 7:45pm EST to join in the lively conversation.


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Watch live from my book tour tomorrow

The absolute BEST thing about writing a book is meeting you. It's so fun to chat with you in person and hear your stories - you so inspire me!

Here's the latest on where I'll be this week…

I'm throwing a big book launch party in Charlotte, NC for Feeding You Lies tomorrow night (Monday!) - and no matter where you are in the world, you get to attend! I'll be streaming the event LIVE right here on my Instagram and Facebook pages. Make sure you are following me there so you don't miss out. Max Goldberg from Living Maxwell will be joining me on the stage where we'll discuss some of the most scandalous details in the book. The livestream starts at 7:45pm EST Monday, 2/18- so tune in then to join in the fun! When you see me go live - it would be amazing if you could share this conversation with your friends and family.

If you'll be in Charlotte, you can come to the party tomorrow night and meet me! The doors open at 7pm EST at Lenny Boy Brewing Company in Charlotte, NC. Tickets at the door are the cost of one book ($27.99), which you'll need to purchase there. Space is limited, on a first-come, first-serve basis - so make sure you come early to ensure your spot! Simply reply to this email with the names of everyone coming and we'll add your RSVP to the guest list. I can't wait to see you there.

I just added a new stop to my book tour! I'll be at Blue Bicycle Books in Charleston, SC next Saturday - February 23rd at 3pm EST for a talk/book signing event open to the public. I'm so excited about this.

Where do you want me to come next? I'll send more updates soon!



P.S. My book will be out in stores on Tuesday - Pick up your copy locally here:

Your local bookstore, Books A Million, Barnes and Noble, Target, or Walmart

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Last day to get my book on launch day.

It's almost here! Yesterday I signed hundreds of copies of Feeding You Lies over at my local bookstore and my hand was practically falling off afterwards, but it was so worth it. 

These signed books are getting shipped out soon! If you want one personalized, you can get one here: Park Road Books (Signed copy).

Also today's the very LAST DAY you can order a copy of Feeding You Lies online and get it on the day it comes out (in just 3 days!) Choose free two-day shipping with Amazon Prime here.

You could also order it on Barnes and Noble or Target, and pick it up in the store on Tuesday. 

Hope you are having an awesome Saturday... I'll be busy signing more books for you :) 



P.S. Don't forget to visit this website and fill out the form to claim your bonuses.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Free bonuses end soon.

My new book Feeding You Lies comes out in just 4 short days and if you are planning to get it - I want to make sure you claim your bonuses before Monday - when this special pre-order offer ends.

Here's how to get some incredible gifts!

Step 1: Determine if you want just 1 book - or 3 books. (If you've already bought one, you can buy 2 more to qualify for the free 3 book bonuses).

Step 2: Order your hardcover copies of Feeding You Lies before February 19, 2019 from any major bookstore. Store links are provided below to make this easy for you.

Step 3: Visit this website and fill out the form to claim your bonuses.

Step 4: Check your email. We'll email you the Product Lie Detector Guide instantly - you can read it today! And, if you order 3 books, we'll email you access to your additional bonuses between 2/19/19 – 2/25/19.

That's it - it's simple and it's my big THANK YOU to you for sending a message to book stores everywhere to carry this book.

Your pre-order matters. 



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.