Friday, January 31, 2025

last few hours - closing at midnight PST.

In case you missed it, the 7-Day Sugar Detox Program is only open for a few more hours.

Now's the time to get in, if you want in. The program shuts down at midnight PST.

If you have any doubts about whether it will work for you, check these reviews:

See what's possible in just 7 days…

"I have lost almost 5 pounds. I have eaten more delicious food this week than I have in my entire life. I have found the recipes so very delicious." - Glenna

"My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! We are going to continue eating this way forever!" - Lori

"The best part was getting on the scale and finding that I had lost 4 pounds! I am extremely motivated now, and even started to exercise." - Lesli

"I am feeling lean, energetic and so great! I am going to continue eating this way as it has spurred a weight loss that I've been struggling to ignite. I'm down almost 5 pounds, and paired with seeing a personal trainer I'm experiencing big changes already. This sugar detox has been the BEST plan yet for having an immediate and wonderful impact on my health!" - Diana

Can't do the 7-Day Sugar Detox right now? 

No problem. You'll get instant access to the entire program for life, so you can start any time you'd like.

Get access for life here - no recurring charges!

This is the last time I'm offering this program in 2025. I'm not sure when I will again or if I'll offer it at this same price.

We close enrollment tonight at midnight, so now is the time to get in. 

Don't miss out: Get Started Now



Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Doors are closing - won't be available again until next year.

Today's the last day to get the Food Babe Sugar Detox Program, and I notice that you haven't signed up yet.

I want to make sure you know a few things…

I only open this program up once a year so this is a rare opportunity. 

You don't need to start right away though. After you join, you'll have lifetime access to the entire program, the guides, recipes, meal plans, and videos - so you can start any time that is convenient for you. 

But, you do need to get in now because the doors close tonight at midnight

If you find yourself struggling with stubborn weight gain, fatigue, and out-of-control sugar cravings, this program is just what you need.

These testimonials speak for themselves! 

I'll show you… 

  • How the food industry tries to keep you addicted to sugar (even when you think you're eating a perfectly healthy diet)... and how you can avoid their devious traps.
  • A proven way to finally take control of your cravings without feeling deprived or eating pre-packaged "diet" foods.
  • The 10 best foods to eat during your detox...along with 47 foods you must avoid at all costs (there are some unexpected foods on this list for sure!)
  • My no-hassle sugar detox meal plan, so you know exactly what to eat and when to eat it. Twenty-one tasty meals that satisfy even the biggest appetites.
  • Sugar-detox restaurant guide so you can stay on track even when you're on-the-go.
  • 9 powerful craving quenchers hiding in your kitchen cabinet. One of them is an Indian spice, proven to work in human studies.
  • A magic tea formula that stops sugar cravings—by "rewiring" your taste buds! Just a few sips of this tasty beverage are all you need (and no, it's not green tea).
  • Hands-on support through our private Facebook group.

All the guides are downloadable and ready to view on your smartphone, computer or tablet instantly. 

If you have any questions about the program, simply respond to this email. I'm here to help.

Ready to get started?

Get in now here.




P.S. If you know someone who would love to lose a few pounds and could use a little boost in their health, forward this email to them. Team up and do the Sugar Detox together. 


Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Need a reset? The time is now.


I'm always amazed when I see how quickly people see results when they do the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox

Nicole and her husband lost some serious weight…

"I'm in shock!I can't believe how much changed in one week. My husband and I did the 7-day sugar detox, I lost 8lbs, he lost 10lbs! The recipes were delicious and easy! We both feel lighter with no bloating!  We have both done all the diets before and prepackaged meals but this has been our best outcome!" - Nicole C

JaNette ditched artificial sweeteners and lost 5 pounds…

 "I completed the 7-Day Sugar Detox and the sugar cravings actually got better after day 4.  I didn't eat much sugar to begin with so my biggest challenge was giving up using Splenda!  I never thought I would ever order unsweetened ice tea but I did :).  I plan to continue to limit Splenda going forward and continue not eating any real sugar. The best part of it all is I lost 5 pounds!" - JaNette

And then I heard from Matt…

Matt was a firefighter, and between his schedule and sleep habits, he had been in a rut for a long time with choosing convenience over quality. 

