Saturday, May 31, 2014

4 Dangers of Food Dyes

4 Dangers of Food Dyes

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

4 Dangers of Food Dyes

Posted: 30 May 2014 02:49 PM PDT

Food dye

Artificial additives pervade our food supply at epic proportions. Manufacturers claim the stuff is added to enhance flavor, appearance, texture, and shelf life. Food dyes, a food additive used to deepen the color of candy, dry mixes, soups, and even bread, have gotten an increasing amount of criticism these last few years. Health authorities in Austria and Norway have even banned the use of artificial food dyes and European health authorities require a warning label on food that contains the synthetic ingredients. In Britain, warn labels caution that children who consume foods containing artificial food colorings are at greater risk for developing hyperactive behavior and ADHD. Meanwhile, the FDA in the United States has yet to say much about the proven health dangers surrounding these synthetic ingredients. So just how dangerous are artificial food dyes? The next four facts will inform you.

1. Made From Petroleum

Originally made from coal tar, food dyes now come from an unrefined fuel source — petroleum. Consuming petroleum in any amount isn’t the most pleasant thought; however, that’s just what you may be doing if you eat non-organic, processed foods. Many popular sports drinks, sodas, powdered mixes, and energy drinks contain petroleum-derived food colorings. [1]

2. Possible Carcinogen

Red 40 and Yellow 5 and 6 contain the chemical benzene, a known carcinogen. The CDC claims that very little is known about the health effects of benzene, despite the mountain of evidence pointing at its cancer-causing potential. [2] While most of the world has banned the use of artificial additives containing this compound, American companies freely use Red 40 and Yellow 5 and 6 in many common processed food products. Processed macaroni and cheese, for example, commonly use Yellow 6 to bring out the food's bright-yellow hue.

3. Contributes to ADHD Risk

Numerous studies have established a significant link between artificial food dyes and hyperactivity in children. An Australian study examining food dyes’ effects on 200 children found that 75% of parents noticed an improvement in behavior and attention once dyes were eliminated from their child’s diet. [3] Other research has validated this finding, suggesting future studies to determine safe intake levels for these products (if they exist, which I doubt). [4]

4. Estrogen Enhancers

Perhaps “enhance” isn’t the best word because this isn’t a good thing. Sunset yellow (Yellow 6) and tartrazine (Yellow 5) have been shown to behave like estrogen in the human body. [5] Why is this bad? Because high levels of estrogen, regardless of the source, can contribute to breast cancer and may decrease male sex drive, among other highly undesirable effects. [6] [7]

Alternatives Exist – Choose Wisely!

The only way to completely avoid artificial food dyes is to consume an unprocessed, whole-food diet. If you’re in a time crunch and have to purchase a processed food item, make sure it is organic. Organic products are prohibited from using artificial coloring, sweeteners, or flavorings. Although organic processed foods are not the most nutrient-dense food on the planet, they are a far better alternative to other options.

Have you eliminated food dyes from your diet? What benefits have you experienced? Leave a comment and share your experience!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. CSPI. Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks. Washington, DC: Center for Science in the Public Interest; 2010.
  2. Kobylewski S1, Jacobson MF. Toxicology of food dyes. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2012 Jul-Sep;18(3):220-46. doi: 10.1179/1077352512Z.00000000034.
  3. Rowe KS1, Rowe KJ. Synthetic food coloring and behavior: a dose response effect in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study. J Pediatr. 1994 Nov;125(5 Pt 1):691-8.
  4. Stevens LJ1, Kuczek T, Burgess JR, Stochelski MA, Arnold LE, Galland L. Mechanisms of behavioral, atopic, and other reactions to artificial food colors in children. Nutr Rev. 2013 May;71(5):268-81. doi: 10.1111/nure.12023.
  5. Axon A1, May FE, Gaughan LE, Williams FM, Blain PG, Wright MC. Tartrazine and sunset yellow are xenoestrogens in a new screening assay to identify modulators of human oestrogen receptor transcriptional activity. Toxicology. 2012 Aug 16;298(1-3):40-51. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2012.04.014.
  6. Russo J, Russo IH. The role of estrogen in the initiation of breast cancer. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2006 December;102(1-5):89-96.
  7. Siepmann T, Roofeh J, Kiefer FW, Edelson DG. Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with soy product consumption. Nutrition. 2011 July-August;27(7-8):859-62. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2010.10.018.

