Thursday, August 31, 2017

I don't like being treated this way.

I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this question… but I've got to ask…

Do you trust Big Food brands who have been dominant in our culture for decades - like Kraft, Kellogg's, General Mills, and Coca-Cola? 

There's a war going on inside the food industry right now and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat… watching each play… and seeing who makes the right moves.

Some players are making all the wrong moves and our trust is going to continue to decline – unless they wake up and realize that there is a new generation of smart, savvy, health conscious, educated people out there to hold them accountable. Basically, they need to stop acting like we are a bunch of idiots.

I go on a major rant about this today in a new MUST READ post on the blog - and you don't want to miss it: Check it out here. 

I want you to be the smartest consumers out there. I want you to be in charge of your health, and the health of your families. The first step is to stop being hijacked by all the processed foods out there that look better – but really aren't. And to eat whole, real foods that will give you the most amazing health of your dreams.

You'll get a chance next week to join a special group of people, along with the support of myself and my entire team, that will help you do just that. Make sure you stay tuned to your emails next week so you get your invite!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Is this still in your kitchen cabinets?

I'm not sure how many times I've been asked to grocery shop with someone to help them spot all the controversial ingredients… but it's a lot. For obvious reasons, I can't physically go to the store with y'all, but, I have a brand new way to help you shop!

Make sure you bookmark my free guide: Ingredients To Avoid In Processed Food (A-Z List). And, download a copy of the list to your phone or bring the printable version to the grocery store with you next time you go shopping.

Not only will this guide help you shop, but you can use it RIGHT NOW in your own kitchen. One of the best things I ever did was clean out my kitchen cabinets and got rid of all the chemical filled junk. I donated it all and haven't looked back. If it's not there, you won't eat it. This makes it a million times easier to eat healthy!

Once you've cleaned out the junk, you'll have a kitchen that's ready for you to feed your family healthy food without all those junky foods calling your name! I encourage you to do this ASAP.

Cleaning up your pantry is as easy as one...two...three:

  1. Take everything out of your pantry and refrigerator, shelf by shelf. Clearing the shelves is the only way you can inventory what you have on hand – and what you want to get out of the house.
  2. Using this guide as a reference, remove foods that contain risky ingredients. As a general rule, if you don't know what an ingredient is on the label, you may not want to eat it!
  3. Restock the shelves with what you've kept, and place the things you use most often within the easiest reach. Keep all of the items in the same place all the time.

A good tip - If a product has a "Satisfaction Guarantee", you might be able to get a full refund or store credit. It's worth asking your local grocery store about this – especially if you are finding a lot of toxic foods in your cabinets. Anything that is unopened should also be returnable to the store. If you can, take a moment to tell the store manager why you are returning the items. If more people admonished their grocery stores for carrying poisons, there'd be less of this stuff on their shelves.

At this point you might feel like I've just lobbed a hand grenade into your pantry and fridge. You're probably wondering what's left to eat... lettuce anyone??? Let me assure you there is an amazing array of foods you can eat, from meats to veggies to pastas to desserts. Nothing is off limits unless you know by reading ingredient labels that it's loaded with chemicals.

Remember, if you have any friends or family who would love tips like these too, just forward this email and ask them to join this newsletter here.

Next week I'm sharing some more incredible resources that I know you'll love. Make sure to watch your email closely so you don't miss a thing!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Should you eat that? (The list you asked for!)

I have an exciting new (and free) guide to share with you! First let me explain why it's so important…

There's an implication out there that everything allowed in processed food – preservatives, artificial sweeteners, thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers – have gone through rigorous independent testing proving they're okay to eat – but in many cases they haven't. The FDA is sometimes not aware that a new ingredient has been introduced into our food, and even if they question the safety of a new ingredient, some companies just use 'em anyway! It's so ridiculous.