He also had  a horrible sweet tooth. One that caused him to have regular binges on "the worst of the worst types of candy". 

His wife had been trying to get him to reduce his sugar intake, but it had such a hold on him for so long–he didn't know where to start. 

Then Matt tried the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox

"It was a great experience! The biggest difference was the food. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it all. The other thing that was noteworthy was, upon completion, I didn't have much of a desire for sugar. At least not in mass quantities. I am only a few days removed from it, but I still desire to eat healthy. I think my relationship with food is taking a much needed positive turn. For me it is less about the weight loss and more about good health for me and my family. Thank you food babe! (I lost 14 lbs and I feel great)." - Matt

Incredible, right??

While the weight loss is great…

There are NUMEROUS benefits of getting refined sugar out of your diet, which aren't as easy to spot…

You'll halt harmful inflammation in your body that puts you at greater risk for developing cancer, heart disease and more health issues down the road. 

You'll boost your immune system, so you're less likely to come down with something. 

You'll prevent wrinkles as sugar weakens your skin's support structure.

Your energy will soar when you stop the sugar crashes, which leave you exhausted until you get your next sugar fix.

Your sugar cravings will disappear and you'll be less tempted by unhealthy sugary treats. Wouldn't that be a relief? 

A sugar detox is the best way to lose weight, improve your health, and feel amazing.

If you're ready to get sugar out of your diet now, you've got to try this 7-Day Sugar Detox.

It is a step-by-step plan to cut out sugar, feel great, and take control of cravings in a simple manageable way.

Get in before the doors close on Friday!

If you can't start right away, no problem! You'll own the entire program for life - so you can start any time that is convenient for you. But, you do need to get in now before I close this offer.

I can't wait to hear YOUR success story. 

Click here to get started.



Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sugar Detox Closes for the year on Friday


I don't want you to miss out on this, so here's a quick heads up. 

I'm closing enrollment in the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox this Friday 1/31 at midnight.

This life-changing program can help you lose weight, gain energy, and feel amazing in just 7 days!

See everything included here.

It's only available once a year and since the doors are about to close, questions about the program have been pouring in. 

You might have these questions too…

What if I'm following a vegan, vegetarian, paleo or gluten-free diet?

The 7-Day Sugar Detox has two separate guides to choose from: a vegan plan, or a plan that includes meat. All recipes are free of gluten, refined sugar, grains, and most dairy. 

What if I have food allergies or don't like an ingredient?

We have you covered! There is an ingredient substitution chart included with the recipes so you can easily find a solution that meets your dietary needs. You can also contact my team if you need more help and we'll send substitutions or another recipe for you to try instead. 

Can I eat fruit on this program?

Yes, of course you can. While we limit the intake of fruit during the detox, we include low sugar fruit such as berries in the program. After the 7 days you are welcome to add additional fruit back into your diet.

Can I drink coffee or alcohol during the detox?

Yes you can drink coffee! (No to the alcohol) Just make sure that you don't put sugar in that coffee, and we'll help you with substitutes. We provide advice on how to enhance your coffee without refined sugar and the best way to enjoy it during the detox. 

Are wheat or grains included?

The program does not include wheat or grains. This will help reset your body from carbs that can break down into simple sugars and be the culprit of your sugar cravings. You'll find tips for incorporating grains back into your diet after the 7 days in the "After The Detox" guide. 

I can't do the 7-Day Sugar Detox right now. Is there another time I can do it?

Absolutely! When you sign up, you're given access to the program for life. You can start whenever you want. You can also repeat it as many times as you'd like. However, you need to sign up before the doors close Friday (1/31/25)

Will I lose weight? What results might I see? Are there any reviews?

