Monday, October 31, 2016

This might help you eat less sugar tonight!

I hope you have a healthy and happy Halloween today! The upcoming holiday season is all about celebrating the things and people you love and are thankful for and if you're like me, your health is something you never take for granted.

I am incredibly thankful for my health and strive to help others become more thankful for their own. That's why I find it important to help others learn how to thank and nourish their bodies by eating real, organic and non-GMO food.

Unfortunately, during the holiday season, we often overlook our health as we gather with friends and family for meals and celebrations. Most holiday meals are accompanied by processed foods, sugary desserts and ingredients that help to pack on the pounds during the winter months.

During the holiday season, your health is something you really ought to be thankful for and prioritize as #1. Without your health, you have nothing!

In light of this, I have something special for you that will be sent to your inbox in the morning - so make sure to OPEN your email from me tomorrow!

This is going to help you glide through winter and the upcoming holiday season!

In the meantime, write down your personal health goals. This should only take a few minutes, but you need to be specific and write them down. The simple act of putting pen to paper is a crucial step to getting what you want - and I feel like part of my job is to help you get where you want to be! Without clear goals in mind, you won't know where to go.

So ask yourself, are you happy with your weight and energy levels? Are you feeling like your best and healthiest self? Do you eat unprocessed foods that give your body the nutrients it needs? Where do you want to be in the next few months? How about this time next year?

And... writing down your goals today will probably help you eat less candy tonight!

What I'm sending you tomorrow will help you take action.



P.S. Did you take my challenge to clean out your pantry yet? Once you've cleaned out all the junk, it's so much easier to eat healthy. You'll have a clean slate!








P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Friday, October 28, 2016

A weekend challenge for you...

Yesterday we discussed how to eat healthy on the run, and I've already received feedback from many of you who are loving these tips, so I'm really excited to share some more with you today!

Remember, if you have any friends or family who would love tips like these too, just forward this email to them and ask them to join this newsletter here.

When I changed my eating habits to healthy food, one of the best things I did was clean out my kitchen pantry and got rid of all the chemical filled junk. I donated it all and I haven't looked back!

If you know me, you know this – I'd rather spend money on food versus anything else. This is why I prefer to eat at home or eat at the highest quality restaurant that I know will serve the healthiest ingredients. This is why when I travel, I take travel size foods like raw almond butter and chia seeds with me. But this is also why, I will save an 1/8 of an organic red onion or a quarter of a lemon. I am crazy about not wasting good food too! But when it comes to the junk - it feels soooo good to get rid of it.

I challenge you to clean out your pantry this weekend! Fall is the perfect time to START FRESH and get ready for the busy holiday season and the new year.

It can be hard to stick to a healthy diet when the temperatures wind down and the social functions of the season ramp up… so get started on the right foot by making sure your pantry is stocked with the right foods that will give you the fuel you need - and none of the junk you don't!

How to clean your pantry for success:

  1. Take everything out of your pantry and refrigerator, shelf by shelf. Clearing the shelves is the only way you can inventory what you have on hand – and what you want to get rid of.
  2. Sort through the products by checking the ingredient list and cross referencing it with the list of ingredients to avoid here.
  3. If a product has a "Satisfaction Guarantee" on it, you might be able to get a full refund or store credit. It's worth asking your local grocery store about this – especially if you are finding a lot of toxic foods in your cabinets. Anything that is unopened should also be returnable to the store. If you can, take a moment to tell the store manager why you are returning the items. If more people admonished their grocery stores for carrying poisons, there'd be less of this stuff on their shelves.
  4. At this point you might feel like I've just lobbed a hand grenade into your pantry and fridge. You're probably wondering: Jeez, is there anything left to eat? Lettuce, anyone? Let me assure you there is an amazing array of foods you can eat, from meats to veggies to pastas to desserts. Nothing is off limits unless you know by reading ingredient labels that it's loaded with chemicals. Check this list of what I consider "pantry essentials" to help you stock your pantry with the healthiest foods and brands that I've researched.
  5. Restock the shelves with what you've kept, and place the things you use most within the easiest reach. Keep all of the items in the same place all the time.
  6. Last but not least, post a checklist on the inside door of your pantry, using my list as a reference. Cross off items as you deplete them. Not only will the checklist remind you of your inventory, it will alert you to what you don't have and help you plan your weekly shopping trip!
  7. Stock your kitchen with healthy cookbooks (Like my friend Lisa's new book that just came out!) and menu plans - so you can grab and go!

A clean pantry, fridge, freezer and kitchen are easily attainable. You can do it and it will feel amazing!

Once this is done, you will have a kitchen that is ready for you to feed your family healthy food without all those junky foods distracting you! Implement the tips that I sent you yesterday, and you will be well on your way to eating like a Food Babe!

Next week I'm sharing some more incredible resources that I know you'll love. Make sure to watch your email closely so you don't miss a thing!



P.S. Do you you have any friends or family that are due for a pantry makeover? Forward this email to them and ask them to subscribe to this newsletter here.






P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

We know it is not good for us but we do it anyway.

I was having an interesting conversation about our latest campaign with a family member last night. She said "Does anyone that reads your blog actually eat fast food…?" And this brings up a struggle I hear often. We all tend to rely on fast or processed store-bought options when we are not prepared - even if we know it's not good for us.

Here's how to change that.

It's Thursday night and you just got off of work. You're feeling exhausted and starving. After you pick the kids up or run an errand, you head directly to the grocery store and speed through the aisles looking for something fast and easy for dinner.

After you load up your cart with a store-brand rotisserie chicken and rolls, you remember that you have no plan for lunch tomorrow…

"What do I have in the house to pack for lunch? ....and what about breakfast?"  You're not sure, but it's a pretty safe bet that the fridge is empty because you were too busy to go shopping last weekend.