The post 4 Dangers of Food Dyes appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Good news to start the weekend!

Hi there, 

I have two quick things to share with you before you start the weekend...

1. Food Babe Army we did it! When I got a call from Dr. Oz's team telling me we won his healthiest facebook contest, I jumped for joy out of my seat. Being featured on huge media platforms like The Dr. Oz Show helps grow our movement. The more and more people who know about Food Babe, the more and more people will know the truth about what's happening to our food supply. When people find out the truth, companies have no where to hide and have to change. Thank you for voting and supporting the Food Babe Facebook PageIt's an incredible honor to receive this win and I appreciate what you do every single day to spread the word about what's really in our food. Together we are changing the world! 

Watch the clip from The Dr. Oz Show here.

2. Starting tomorrow there is an amazing online conference called the Hay House World Summit. I'm honored to be part of this event with so many of the world's leading experts and inspirational speakers. When you sign up, you get 10 days of the most amazing talks, movies and lectures from people like Dr. Deepak Chopra, Kris Carr, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Frank Lipman and hundreds of others. There's no travel necessary and most of it is completely free! 

Learn more and join me at the Hay House World Summit here.


Sending you wishes for a beautiful and fun weekend!







P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.

Awesome Facebook Page Devoted to Body Cleansing Support

Awesome Facebook Page Devoted to Body Cleansing Support

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Awesome Facebook Page Devoted to Body Cleansing Support

Posted: 29 May 2014 02:37 PM PDT

Strength in Numbers

If you’re cleansing for the first time and have questions, our customer service department is second to none. But, sometimes it’s helpful to have fellowship with people who are also cleansing.

There is a Facebook group called “The Green Body Detox Group” that was started by Kimmie Fetzer, who you may know from her show — Lady Talk Live; she also was the winner of Global Healing Center’s Get Fit Challenge earlier this year. The group is a forum for those who are cleansing or just curious about the process, and it’s a great place to learn. There is a lot of frank discussion and tips exchanged.

Kimmie is really qualified to offer comments about cleansing because she’s had awesome success with it in her life. She described her life changing experience and I’d like to share it…

    “A few years ago I discovered the passion for health and wellness. I started waking up to things in our food and water that are linked to disease by researching and discovered our food source has been poisoned and I personally needed to change my diet. Although, I did not fully understand why I still had weight issues, even though I changed my eating habits it was not until I met Dr Group did I fully understand why I could not lose those love handles of my mid section, I learned my body was toxic?

    I first started my journey in the health industry is by taking to the airwaves with my co-host and starting a talk radio show named Lady Talk Live which our focus is on Women's Health. Our show was such a big hit we were picked up by Genes Communication Network which is a syndicated radio station with great names such as Alex Jones. I felt so humbled and honored that we could reach the masses by having some of the top experts such as Dr Group on our show.

    Dr Group put me and my husband through his 9 step detox program "The Green Body Detox," and while going through the detox program I started to truly understand foods and how they fuel our body, if combined wrong can cause harm to your body. After seeing amazing results while detoxing, and having a complete understand how nutrition works within our body. I decided to enter the Global Healing Center "Get Fit Challenge" with a great desire to change my life… and in the end I won the challenge! I personally want to thank everyone at Global Healing Center. This was a fantastic experience that I will never forget!

    After going through the detox program and seeing how affective it was not only on my health but others that have detox. I decided to peruse my nutrition certification. Which I finished I am now a certified Nutrition Consultant. I will be taking my passion a step further and will be starting my Holistic Practitioner License. Global healing inspired me to pursue my passion so I decided to pay it forward, and help other achieve the same aspirations in turning their health around. I love the quote "Your greatest wealth is your health" and by investing in your health there is no greater achievement in your life. With many health challenges facing Americans today my hope is to help many understand the toxins in today's food source and how important it is to detox the body, and the importance of eating organic.