While I can't guarantee your results (everyone is different) this program has helped thousands of people lose weight, feel more energetic, say goodbye to sugar cravings, and improve their life in so many ways. I'm always astounded at the results people see in as little as 7 days. Read the reviews here

How much does the 7-Day Sugar Detox cost?

I cut the price to make it as affordable as possible. For a low one-time fee you get lifetime access to everything with no additional or recurring charges. Once you're in, you're in!  

GET IN HERE: Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox 

If you suffer from sugar cravings, feel sluggish, and suffer from skin issues, this detox is for you! 

Sign up today and take the next few days to watch the videos and download the meal plan and recipes. You can start next week, next month, or whenever it's convenient for you. We will be waiting to cheer you on! 

Have another question for me? Simply respond to this email and we will get back to you ASAP. 

Click here to get started before the doors close Friday.




P.S. If you know anyone who struggles with sugar and would love this, please forward this email to them! Look at what people have to say about the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox:

"I have lost almost 5 pounds. I have eaten more delicious food this week than I have in my entire life. I have found the recipes so very delicious." ~ Glenna

"I thought it would be impossible but it wasn't and we succeeded! We feel so much better after doing the detox and now know that we have self control and that sugar does not run our lives." ~ Lia

"My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! We are going to continue eating this way forever!" ~ Lori


More testimonials here.

Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Friday, January 24, 2025

Need a healthy snack? Try these!

As a parent, one thing we always need in the house are SNACKS. 

And…not just for the kids. For myself too!

But nowadays I'm really careful about the snacks I buy. 

When I was a child, I ate all the snacks the other kids were eating…Cheetos, Oreos, and Pop-Tarts.

I felt like a zombie. I had no energy, my skin looked awful, and I didn't feel good most of the time. 

I now know I would have been a better student, a better kid, a better daughter, and a better sibling, if I had had better nutrition growing up.

I never want my kids to feel the way I did! 

The best snacks are always going to be whole foods, like fruit, nuts, or veggie sticks, and this is what my family enjoys as a snack most of the time. 

But…there are those times when you're traveling and it's more convenient to have packaged snacks on hand. 

Or those times when your kids are at school or have friends over, and want to eat foods that look like what the other children are eating, without it being filled with junky ingredients. 

If you're struggling in the snack department…here 5 delicious snack swaps to try: 


My kids go crazy for melts…but we never buy conventional brands like Gerber because their fruit yogurt melts are filled with refined sugar and "natural flavors" which are made in a lab with proprietary (i.e. secret) ingredients. Even most organic brands have added flavors and aren't made with real fruit or veggies. 

This is why we're in love with Amara Organic Smoothie Melts. They're made with organic fruits and veggies - and are free from added sugars, flavors, dyes, and other strange additives. The best part is that my kids devour them, and get so excited when they are in our pantry (we have a hard time keeping them stocked!) 

I always want to support brands like Amara who have amazing ingredients and make our lives easier, and this is why I became an investor in Amara.

Want to try Amara? Get 15% OFF Amara with the code VANI15 


You can't have movie night without popcorn, right? Just make sure you stick with organic popcorn. That's because conventional popcorn is often contaminated with pesticides - insecticides, herbicides and fungicides - even if it's Non-GMO Project Verified (all popcorn is Non-GMO anyway). You'll also want to avoid brands with refined oils like soybean and canola oil. I like Lesser Evil brand and various other organic store brands like Sprouts Organic Popcorn with coconut oil. 


Most crackers are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup and made with refined flour and oils that are inflammatory on the body. You'll also find the controversial preservatives TBHQ (Club and Cheez-Its) or BHT (Wheat Thins) in popular brands.

Instead, look for organic brands made with whole seeds, brown rice, and healthy ingredients that you recognize. Some of my favorite cracker brands are Mary's Gone, Rustic Bakery, Flackers, and Simple Mills (who also makes a good Goldfish swap called Pop Mmms!)


