You may have heard some of this public outcry to ban plastic straws.
Well, there's definitely something to it...
In America alone, we use over 500 million plastic straws each day.
That's A LOT of waste.
Plus these straws are made using potentially toxic petrochemicals.
One study showed that a third of the tested plastic products released toxic substances. And it gets worse. These toxins leached out of the plastic samples when exposed to organic substances.
In other words, the toxins come out when contacting our food.
And if you're like me…
You DO NOT want to use anything toxic in your food. Or home.
Fortunately, the world is moving away from plastic straws...
In fact, California has become the first state to outright ban plastic straws from restaurants.
That's a BIG win.
So, what other options do we have?
Well, some restaurant chains are offering paper straws…
...but have you ever used a paper straw?
They seemingly disintegrate in liquid.
Then, there are these collapsible metal straws.
They seem like an O.K choice…
Until you realize that option it's VERY difficult to ensure cleanliness (due to the opaque metal, you can't see inside easily).
Then you have my favorite option:
A sleek, modern, glass straw.
I love these because not only are they see-through, which makes checking cleanliness a breeze…
(They also come with a handy cleaning brush)
But, they're surprisingly sturdy, too.
I use one each morning when I drink water with fresh squeezed lemon and cayenne pepper.
I also like using them in smoothies because it's wider than a normal straw, which makes drinking thicker beverages a breeze.
And each time I use mine it puts a smile on my face knowing I'm not ingesting toxins or other nasty pollutants.
Plus, it's a great feeling to begin each day with an environmentally-conscious choice.
This is one of the reasons why we offer these remarkable smoothie straws at Truvani…
...and today we are offering a special deal on them.
Here's the link
Vani Hari
P.S. Remember, If we each do our small part, the collective benefits will create positive and lasting effects around the world for generations to come.
P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231
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