Thursday, May 4, 2017

Detoxing? You need this.

When I first started researching my food I didn't want to believe the facts I read. I wanted to close my eyes, cover my ears, and sing lalalalalalala. And I was angry…

I never gave permission for my body to be used as a toxic waste dump or science experiment. Everything I had been putting in my body was either made from something out of a chemical factory, sprayed with chemicals, or genetically modified to make companies richer and me sicker.

Our bodies are working overtime every day to process all of the substances that come in and to expel toxins – but they are being pushed to the brink with the food system we have today. When our organs are overtaxed and overburdened with toxins, symptoms can creep up such as fatigue, digestion problems, bloating, weight gain and muscle aches. When these symptoms go unchecked, we are at risk for greater health problems down the road.

How do you break free from all these toxins? Detoxification starts in the diet. Certain foods support the natural detoxification processes in the body, such as lemons, garlic, and cruciferous vegetables. All of us can naturally keep our body's detox system running optimally at very little cost or effort!

I just posted a brand new recipe on the blog that is not only full of flavor and delicious, but filled with ingredients that help to detox your body (and there is science to prove it!)

Get the new detox recipe here.

Once you start eating foods like this, you won't want to stop because you will feel amazing! Here are some more detox recipes that will rocket-boost your health:

Share this email with all of your friends and family who need some tasty recipes and a little detoxing in their life!



P.S. If you've heard there's no such thing as "detoxing", there's no "science" behind it, and that "your body cleanses itself", I bust through that myth once and for all here.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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