Instead of buying flavored yogurt with processed sweeteners and fake flavors, get plain organic yogurt (grass-fed dairy or coconut). Then add your own fruit. If you want it sweeter, stir in a little honey. Easy peasy, and tastes better too! Some favorite brands are Maple Hill, Nancy's, or Cocojune.


It's nearly impossible to find a snack bar on the market without "natural flavors" added and other questionable ingredients. This is one of the many reasons why my company Truvani set out to create an organic snack bar made only with ingredients you'd find in your own kitchen: The Only Bar. We've now got 12 delicious flavors and they all taste like a treat! My family really loves the Cherry Chocolate Chip and Mint Chocolate. I'd love to hear which one is your favorite. 

Use the exclusive code FOODBABEBARS to get 20% off our Tasting Collection of all 12 flavors! Make sure to enter the code at checkout to get your discount.

I hope this helps you stock the pantry with healthy snacks that you can take anywhere. And don't forget about these offers:

In supporting brands who are doing the right things, we are changing the marketplace with our dollars! Thank you.

If you know anyone who needs these snack swaps, please share the love and forward this onto them. 




***If someone forwarded this email to you, make sure to subscribe to my free email newsletter here. I'll send you updates, life-changing health tips, recipes, and breaking investigations each week***


Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Does this sound like you?

Does this sound like you?

  • You feel tired or sluggish during the day
  • You crave sweets after meals, or at night
  • You're carrying excess weight that's hard to lose
  • You are easily prone to eczema or breakouts

This is how I used to feel. 

My sugar cravings were OFF THE CHARTS. 

It led to nighttime candy binges for months, and before I knew it…there was eczema on my face and my energy was zapped. 

So what did I do? 

I followed this real food meal plan, cutting refined sugar from my diet. 

It was amazing how much better I felt in just a few days. After eating this way, my sugar cravings vanished and my eczema cleared up. It was a great reminder of how healing a healthy diet can be. 

If you want to try this too, you'll find everything I did in my 7-Day Sugar Detox Program.

I give you my proven menu for curbing sugar cravings and resetting your taste buds. All of your food decisions are mapped out for you. The meal plan, shopping list, and recipe guide tell you exactly what to eat. 

I'll give you easy swaps for addicting sugary foods and drinks, keeping your cravings satisfied. If you have withdrawal symptoms, we will be there with proven strategies and support to help you make it through.

Get the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox Program: CLICK HERE

To help you get started right away, let me share one of the healthy habits you'll find inside the program…

Every morning, drink a tall glass of warm lemon water (½ a juiced lemon) with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. 

Maintaining this daily habit has AMAZING health benefits! 

Imagine getting sick less often, feeling lighter, having regular eliminations, clearer skin, more energy and getting a boost in your metabolism. 

One of the most incredible benefits I've noticed is that this habit curbs my cravings for sugar, and it's something I do every morning - even when traveling! It's surprising that something as SIMPLE as this would make such a huge difference, but it really does.

Ready for more?

I only open up the 7-Day Sugar Detox once a year and the doors close on January 31st. 

Get access now

This is one of the best things you can do for your body. Just think of how much better you will feel! 




P.S. Here's what people say about the 7-Day Sugar Detox:


"I am feeling lean, energetic and so great! I am going to continue eating this way as it has spurred a weight loss that I've been struggling to ignite. I'm down almost 5 pounds, and paired with seeing a personal trainer I'm experiencing big changes already...This sugar detox has been the BEST plan yet for having an immediate and wonderful impact on my health!" - Diana


"I thought it would be impossible but it wasn't and we succeeded! We feel so much better after doing the detox and now know that we have self control and that sugar does not run our lives." - Lia


"My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! We are going to continue eating this way forever!" - Lori


More testimonials here.

Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Friday, January 17, 2025

Last day for Strawberry Protein intro sale

This week, we launched our NEW Truvani Plant-Based Protein Powder: Strawberry.

