Friday, May 9, 2014

2 quick things before you start your weekend!

Last month, I had an opportunity to be on "The Doctors" (a major national TV show) talking about what's really happening in the food industry. It's incredible to have the chance to share the truth and your work, Food Babe Army!

Watch all 5 segments here.

Also, if you are preparing for a warm vacation like me (yeah!) or wanting to spend more time outdoors, you'll need some sunscreen - but not any old sunscreen! Many have tons of toxic chemicals you don't want to be putting on your skin, your largest organ! My team has worked out a special deal (33%off!) of one of the best sunscreens out there (rated "1" on EWG's skin deep database).

You can get it hereA portion of the proceeds goes to all the work we do here – so thank you!

Have a fabulous weekend! See you on the flip side.



P.S. The sunscreen deal ends soon, so please take advantage now if you need some. 




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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