Earlier this month the papers reported about a company that's continuing to sell their "Impossible Burger" made with SLH (soy leghemoglobin) even though the FDA questions its safety. This ingredient is made using a complex process in a lab with GMO yeast which creates a new protein that's never been in food before. A major problem with our current food regulatory system is that it allows companies to hire their own experts to evaluate the safety of newly invented ingredients. This allows companies to essentially put whatever they want into food with virtually no oversight. The experts hired by Impossible Foods have historically worked along with Monsanto and the International Life Sciences Institute (a group that represents Big Food and the GMO industry). Is this who you want approving the safety of the food you eat?

Many questionable food additives were not properly studied before ending up on shelves, and don't get pulled until years after they start causing health problems. Should we be the test subjects?

A brand new study found the preservative BHT affects the signaling from our gut to brain which tells us to stop eating, likely contributing to overeating and obesity. BHT is an endocrine disruptor which is also linked to cancer in some animal studies, yet it has been in our food for years. You'll often find BHT in breakfast cereals, where it's added to the packaging - designed to leach into the product and help to keep it fresh. There are safer alternatives to BHT, but many brands still use it, even after taking it out of products sold in other countries with stronger regulations. This is a horrible double-standard, and why I petitioned Kellogg's and General Mills to remove it from their cereals in 2015!

There are an estimated 10,000 food additives and the FDA can't even keep them straight! So, it's no wonder that consumers are left feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

I'm excited to announce my team and I just built the perfect resource to help you!

Our new Ingredients To Avoid In Processed Food Guide breaks down all the common food additives… like Sodium Phosphate, BHT, DATEM, TBHQ, and Caramel Color. So, now you'll always know what these additives are, why to avoid them, and what types of food you'll often find them in! Check it out here. You can even download the list to your phone or grab the printable version to take to the store!

We will be adding more food additives in coming months and years to keep this list current so that you always know which ingredients to avoid.

The majority of food additives invented in the last 50 years are there to improve the bottom line of the food industry – not our health. We are, objectively, a nation full of inexplicable illness. My job as an activist and consumer advocate will always be to look out for you. It's my role and it's all of our roles, to question this system that has become corrupted and is not, as designed, protecting the public. You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to feed yourself and your family healthy food - and I hope the new Ingredients To Avoid In Processed Food Guide helps you become a food label reading expert!

Please share this email with your loved ones (especially if you know they are concerned about the additives in our food - or should be!)

Spread the word Food Babe Army!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Monday, August 28, 2017

Do you have any obstacles I can help overcome?

In all of my researching about food and living a healthy lifestyle, there's one thing I know without a doubt - there are no quick fixes. There's no magic potion that can reverse the damaging effects of eating a diet full of unhealthy food. You can't simply put a patch on your arm, pop a pill, apply a special cream, or gulp down a shake. There really is more to it than that!

To achieve your best health, you've got to commit to making it a priority to choose whole, real food that fills your body with nutrition. When we're bombarded at every turn with processed garbage junk foods...I know it isn't easy... but it can be done!

This isn't something that comes easy to ANYONE, especially at first. I know it's tempting to eat whatever your friends are eating or throw all caution to the wind and pick up something fast (and unhealthy) when we're tired or busy. But when you fully realize your health is at stake, it's much easier to make the right choices.

All this got me thinking about what keeps people from sticking to a healthy diet. So I have a question for you…

Do you have obstacles that prevent you from eating healthy? What are they?

Reply to this email and let me know what they are or simply leave a comment here… I'd love to hear from you. I recently asked this question on my Facebook page and see some common themes! Can you relate?

I want to help you live your healthiest and most vibrant life, but can't do that until I know what's standing in your way. I'm using this info to create investigations and programs that knock these obstacles out of the park. Hope to hear from you soon!



P.S. I have an AMAZING new free resource to give you tomorrow. My team and I have taken months to put this together and it's finally ready. You've all been asking for this, so make sure you check your email for this tomorrow.

P.P.S. The feedback on my interview with Mark Schatzker of The Dorito Effect has been incredible. Did you watch it yet? You can catch it anytime right here and make sure to pick-up a copy of his book!

What's coming next? I plan to do many more interviews like this because they are so fun and informative. There is SO MUCH to learn about our food and I'm still learning every day too! I'm so happy to have you with me on this wild ride. Please invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter so we grow our army even more!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Are natural flavors and GMOs that bad?