And until tonight, you can try Strawberry (or any flavor you've had your eye on) at 57% OFF of our Protein Starter Kit.

People have been begging us to make this protein since Day 1, but it took us FOUR YEARS to make.

Why? Well, strawberry is a very difficult flavor to shine through protein powder…

Which is why some companies use "natural flavors," artificial sweeteners and food dyes to mimic this flavor…

At Truvani, we refuse to make any product if it means cutting corners on our ingredient standards.

But after FOUR WHOLE YEARS of researching, we found the "Fragola di Romagna" strawberry in Italy…

Renowned in Europe for its bold flavor and aromatic richness that tastes incredible in our new protein:

I must warn you, I'm willing to bet this will be our fastest-selling flavor. 

So if you want to call dibs on a bag…

I'm giving you 57% OFF of our Protein Starter Kit in Strawberry (or any flavor) when you sign up for a new auto-ship.

It includes a full-size protein and 4 free gifts: Handheld Frother, Gold Scoop, Gold Bag Clip, and a "La Petite Pleasures" Recipe Guide with recipes like: 

  • Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes
  • Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream
  • Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie
  • Chocolate Strawberry Yogurt Clusters
  • And so much more…

Even though our Strawberry Plant-Based Protein tastes like a treat on it's own…

These recipes will take your protein intake to the next level. 

But this deal goes away soon, so don't miss your chance to claim it: 

Claim up to 57% OFF

This deal ends tonight at midnight




Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Thursday, January 16, 2025

This ingredient gives rats tumors and thyoid cancer!

The artificial dye Red 3, a known carcinogen, has finally been banned from our food

Together we forced the FDA to do this. I'm so proud of you Food Babe Army! 

It's a win for the health of Americans, but the truth is…

This ingredient should have never been allowed in our food to begin with.

Red 3 is made from petroleum and OVER 30 YEARS AGO, the FDA banned it from cosmetics after it caused cancer in lab animals. They've known the dangers for decades and refused to take action. 

I'm glad they're doing the right thing now, but this is one of the greatest examples of how conflicts of interest have prevented the FDA from protecting the American people. 

I've been talking with various health leaders, food activists, and senators behind the scenes to bring broader coverage of this to the conversation, and I'm so glad they were able to highlight the problems with Red 3 at a hearing with the FDA in December.

It's amazing what can happen when we all work together. A special thanks goes out to CSPI, EWG, Center for Food Safety, Senator Sanders, Senator Tuberville, Senator Booker, Senator Ron Johnson, RFK Jr., and the entire Make American Healthy Again movement. 

Our movement to get chemicals out of food is unstoppable, and this is just the beginning. 

Here are popular products that still contain Red 3: 

These companies have until January 2027 to remove Red 3 from their products. At this point, nothing prevents them from simply swapping Red 3 for Red 40 - which is also made from petroleum, and comes with several health risks such as hyperactivity in children and increasing the risk of cancer.

The FDA continues to allow our food to be poisoned with ingredients that food companies like Kellogg's don't use in other countries, including Red 40, Yellow 6, and Yellow 5. 

It would be a very bad decision for food companies to swap Red 3 for Red 40 and continue using artificial dyes, because they are just going to have to change it again. 

We are pushing to get all harmful dyes banned from our food, and they have been put on notice. 

We clearly have a long way to go. 

So don't let up.

Continue voting with your dollars and signing petitions asking food companies to change.

Please share this news on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and X. You can also forward this email to your loved ones.

We are changing the food industry together.

Keep up the great work, Food Babe Army!



***If someone forwarded this email to you, make sure to subscribe to my free email newsletter here. I'll send you updates, life-changing health tips, recipes, and breaking investigations each week***

Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Are you struggling with your weight?

If you want to lose weight, gain energy, and feel amazing… 

Eliminating refined sugars from your diet is one of the first things to do. 

This can be challenging because the food industry knows sugar is addictive, and they add it to nearly everything…even organic and so-called "health food" products.