    My passion lead me to open up World Nutrition Consulting LLC which is both local and global, as I use Skype and phone consultations to reach as many people as possible.”


    Kimmie Fetzer (CNC)

If your life could use revitalization, get a hold of Kimmie. She’s passionate, knowledgable, and real. You can learn more about her nutrition consulting at or reach out to her on Facebook to join the group.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

The post Awesome Facebook Page Devoted to Body Cleansing Support appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Sign Up for the FREE Webinar on Maintaining Balanced Hormones

Posted: 29 May 2014 09:04 AM PDT


Hormones have a tremendous amount of influence on the way our bodies work — both women AND men. Hormonal balance affects mental health, metabolism, sleep cycles, sex drive, and much, much more. Unfortunately, with age, typically comes a drop in hormone availability and unpredictable hormone activity. It’s extremely common for people as young as 30 to begin feeling a “slow down” that wasn’t present in their formative years. That is often a signal that your hormones are changing.

On Wednesday, June 11th, I’m offering a free webinar where you can learn about the science of hormones, why hormonal balance is important, and what you can do about it. This is information everyone needs to hear, both women and men. We’ll cover new, groundbreaking information and you’ll leave with a strategy to promote balance in your life, immediately. You’ll learn…

  • What women AND men need to know about hormones and aging
  • The signs and symptoms of menopause and manopause
  • How hormonal imbalance negatively affects your health
  • Natural ways to balance your hormones

…and much more!

The cost is free and there’s nothing to buy, this is an opportunity to learn and discuss.

Reserve Your Seat by Signing Up for FREE
Email Address*
First Name

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

The post Sign Up for the FREE Webinar on Maintaining Balanced Hormones appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Health Benefits of Wakame

Posted: 29 May 2014 11:56 AM PDT

Some of the health benefits of wakame include its ability to aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, boost heart health, prevent cancer, boost energy levels, maintains hormonal balance, build strong bones, increase circulation, improve skin health, and protects infant health.

Introduction to Wakame

Wakame is a variety of seaweed that is commonly used in Japanese cuisine. Its scientific name is Undaria pinnatifida and although it is considered one of the most invasive species of seaweed on the planet, it is healthy and beneficial when added to any diet. In Japan, wakame is commonly used in soups and salads, as well as in the form of a side dish, like tofu. The taste is briny and salty, with a slightly sweet taste mixed in that flavors other foods in such a delightful way. Japanese sea farmers have grown this seaweed for hundreds of years, and it is beginning to gain popularity in other parts of the world as well, particularly in France.

However, the best thing about wakame, besides its taste and versatility, is the enormous amount of health benefits that it contains. Most of these health benefits come from the rich supply of vitamins and minerals contained in these delicate green leaves, as well as certain organic compounds that have only recently begun to be studied.

Nutritional Facts of Wakame

Wakame is a very important source of vitamins and minerals, including iodine, calcium, iron, and magnesium, as well as folate, vitamin A, C, D, E, K, and B2. Wakame also contains lignans and fucoxanthin, which have their own unique health benefits. Let's take a closer look at some of these health benefits.

Health Benefits of Wakame

Weight Control: The extremely small amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats in wakame are one reason why it fills you up without adding too many calories to your diet, but that isn't the only reason why people turn to wakame to control their obesity. Researchers have discovered a compound called fucoxanthin in wakame that actually inhibits the accumulation of fat in the cells and stimulates fat oxidation. This unique compound, rarely found in vegetables, is the reason that wakame has its unusual brown color, because it also helps in photosynthesis.

Cholesterol and Heart Health: Along with its inhibitory affects on fat accumulation, fucoxanthin also stimulates the liver to increase its production of DHA, which is a particularly kind of fatty acid that actually lowers the levels of "bad" cholesterol in your system. This is the type of cholesterol commonly associated with atherosclerosis and artery blockage, so you are able to protect yourself from various heart diseases, as well as heart attacks and strokes by adding this brittle, salty seaweed to your soups and salads!