One thing I love about having all of you in this Food Babe Army is the power we have when we work together and make a difference. Together, we are raising massive awareness about what's really in our food and how to live healthy, vibrant lives. Along with so many of you and fellow activists, we have spread the truth about GMOs and hazardous chemicals used in conjunction with them like Roundup - and I feel the tide turning. We really are changing the world and I don't want you to forget that!!!

I also want to make sure you have the facts you need to be an activist and fighter for the truth in this movement. Here are some things you need to know about:

On Wednesday (8/23/17) at 2:00pm EST, I'll be interviewing Mark Schatzker, author of The Dorito Effect, on Facebook Live. We'll discuss "natural flavors" in our food. As you know, I've written at length about natural flavors and why I try to avoid them in my food. If you have any questions about natural flavors, this is the time to tune in on The Food Babe Facebook page and ask away in the comments. If you miss the live broadcast, it will be available to watch on my Facebook page at any time after the event.

This Friday 8/25 is the deadline to let the USDA know how you want them to write our new GMO labeling laws. They have until 2018 to establish rules that food companies will be required to follow when labeling GMOs on food and are accepting comments. I am personally asking the USDA to require…

  1. Text labels stating which ingredients are genetically engineered on the package, and to prohibit the use of QR codes.
  2. Labels for highly refined ingredients that come from GMO crops (like corn syrup), even if no GMO material is detected.
  3. Labeling of products made with "gene-editing" and modern biotechnology in the law because the genetic sequences that create bioengineered foods are made in a lab and are unique.

If you live in the U.S., you can do the same and make your voice heard! They are accepting input by email at I hope you add your voice!

Also - New evidence emerged last week showing how top officials at the EPA worked to protect one of Monsanto's greatest assets - the agricultural chemical glyphosate (Roundup). This chemical is a potential carcinogen and widely used on GMO food crops which is why we want labeling. Back and forth emails between the EPA and Monsanto show how they worked together to stall another government agency from reviewing the safety of glyphosate. Why is the EPA collaborating with Monsanto in the first place? We should be able to trust that the food we buy is safe, but unfortunately that isn't always the case. It seems like nearly every week new evidence is uncovered that proves just how far Monsanto and BIG FOOD will go mislead the public.

Please share this email with everyone you love and care about. The more people we get involved in this movement, the better our chances are of shifting our corrupt food system. We need all hands on deck!








P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Pack lunches safely... Ends today!

Hey y'all, I just want to remind you about these huge savings from my partner Ukonserve that ends today (Monday, August 21):

Take 20% off the entire Ukonserve store when you use the code "FOODBABE" at checkout.

Back-to-school lunch season is here and now's the time to get prepared with all your SAFE lunch box essentials. Even if you don't have kids in school, these containers are great for packing healthy food for work and traveling...

Make sure you use the code FOODBABE to get 20% off. Your purchase also supports the work we do here at, so thank you!



P.S. In case you missed it… I posted a new kid's lunchbox recipe on the blog last week that's quick, healthy, and inexpensive. Check it out here.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

What I won't be packing in my child's lunch

The quality of food served by school lunchrooms across the country is appalling. Although my little one isn't in school (yet), I am saddened that many school districts feed children hot dogs, greasy pizza, and nachos for lunch. How this has even become acceptable is the subject of a future investigation… but in the meantime, do whatever you can to take control of the situation by packing your own lunches.

Don't go down the path of buying conveniently packaged "Back To School" snacks that line the shelves like.... Mott's Strawberry Applesauce, Little Debbie Oatmeal Pies and Fruit By The Foot. Not only do these get expensive, but they're just as unhealthy (maybe worse) than what they serve in school lunchrooms filled with additives to avoid and tons of added sugar. Even organic packaged foods can be extremely processed and unhealthy without any real nutrition. Take the new Organic Lunchables for example. These might be certified organic, but I'd NEVER buy them (see the ingredients here). 