The average American now consumes more than ONE POUND of added sugar every single week. 

That's 2 cups! 

Don't believe that's possible?

Let me give you an example of how this can happen.

Let's say someone ate this over the course of a day…


Now let's add it all up!

That's 129 grams of sugar.

Which equals 32 teaspoons.

That's 2/3 cup of sugar in ONE DAY!

And sadly, this is a conservative estimate. You may be eating more sugar each day, especially if you drink any soda or sweetened drinks. 

All of this sugar fuels inflammation in the body…

Makes you tired and cranky…

Ruins your skin…

Triggers weight gain…

And leads all sorts of diseases like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. 

If you struggle with any of these things or want to prevent them, the best thing you can do for yourself is get your sugar consumption under wraps! 

To help, the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox takes all the guesswork out of what to eat, what to avoid, and how to keep sugar cravings from ruining your best intentions!

CLICK HERE: Get the 7-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plans + Guides 

You'll have instant access to the entire program for life - so you can start any time that is convenient for you.

Here's what's included:

    • Quick Start Sugar Detox Guide
    • 7-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan + Two Recipe Guides (meat and vegetarian options)
    • Exclusive Videos
    • After Detox Success Guide
  • All details here!

I only open up this program once a year and the doors close at the end of January. 

Get access to the 7-Day Sugar Detox program now

This is one of the best things you can do for your body. Just think of how much better you will feel! 



Food Babe - 7-Day Sugar Detox Program

Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Truvani Strawberry Protein NEW!

Our MOST REQUESTED flavor of protein is FINALLY HERE!!!

I can't believe I'm even saying these words: 

Introducing Truvani's NEW Strawberry Plant-Based Protein Powder. 

Our O.G. customers have been begging for this flavor since Day 1.

This protein powder took 4 years to make…  

And when you finally get a taste, you'll see why it was worth the wait: 

Try NEW Strawberry Protein

Why did it take us FOUR years to make, you ask? 

It's hard to find a fruit flavor strong enough to shine through pea protein without compromising on ingredients:

Some companies use Artificial "Strawberry Flavor," made with: Ethyl 3-Phenylglcidate, Benzyl Acetate, Ethyl Cinnamate…

Plus, Red 40 dye to make it unnecessarily "pink"...which requires a warning label in other countries. 

So we searched FAR and WIDE across the world…

And discovered the "Fragola di Romagna" strawberries from Italy. 

These strawberries are prized for their sweet, delicate flavor which can't be replicated anywhere else…

And you'll be able to taste the difference in our NEW Strawberry Plant-Based Protein.

Mark my words: this WILL be one of our most popular flavors to date. 

So call dibs on a bag with an exclusive deal today: 

Get Yours Before It's Gone



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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Monday, January 13, 2025

NEW flavor alert! :)

This is some of our biggest news in Truvani history: 

We have a flavor of protein that people have been begging us to make since Day 1.

It's one of the most common flavors of protein you can find, but here's the thing: 

Some companies use "natural flavors," artificial sweeteners and food dyes to mimic this flavor…

Since it's very difficult for this particular fruit to shine through plant protein on its own.

We refuse to make any product if it means cutting corners on our ingredient standards.

But after FOUR WHOLE YEARS, we found a version of this ingredient in the small Emilia-Romagna region of Italy…

And made a delicious, flavorful protein that is one of our favorite protein powders to date:

Click To Reveal

Since this organic ingredient is coming overseas, it takes a little more lead time.

So right now, you can place your Pre-Order for our NEW Flavor of Plant-Based Protein Powder…

And this product will ship to you in early February. 

Our past few flavor launches sold way faster than our team ever anticipated.

And since this is our MOST requested flavor since day 1… 

I highly recommend ordering yours now. I have a feeling this will be our fastest-selling flavor to date!!!

Get yours today with an exclusive deal: 

Call Dibs on Your Bag 




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P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe