I often get asked how I learn about my food.
And who I turn to for health information.
What health experts I listen to.
And who I trust.
Shawn Stevenson is one of the cutting-edge health experts I listen to on a regular basis, and I've learned so much from his podcast, The Model Health Show.
He shares research-backed information that you won't find anywhere else and isn't afraid to tell you the truth. His empowering message is so refreshing in today's world.
Not everyone listens to podcasts, that's why I couldn't be more excited to share that Shawn came out with a new book this week...
Eat Smarter will empower you and make you feel inspired about your food choices. Not just because of the impact it has on your weight, but because the right foods will improve every-single-area of your life. Food can be a powerful tool for happiness and healing, and it can also be a powerful weapon for degradation and disease.
Shawn's genius ways give you the power to take back control of your health. We need to "Eat Smarter" more than ever. This book needs to be read by everyone right now not just to survive, but to thrive!
And remember, the Food Babe Kitchen eBook is only $1.99 this week! Here's where to get this deal:
I hope these books empower you to make 2021 your healthiest year yet! If you know anyone who could use some inspiration in the new year, please forward this email to them.
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