When my daughter starts school, I'll pack lunches for her that aren't complicated or expensive… like just a simple wrap, some fresh fruit or veggie sticks, and homemade chips. To give you an example, my team put together a recipe for fun Hummus Roll-ups and Parsnip Chips…

Get the new kid's lunchbox recipe here.

When packing lunches (for myself or anyone), I love the containers by my partner Ukonserve… they're non-toxic and leak-proof. I've personally used their containers when traveling, and their divided containers are PERFECT for packing lunches. You can put sandwiches, sliced fruit and veggies in their own little leak-proof compartments, and then tuck it into one of these lunch totes made from recycled plastic bottles!

Unlike other storage containers and baggies, Ukonserve's don't leach toxic chemicals into food and are free of BPA, phthalates and lead. Since I'm such a big fan of theirs, my team was able to negotiate a limited-time discount for the entire Food Babe Army…

Ukonserve will give you 20% off their entire store when you use the code FOODBABE at checkout (ends next Monday 8/21).

Get your lunch boxes ready with…

  • Food Kozy Wraps – Get rid of plastic baggies for good! These wraps are reusable and great for wrapping sandwiches.
  • Glass & Silicone Water Bottles – Instead of buying packaged juice drinks full of sugar and fake flavors, fill these up with filtered water instead. If you have kids in sports – these are a must-have!
  • Ice-Packs – These non-toxic gel packs keep lunches cool.
  • Eco-Friendly Lunch Totes made from recycled plastic bottles!
  • Divided Containers – These leak-proof containers make packing sandwiches and sides easy.

Pick up your lunchbox essentials here – and don't forget to enter the code "FOODBABE" at checkout to get 20% off by Monday.

If you know anyone who would love some back-to-school lunch tips like this, please forward this email to them!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Do you have a water filter yet? (ends tomorrow)

Just a quick reminder - there are only a few more hours left to get 50% off my favorite Aquasana water filters (expires Monday). If you are still buying bottled water, there are many reasons to give that up…

  • Bottled water is crazy expensive. The average person who buys bottled water is spending over $400 a year for a family of four - and that's being conservative. Drinking filtered tap water is so much cheaper… bottled water costs almost 2000x more!
  • A large percentage of bottled water is just glorified tap water. Popular brands like Aquafina (by PepsiCo) and Dasani (by Coca-Cola) are just straight up purified tap water. They take their water from city water systems, run it through more filtering, bottle it, and sell it at a huge markup.
  • Bottles of spring water that aren't from the tap are typically even more expensive.  
  • Plastic bottles are horrible for our environment. They create an estimated 1.5 million tons of trash per year!

Stop buying bottled water and you'll save yourself a ton of money AND protect our environment. Getting a good water filter for your home is the way to go.

I've partnered up with the brand Aquasana because I know how crucial clean water is to my health. I've been so impressed with the many inexpensive filter options they offer - their water always tastes great, the NSF certified filters last a long time, and are easy to replace.

  • If you're on a tight budget you can start out with their Countertop Water Filter. This is perfect if you are living in a rental too!
  • A step up are their under the counter models, which install easily under your sink…  
  • If you'd like to make sure to filter out fluoride, they have a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system that is certified to filter all the above contaminants + fluoride.
  • For the most complete solution, you can get a Whole House Filter. This gives you the peace of mind that the water from every tap in your home is filtered for up to 10 years.

(Simply click on each filter option to learn about its features and compare here)

Your purchase also supports the work we do here at Food Babe, so thank you! I only partner with the best companies I personally have used and trust.

If you know anyone buying bottled water, please forward this email to them and let them know how much money they can save!



P.S. Most of their filters are 50% off right now (expires on Monday, August 14th) and they have a 90 day return policy if for any reason you don't like the filter...which is perfect, so you have enough time to see how much money you are saving when you quit buying bottles.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Where to find discounted organic brands you love...

A lot of you have been wondering what I think about Amazon buying Whole Foods Market. To be honest, I'm not sure what to think of this news and many questions have been on my mind...

