Summertime typically comes with an out-of-whack schedule…
Kids are out of school.
Exciting travel plans on the horizon.
Barbeques every other weekend.
And while I love the extra time with friends and family, I struggle feeling grounded without my health routine.
Last year, I picked up a habit of eating organic licorice almost every night once the kids were down.
I didn't realize how much sugar I was inhaling right before bed… which is the worst time for sugar intake.
And it didn't take long for me to start feeling the effects.
So I made a change.
I started having a Truvani Protein+Greens and Marine Collagen shake every day at lunch…
Not only was it delicious, the added protein helped to curb my nighttime sugar cravings.
Life. Changing.
By adding one concrete habit to my daily routine that was a little out of whack, I was able to make healthier choices later in the day.
I want this for you too.
For a limited time, you can get 25% off ANY Truvani product (this offer applies to one item per unique product).
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It's the perfect time to try a new healthy habit to keep you grounded this summer.
Just check out which products real customers are loving right now…
Get 25% off any plant-based protein powder, vitamins, personal care products and more.
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