Circulation: The high content of iron in wakame means that it increases your production of red blood cells. Iron is an essential part of red blood cells, and higher levels means increased circulation in your cardiovascular system, which provides additional oxygen to essential parts of the body, boosts energy, increases the health of your skin, and speeds up the healing process of all the tissues and organs in your body!

Cancer Prevention: Although it might seem like an insignificant addition to your diet, wakame can actually help to protect your body from developing cancer. Iodine, which is an essential part of any diet, is very high in all seaweeds, particularly wakame. Iodine has been connected to lower levels of breast cancer, evidenced by the notable increase in Japanese men and women who turn to a more Western diet. Furthermore, the lignans found in wakame have also been linked to lower levels of breast cancer!

Energy Booster: Magnesium is an extremely versatile and useful mineral in our body. The high levels in wakame mean that this variety of seaweed can help our body transfer energy efficiently, regulate hormones throughout the body, and help our body produce and utilize protein, which is essential for almost every bodily function related to growth or repair.

Infant Health: Folate, also known as Vitamin B9, is extremely vital for pregnant women, as it has been consistently connected with lowered chances of neural tube defects in infants. Wakame contains significant amounts of folate, so pregnant women should add some Japanese dishes to their pregnancy diet!

Bone Health: Calcium is one of the most important minerals when it comes to protecting the integrity and durability of our bones. The high levels of calcium found in wakame help your body increase bone growth and speeds up repair, thereby preventing early onset osteoporosis and keeping you fit and active well into your old age!

Hormonal Balance: Iodine is the most important component of the hormonal balance in our body. It is an integral aspect of creating the thyroid hormone, which controls a number of processes throughout the body, and it is also necessary for the production of energy in the body. High levels of iodine in wakame have been praised around the world as a healthy, delicious way to keep your energy levels up and your hormones balanced.

A Final Word of Caution: Although the vast majority of the components in wakame are beneficial for your health, it does have a relatively high level of sodium, which isn't the best choice for people already suffering from obesity or blood pressure problems. Sodium works against potassium to lower blood pressure, so be careful not to overdo it on the wakame in your meals. Other than that, enjoy this delicious Japanese delicacy!

10 Epic Veggie Burgers to Throw on the Grill Now

Posted: 29 May 2014 11:17 AM PDT

Veggie burgers are a fun dish to cook and serve in vegan cuisine because there is so much creativity one can put into constructing the perfect burger. Making veggie burger mixes is an easy, try-as-you-go way to add a bunch of good-for-you ingredients, like beans, whole grains and vegetables, in a patty and make it taste like whatever you want. Grilling the patties marries all the flavors and makes an amazing summer lunch. Throw these 10 epic veggie burgers on the grill now.

1. Quinoa Veggie Burger

Quinoa and mushroom lovers must try this patty. Use this recipe as a base and jazz it up with whatever herbs, spices, veggies or toppings you like.

2. The Vegan Eggplant Crunchburger

This vegan, gluten-free burger is decadence on a bun. The recipe author recommends topping them with caramelized onions and a simple spread made with mayo, mustard, and vegan, gluten-free Worcestershire sauce.

3. Quinoa and White Bean Burger

These filling patties are packed with protein and fiber as well as other beneficial nutrients. They're also packed with flavor; the recipe calls for thyme, garlic, shallots, lemon, red bell pepper, paprika and chipotle chili pepper.

4. Red Lentil Burgers With Kale Pesto

In this recipe, start with red lentils, potatoes, almonds and different seeds. You combine these with a nice blend of spices that includes cumin, paprika, coriander and black pepper. After you grill these patties, add the kale pesto sauce, then it place over some brown rice and you have a fantastic meal.

5. Spicy Cauliflower Potato Burger

Serve these spicy patties with roasted peppers, sliced tomatoes and an either guacamole or a chipotle habanero cashew cream sauce. For the Spicy Chipotle Cream sauce, blend 1/4 cup powdered raw cashews, 1/2+ cup water, 5 to 6 garlic cloves, 1/3 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 2+ teaspoons Chipotle Habanero Hot sauce or to taste.

6. Hearty Lentil and Brown Rice Burger

These hearty, flavorful veggie burgers pair well with BBQ sauce and are made with delicious ingredients like green lentils, brown rice, yellow onion and garlic.

7. White Bean and Sweet Potato Burgers

White bean, sweet potato, onion, garlic, parsley, cumin, chili powder, breadcrumbs and a few other spices blend harmoniously together for these delicious white bean and sweet potato burgers.

8. Portobello Mushroom Burgers

Portobello mushroom burgers are a classic vegan veggie burger choice. These patties have a delicious glaze over top. Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic,  basil, thyme, oregano, salt and pepper, then pour over caps and let marinade for 20 to 30 minutes on the grill.

9. Cajun Burgers

The base of these burgers are made from kasha, or buckwheat, which has a deep, nutty taste. It also has a delicious taste from the spices, like thyme, basil, oregano, paprika, mustard powder and cayenne pepper.

10. Reuben Burger

This delicious veggie burger has a spice rub of several spices like coriander, garlic, onion, caraway, fennel and black pepper.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What Do You Do When A Recipe Calls For Crisco?

Spending time with my friends last weekend reminded me that living an organic, non-GMO lifestyle doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite foods.

You can have your cake and eat it too (if it contains clean ingredients).

This is why I love sharing recipes like this that make my heart sing. Unfortunately, the original recipe called for Crisco! 

See what ingredient I used instead here:

This recipe is perfect for dessert, breakfast, brunch, a treat or the freezer to enjoy later. 

Hope you love it. 



P.S. Plus there's a giveaway on this special ingredient too!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

20 Health Conditions That Mimic ADHD

20 Health Conditions That Mimic ADHD

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

20 Health Conditions That Mimic ADHD

Posted: 23 May 2014 11:01 AM PDT


ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactive disorder, is diagnosed through mere observation of symptoms and not by any sort of scientific testing. There are no brain scans, blood tests, or biological readings to determine the presence of ADHD, just a myriad of behavioral and psychological symptoms. [1] Although many of the symptoms arise from an underlying cause, most doctors who diagnose children and adults with ADHD tend to overlook the underlying health factors in lieu of prescribing an ADHD medication. Whether concentration issues are the result of an allergy, lack of physical or mental stimulation, or is the result of nutrient malabsorption, misdiagnosis is bound to contribute to the sharp increase in ADHD diagnoses.

Conditions That Mimic ADHD

There are many biological, physiological, emotional, and medical conditions that may cause symptoms similar to those ascribed to ADHD. Here are just a few of the issues that might be influencing ADHD-like behavior.

1. Hypoglycemia

Blood sugar issues are common, especially in children who regularly consume high-carbohydrate foods. Highly processed foods often encourage a blood sugar crash. Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, can cause irritability, lack of concentration and focus, and low energy levels — classic “ADHD” symptoms. [2] Although research hasn't shown that sugar causes ADHD, it has been shown to boost observable symptoms.

2. Allergies

Allergic reactions to synthetic dyes, preservatives, and other food chemicals can lead to symptoms associated with ADHD. [3] [4] One of the first steps to take if you’re experiencing concentration or focus problems is to avoid synthetic, processed, and non-organic food whenever possible.

3. Learning Disabilities

There are many reasons why a child (or even an adult) may have trouble learning. Perhaps they learn at a slower rate. On the other hand, maybe they can pick up new information faster than those around them, resulting in extra downtime for daydreaming and restlessness. Whatever the cause, undiagnosed issues can result in an ADHD diagnosis. Perhaps all that’s required to improve symptoms is a change of environment or teaching method.