What will this mean for AmazonFresh and buying groceries online? Will organic food become more widely available? Will the integrity of food at Whole Foods go down… or get better? What will this mean for small organic companies trying to break into the marketplace? As put by my dear friend Max Goldberg (of Living Maxwell), "Amazon could dramatically change the direction of organic, for better or for worse".

Although we can't predict the full impact of this purchase we do know this...

  1. The demand for organic food is growing.
  2. More people are buying groceries online.

That being said, it may come as a surprise that as of now Americans who rely on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) are not eligible to use their food stamps for online groceries. My partner, Thrive Market, saw this major gap preventing the 46 million Americans using SNAP from having access to affordable organics and they took action! After a viral petition, White House meetings and a big push for public awareness the FSN (Food and Nutrition Service) listened to Thrive Market and its partners and announced plans to launch a 2 year pilot program with a handful of companies chosen to accept food stamps for food purchases online. This program is scheduled to begin in 2018. Isn't that amazing?

I feel overwhelmed with joy when I think about all the families who will now have access to healthy organic food online. That means more high quality food will get into the hands of our friends and neighbors relying on food stamps. Making healthy food more accessible to everyone is what I built on and I'm so honored to be working with a company who is blazing the trail in providing affordable organics for everyone.

Thrive Market is offering Food Babe readers an extra 30% off your first purchase for the next 48 hours only when you visit them here - and that's on top of their already awesome prices! This offer is for new customers only.

Never shopped at Thrive Market before? It's an online shop that has organic groceries and natural household goods at a fraction of the price found at other natural food stores. Their website allows you to quickly stock up on the grocery staples at drastically reduced prices (up to 25-50% off) with free shipping when you spend over $49. They'll also give you your first month membership free so you can try it out and see if you love it as much as I do. If you don't like it, you can cancel within the first month without being charged the yearly membership fee.

Get 30% off Thrive Market here (expires in 48 hours)

If someone just handed me a 30% OFF coupon for Whole Foods I would immediately run to the store and stock up! Wouldn't you? :) Know someone who could use some affordable organic groceries? Forward them this email so they can jump in on this deal.



P.S. Although SNAP's online program is a two year pilot and will only be taking place in 7 states (Alabama, Iowa, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Washington), this is a big step in the right direction for the health of America. I hope this is just the beginning!


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Stop wasting money on this healthy habit

I've been loving all the interaction with this community on social media. Last week on Facebook I asked whether you drink soda, and if not, what you drink instead. I was overwhelmed with all the awesome responses! I am sooooo happy to see how many of you have broken up with soda forever and are mostly drinking water, homemade tea, and kombucha instead. Yeah!!!

Bottled water sales have FINALLY surpassed soda sales in the U.S. as more people ditch drinks like Diet Coke and Pepsi. While I'm happy to see people make better choices - bottled water is crazy expensive. Depending on how many bottles you buy for yourself and your family every week, the cost adds up quickly. The average person who buys bottled water is spending over $400 a year for a family of four - and that's being conservative. Drinking filtered tap water is so much cheaper… bottled water costs almost 2000x more!

A large percentage of bottled water is just glorified tap water anyway - so what are you really paying for?

While you might think that your bottled water is from a pristine mountain spring full of minerals, that's almost never the case… Popular brands like Aquafina (by PepsiCo) and Dasani (by Coca-Cola) are just straight up purified tap water. They take their water from city water systems, run it through more filtering, bottle it, and sell it at a huge markup. Look for the terms "public water", "municipal source", or "community water" on bottles, which indicates it's filtered tap water - but brands aren't required to disclose this. Those that say "artesian" or "spring" water are typically not from the tap, but are typically MORE expensive and still packaged in plastic that is horrible for our environment. Plastic water bottles create an estimated 1.5 million tons of trash per year!

So, if you want to save yourself a ton of money AND protect our environment, stop buying bottled water. Getting a good water filter for your home is the way to go.

As I'm sure you're aware, most tap water that isn't properly filtered is tainted with so many contaminants like heavy metals, harsh cleaning chemicals, pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

You don't want to be drinking any of those substances… or using tainted water to make coffee and tea at home. That's why a good home water filter is so important, and will save you literally hundreds of dollars in bottled water costs every single year.

