Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Detoxify Aluminum

How to Detoxify Aluminum

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How to Detoxify Aluminum

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 08:00 AM PDT


Aluminum pervades our natural environment, making it practically impossible to avoid this element completely. Not only is it present in our water, soil, and food, but many of our cooking appliances and food packaging also contain aluminum. Conventional antiperspirants and antacids, products used by millions of people every day, contain aluminum. This metal has been linked to a number of neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, and some research has even linked it to cancer. As aluminum has become increasingly prevalent in our industrial civilization over the past 150 years, the accumulation of the element in the human body has risen proportionally.

The Health Effects of Aluminum

The light weight of aluminum makes it a desirable metal for a number of industrial products, and its high rate of reactivity also makes it ideal for many prescription pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter medications. Many do not realize that aluminum is also an active ingredient in vaccines. Research is beginning to show a number of negative health effects associated with aluminum, many of which are growing problems in today’s society.

Alzheimer’s disease and aluminum are two hot topics in medical research, with studies showing a direct link between brain content of aluminum and incidence of cognitive impairment and dementia. Patients who have Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to have higher levels of aluminum deposits in their brain than those without the disease, causing a great deal of concern in regards to aluminum overexposure. [1] [2]

In addition to possibly raising dementia risk, aluminum appears to increase a gene similar to estrogen that is often seen in breast cancer cells. [3] For this reason, some scientists warn women against using antiperspirants or other body care products that contain aluminum. Furthermore, aluminum shows a minor impact on the immune system, hindering its ability to fight off diseased cells. [4] [5]

Ways We Can Detoxify Aluminum From Our Bodies

Before detoxing from aluminum, steps should be taken to drastically reduce exposure to this metallic compound. Here are some ways you can eliminate common sources of aluminum:

Purchase Whole Foods

Aluminum cans and processed food packaging usually contain varying levels of aluminum. Make the majority of your diet whole fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. While there is not enough research to suggest that food contributes a great deal to aluminum exposure, it is always wise to consider every avenue when seeking to avoid this potentially-toxic element.

Choose Aluminum-Free Deodorant

The most common source of aluminum for people today comes from deodorant. Luckily, many stores are beginning to carry more aluminum-free varieties of personal care products, with antiperspirant being the most popular.

Avoid Antacids

With the American diet being what it is, many people are constantly grabbing for an antacid every day after meals. This is one of the most potent sources of aluminum for the human body. Instead of using antacids, it may be wiser to choose whole foods that are easy to digest and that don’t cause heartburn in the first place.

One study has shown that silica, a chemical compound found in quartz, may be helpful for reducing aluminum levels in the body. One study has shown that silica significantly reduces the absorption of aluminum in the gastrointestinal tract. [6] Drinking silica-rich mineral water may show similar effects, and further research has shown that silica may be helpful for combating aluminum toxicity by promoting its excretion through the urine. [7] A basic colon cleanse may also be helpful for eliminating wastes and harmful compounds that have accumulated in the body over time.

What do you do to reduce your exposure to aluminum? Let us know in the comments!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Masahiro Kawahara and Midori Kato-Negishi. Link between Aluminum and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2011; 2011: 276393.
  2. Davenward S, Bentham P, Wright J, Crome P, Job D, Polwart A, Exley C. Silicon-rich mineral water as a non-invasive test of the 'aluminum hypothesis' in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2013;33(2):423-30. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2012-121231.
  3. P. D. Darbre. Metalloestrogens: an emerging class of inorganic xenoestrogens with potential to add to the oestrogenic burden of the human breast. Journal of Applied Toxicology. Volume 26, Issue 3, pages 191-197. May/June 2006.
  4. Graske A, Thuvander A, Johannisson A, Gadhasson I, Schutz A, Festin R, Wicklund Glynn A. Influence of aluminum on the immune system–an experimental study on volunteers. Biometals. 2000 June;13(2):123-33.
  5. Y. Z. Zhu, D. W. Liu, Z. Y. Liu, Y. F. Li. Impact of aluminum exposure on the immune system: A mini review. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 82-87.
  6. Ravin Jugdaohsingh, David M Reffitt, Claire Oldham, J Phillip Day, L Keith Fifield, Richard PH Thompson, and Jonathan J Powell. Oligomeric but not monomeric silica prevents aluminum absorption in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. April 2000 vol. 71, no. 4, 944-949.
  7. Reffitt DM, Jugdaohsingh R, Thompson RP, Powell JJ. Silicic acid: its gastrointestinal uptake and urinary excretion in man and effects on aluminum excretion. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 1999 August 30;76(2):141-7.

The post How to Detoxify Aluminum appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

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