4. Hyper- or Hypothyroidism

Both the underproduction and overproduction of thyroid hormones can cause energy imbalances, mood disorders, and concentration issues. Anyone who is currently experiencing such problems should have their thyroid evaluated before diving into traditional ADHD therapies. [5]

5. Hearing and Vision Issues

If a child has trouble seeing the board or hearing the teacher, this could affect how they perform in the classroom. This can affect adults as well, and many older adults are reluctant to tell their doctor about hearing or eyesight issues. Remedying poor eyesight or hearing may be helpful for avoiding an ADHD diagnosis.

6. Lead Poisoning

People with abnormal levels of lead in their body are more likely to suffer from lower IQ, attention deficits, and negative work and school performance. Studies indicate that lead may be one of the leading culprits for increasing hyperactivity in children. [6]

Genetic Conditions That Mimic ADHD

Certain genetic diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, may also increase ADHD symptoms. People who have been diagnosed with ADHD should take inventory to determine if they’re instead suffering from any one of the following conditions.

7. Diabetes

People who have a family history of diabetes should make sure they are keeping their blood sugar in check. High blood sugar, whether genetic or not, could present symptoms related to ADHD, including anxiety, poor focus, and aggression. [7]

8. Heart Disease

Any sort of heart abnormality can affect blood, oxygen, and nutrient flow to the brain. Adults and children alike should look into their heart health if on the verge of being diagnosed with ADHD, especially if heart disease runs in the family.

9. Anemia

While anemia isn't always inherited, the condition, marked by a lack of red blood cells, is often a result of genetics. Anemia can cause a decreased level of oxygen to the brain, possibly leading to brain dysfunction.

10. Bipolar Disorder

Many health experts believe that 85% of children with bipolar disorder meet the criteria set for ADHD. [8] For children suffering from bipolar, mood swings can occur throughout the day, and many doctors, parents, and teachers misjudge these occurrences as ADHD.

Other Factors That Mimic ADHD

The following rare and lesser-known conditions are also known to affect mood, behavior, and mental function…

11. Spinal Problems

The spine is connected directly to the brain, and a misalignment can affect nerves and influence symptoms linked to ADHD. Exploring this with a trained chiropractor may be helpful for individuals suffering from ADHD-related symptoms. [9]

12. Toxin Overload

Gasoline fumes, pesticides, and lead are just a few of the toxins that permeate every day life. At times, you can become bogged down with toxins that manifest certain symptoms and conditions, including those associated with ADHD. [10] [11] When the liver isn’t functioning as it should, it may prompt a lack of focus, concentration issues, and irritability.

13. Metabolic Disorders

Certain metabolic disorders that interfere with the body’s ability to metabolize, or break down and absorb, certain nutrients may lead to the mental degeneration. [12] A brain that can’t properly utilize glucose, for example, may experience difficulty processing and retaining information, a marked sign of attention deficit disorder.

14. Sleeping Issues

Sleeping habits that are less than ideal can increase the chances of an individual being diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD. Not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep can make you groggy and restless, both of which interfere with concentration.

15. Infections

A viral or bacterial infection could lead to temporary changes in behavior, and not for the better. [13] People with suppressed immune systems are the most susceptible. Even minor infections can affect behavior, mood, and mental clarity.

16. Diet

Caffeine and sugar are two of the worst offenders when it comes to maintaining mental health and clarity. Both behave like drugs and have addictive qualities. Sugar and caffeine stress the adrenals, lead to energy crashes, cause nervous issues and agitation, and even contribute to decreased memory and focus. Not receiving adequate vitamins and minerals can also interfere with brain metabolism, especially B vitamins. Every diet should include a balance of protein, fiber, and fat to prevent blood sugar spikes that produce energy lulls and concentration issues — two symptoms typified by ADHD.

17. Taking Prescription Medications

Some prescription drugs can lead to minor brain atrophy, a condition that can cause a disturbance in cognition. Prescription medications may also interfere with brain function to cause mental and physical fatigue.

18. Brain Disorders

Children or adults with brain disorders that interfere with their sensory faculties may display symptoms of ADHD. Minor seizure disorders, if undiagnosed, can be mistaken for attention deficit disorder. While rare, these issues should be considered before jumping into a conventional ADHD care regimen.

19. Intestinal Imbalance

An imbalance of good bacteria in the intestines can interfere with brain function. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter present in the intestines, is a great influencer of mood and behavior. Bad bacteria in the gut can negatively affect this neurotransmitter. Sugar, processed carbohydrates, and a lack of sunlight can interfere with the balance of good to bad bacteria in the body.

20. Lack of Exercise

Physical activity is good for body and mind and helps to release energy and tension. Exercise also increases oxygen intake and this stimulates brain activity. Research has proven that exercise, especially out in nature, can improve concentration and decrease common symptoms of ADHD. [14] [15]

One Final Thought

Nobody knows your body or situation better than you. If you, or someone you know, is suffering from ADHD-like symptoms or even been diagnosed with ADHD, it may be worth digging deeper to determine if that’s really the issue. After all, the mind medicines typically prescribed are… questionable, to say the very least.

How have you dealt with attention issues? Please leave a comment and share your insight!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Rowland AS. The epidemiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a public health view. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2002;8(3):162-70.
  2. Yujeong Kim and Hyeja Chang. Correlation between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and sugar consumption, quality of diet, and dietary behavior in school children. Nutrition Research and Practice. June 2011; 5(3): 236-245.
  3. Joel T. Nigg, Ph.D., Kara Lewis, Ph.D., Tracy Edinger, N.D., Michael Falk, Ph.D. Meta-Analysis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Restriction Diet, and Synthetic Food Color Additives. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Volume 51, Issue 1, Pages 86-97 .e8, January 2012.
  4. Kanarek RB. Artificial food dyes and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Nutrition Review. 2011 July;69(7):385-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2011.00385.x.
  5. Weiss RE, Stein MA, Trommer B, Refetoff S. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and thyroid function. Journal of Pediatrics. 1993 October;123(4):539-45.
  6. Kim S, Arora M, Fernandez C, Landero J, Caruso J, Chen A. Lead, mercury, and cadmium exposure and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Environmental Research. 2013 October;126: 105-10. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2013.08.008.
  7. Chen HJ, Lee YJ, Yeh GC. Association of attention-defict/hyperactivity disorder with diabetes: a population-based study. Pediatric Research. 2013 April;73(4 Pt 1):492-6. doi: 10.1038/pr.2013.5.
  8. Singh MK, DelBello MP, Kowatch RA, Strakowski SM. Co-occurrence of bipolar and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders in children. Bipolar Disorder. 2006 December;8(6):710-20.
  9. Jeffrey M. Muir. Chiropractic management of a patient with symptoms of attention-defcit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. September 2012; 11(3): 221-224.
  10. Yousef S, Adem A, Zoubeidi T, Kosanovic M, Mabrouk AA, Eapen V. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and environmental toxic metal exposure in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2011 December;57(6):457-60. doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmq121.
  11. Curtis LT, Patel K. Nutritional and environmental approaches to preventing and treating autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a review. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2008 January-February;14(1):79-85. doi: 10.1089/acm.2007.0610.
  12. Zametkin AJ, Liebenauer LL, Fitzgerald GA, King AC, Minkunas DV, Herscovitch P, Yamada EM, Cohen RM. Brain metabolism in teenagers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1993 May;50(5):333-40.
  13. Barichello T, Generosos JS, Milioli G, Elias SG, Teixeira AL. Pathophysiology of bacterial infection of the central nervous system and its putative role in the pathogenesis of behavioral changes. The Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. 2013 March;35(1):81-7.
  14. Frances E. Kuo, PhD and Andrea Faber Taylor, PhD. A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence From a National Study. American Journal of Public Health. 2004 September; 94(9): 1580-1586
  15. Claudia Verret, Marie-Claude Guay, Claude Berthiaume, Phillip Gardiner, Louise Béliveau. A Physical Activity Program Improves Behavior and Cognitive Functions in Children with ADHD: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Attention Disorders: January 2012 vol. 16 no. 1 71-80.

The post 20 Health Conditions That Mimic ADHD appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.