I've partnered up with the brand Aquasana because I know how crucial clean water is to my health. I've been so impressed with the many inexpensive filter options they offer - their water always tastes great, the NSF certified filters last a long time, and are easy to replace.

All Aquasana drinking water filters are certified to remove and reduce…

  • Chlorine and chloramines
  • Heavy metals like lead and mercury
  • Chlorine resistant cysts like giardia and cryptosporidium
  • Herbicides, pesticides
  • VOCs
  • Pharmaceuticals like estrone and ibuprofen
  • and more...

If you're on a tight budget you can start out with their Countertop Water Filter. This is perfect if you are living in a rental too!

A step up are their under the counter models, which install easily under your sink…  

If you'd like to make sure to filter out fluoride, they have a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system that is certified to filter all the above contaminants + fluoride.

For the most complete solution, you can get a Whole House Filter. This gives you the peace of mind that the water from every tap in your home is filtered for up to 10 years. I personally love knowing that I can get clean water from every tap in the house, including the bathroom for brushing my teeth and showering.

(Simply click on each filter option to learn about its features and compare here)

Best of all, most of their filters are 50% off right now (expires soon) and they have a 90 day return policy if for any reason you don't like the filter...which is perfect, so you have enough time to see how much money you are saving when you quit buying bottles. Your purchase also supports the work we do here at Food Babe, so thank you! I only partner with the best companies I personally have used and trust.

If you know anyone buying bottled water, please forward this email to them and let them know how much money they can save!

Here's to healthy clean water for everyone - and to saving big bucks on this healthy habit too.



P.S. If you already have a water filter, make sure that you replace your filter cartridges regularly and on schedule! I recently tested the water in my home and found Atrazine (a common pesticide) - which I found very surprising at first - until I realized that the filter cartridges needed to be replaced in my system. As soon as I replaced the cartridges and tested my water, the pesticides were gone. See the water testing kit I used here.


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I'm healing without drugs...

One food that's been a real miracle worker in my life is turmeric! I've personally witnessed its remarkable ability to fight inflammation and pain in the body. If you are suffering from any injuries (as I was several years ago in my tailbone and now with my wrist), turmeric is very powerful at reducing pain and swelling naturally without drugs like Advil. I am amazed at how well it has worked, whenever I have an ailment – I turn to turmeric. 

To help you incorporate this powerful root into your diet, I just published a 3-step recipe for an Iced Turmeric Latte that makes it so easy. See how to make it here!

You can find fresh organic turmeric root in the produce section at natural food stores or you can use organic ground turmeric to make this latte. Most spices in stores are irradiated, grown with conventional pesticides, and not organic, which minimizes their medicinal qualities. To experience all the healing benefits of turmeric, it's SUPER important to use only high quality organic turmeric from a company that you trust.

I've been using organic cinnamon and turmeric from my partner Red Ape Cinnamon for years and really trust the quality of their products. Instead of oven-drying their turmeric (which destroys some of the vital oils and curcumin), Red Ape's turmeric is sun-dried, never heated above 118 degrees, and ground slowly, which leaves more natural oils and curcumin in the final product. And - it's certified organic.

Because Red Ape Cinnamon is one of my favorite companies and a partner, they've agreed to offer a special deal just for all of you in the Food Babe Army!

Get 15% off your entire Red Ape purchase when you use the code FOODBABE.

This new Iced Turmeric Latte recipe is similar to "Golden Milk", served over ice with a touch of honey, coconut water, and cinnamon. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Pass this recipe on to anyone in your life who needs a healing drink like this. It just might change their life!



P.S. I love that Red Ape Cinnamon donates 5% of their profits to organizations that protect orangutans and their products are hand-packaged by adults with developmental disabilities at the Pearl Buck Center. One of my favorite things about being an author is partnering with brands who are changing our lives for the better and doing their part to make the world a better place! If you decide to try Red Ape's products, thank you for supporting this incredible company and us here at Food Babe. Don't forget to use the code "FOODBABE" at checkout so you can save 15%.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.