Yesterday, I got a text from a friend who was listening to Ben Greenfield's latest podcast… and she congratulated me on the rave review of my new book Feeding You Lies. I was very curious to know what he said, so I immediately downloaded the episode and listened in.
After describing one of the more alarming chapters in the book to his listeners, he mentioned that he is having his kids read it now so they will be more aware of some of the things being served at their school.
When I heard this - I smiled so big, threw my fist in the air out of pure joy, and yelled "YASSSSS!"
There's nothing more important to me than to arm children with the truth about our food.
It's so important to pass down what you learn to your children. And, to all of your loved ones really. Once you learn the truth about our food - you can't keep it to yourself.
This is what inspires me to keep writing. I've been publicly attacked and shamed for calling out the food industry. Some call me an alarmist and a "fearmonger" (Ben even did in his podcast!)… but the truth sometimes IS scary. And I will not stop telling everyone what I uncover in my research.
That's why I published these internal emails from Coca-Cola on the blog this week…
These emails have not been made public until now and the reaction has been incredible! You need to read them and see what one of the biggest food corporations in the world is doing behind the scenes - it's truly despicable! It's more important than ever that people know this information and pass it on to their loved ones. Please read the emails here and share them!
There are more emails too. There is so much more I have to share about the downright unethical things the food industry is doing - and that is why I put it into a book. Feeding You Lies is written for you. It's a tell-all on the food industry in one book that's super easy to share with your friends and family.
I hope you pre-order a copy today so you can be one of the first to read it. It's on sale for only about $18 bucks on Amazon and Target right now!
I've got something BIG in store for everyone who pre-orders a hardcopy that I know you're going to love.
I can't wait for you to learn the lies exposed in this book and for you to share what you learn. We can change the world one person at a time. Please take a second to forward on this email to spread the word about what's coming!
Pre-order your copy here.
"In Feeding You Lies, Vani Hari pulls back the veil of deception by the food industry, scientists, and the media designed to manipulate us and ignore the unnecessary harms in our food supply. The deep investigation of the actions of the media, food companies, and science to suppress the truth will shock you, make you stop and consider what you put in your mouth, as well as empower you with the tools and strategies to protect yourself from bad foods and lies. If you eat, read this book." - Mark Hyman, M.D., #1 New York Times best-selling author and director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231
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