Your stomach is growling and you can't wait to get home, so you start grabbing quick options for tomorrow's meals… Yoplait Yogurt, Bumble Bee Tuna, Goldfish Crackers, Bread, Honey Nut Cheerios.

You start rationalizing, "Are Lean Cuisines REALLY that bad? They are soooo easy….".  So you decide to grab a few while rushing through the aisles and making a beeline for the checkout stand. While waiting to ring out, "Oh, yum… look at those Snickers bars!". Better grab those too.

As you look down at your cart, you know these are not the healthiest food choices, but you are tired and stressed. You tell yourself you'll get it together next week - this is the best you can do right now.

Have you ever felt this way? Everyone's schedule and lifestyle is different, but I think pretty much all of us can relate to feeling TOO BUSY to eat healthy. There is a way to eat healthy without giving up on the foods you love, no matter how crazy busy your life is.

The solution is to create a lifestyle that makes healthy eating natural and easy.

Like everything else in life, this can take some work to get going, but eventually you will create habits that last a lifetime. Below are some tips for creating a lifestyle that makes healthy eating a breeze!

  • Clean out the junk! If it's not there, you won't be tempted.
  • Stock your house (and to-go bag) with healthy snacks. Most people make bad food choices when they are in a hurry, so make sure you have healthy options within an arm's reach! Check out this list here to help ya get started!
  • Make double batch of dinner and freeze the 2nd half for later. Do the work only once and have dinner waiting for you when you're too tired to cook!
  • Keep quick whole foods on hand that you can make a meal out of. Eating healthy doesn't need to be complicated. Think frozen quinoa and beans that can be heated up and mixed with chopped tomato and avocado for a quick southwestern-style bowl.
  • Make a big pot of soup on Sunday to eat for lunch throughout the week. I love having a homemade soup leftovers waiting for me in the fridge!
  • Join a CSA to have fresh food delivered automatically. Many cities now have CSA programs available that will deliver organic, fresh local fruits, vegetables, meat, and eggs to a nearby pick-up spot every week! Check for any in your area here.
  • Break in your slow cooker. Create one-pot meals that will be ready when you get home. Little work and hardly any cleanup!
  • Invest in a good stainless steel water bottle and keep full of filtered water to drink throughout the day. I love this insulated bottle from Thinksport. It works great for hot tea too!

Don't feel like you need to do everything all at once! Just start off with one or two of these tips and start working them into your life. Over time, I think you will be amazed at how much easier it is for you to stick with a healthier diet!

If you liked these tips, I've got a lot more! Check your email tomorrow for some special tips that will help set yourself up for success.






P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Breaking! Launching Major Petition Today.

Today I'm launching a petition to Bojangles' Famous Chicken & Biscuits and I need your help.

Here's why...

Last summer, I volunteered at a local elementary school and noticed that they were serving Bojangles for breakfast. I asked the school administrators if they knew what was in Bojangles food or if they had an ingredient list that they could share with me - and they told me they didn't know the ingredients. Hundreds of kids were eating it, but no one had any idea what was in it. How does this happen? I asked myself.

Well, if you know me… this drove me crazy! That is when this investigation and petition were born.

I grew up eating Bojangles and they have a really large presence here in the Southeast. You see their advertising everywhere - sporting events, local charities, and schools!

If we are going to make good informed decisions about what we are eating - we need to know what's in our food! The problem is – when you contact Bojangles via phone, email, customer service or even ask an employee in the store – they refuse to release the ingredients in their food.

Also Bojangles continues to use routine antibiotics in the production of their meat which is very irresponsible considering the risk of superbugs entering our food system and environment.

Given both of these reasons – it's time to hold this fast food chain accountable. It is reprehensible that they won't tell us what's in their food!

Please sign the petition and spread the word.

I know with your help, we can make this happen!



P.S. After you sign the petition, please read this detailed blog post including my communications with executives at Bojangles and what they had to say when I asked to know what's in their food.







P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

These chemicals touch your skin every single day.

I used to just love the smell of fresh laundry. Little did I know then that this "fresh scent" was really just a toxic mixture of chemicals contaminated with carcinogens, neurotoxins, and allergens. Kinda makes you want to plug your nose next time you're emptying out the dryer, huh?!?

If you thought the food industry was corrupt, let me tell you that it is downright shocking and disgusting what companies who make household products can get away with. The chemical industry designs laundry detergent with their bottom line in mind and is not looking out for you (or your health).

Although all those brightly colored bottles of laundry detergent have been sold for decades, these are some of the most harmful products that you can buy. The most popular brands are loaded with toxic petrochemicals, phosphates, formaldehyde, chlorine, synthetic dyes and fragrances that are linked to health issues. Clearly we need to spread the word because these products are still flying off the shelves!

Think about how often you are exposed to your laundry detergent… while loading the washing machine, folding your laundry, the clothes resting on your bare skin all day long, the sheets and pillow cases that you sleep on for roughly 8 hours every night… you are constantly exposed to the chemicals in your detergent, so it's best to know what's in it!

The problem is, most detergents don't come with a list of ingredients. So you have no idea what chemicals you are dumping on your clothes every day - and if you ask me that is just crazy. It really comes down to finding a brand that you can trust that has the integrity to produce products without all those harmful chemicals!

About 3 years ago, I found this amazing laundry detergent brand that I completely trust: Molly's Suds. Not only do they list all of the ingredients in their products, but they are free from harmful chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), synthetic fragrances, dyes, optical brighteners, petrochemicals, phosphates, carcinogens, and GMOs.

They also have a great mission to make this world a safer place. Molly's Suds is dedicated to ingredient integrity and products that are safe for people and the planet (they got an "A" rating with the Environmental Working Group). Here at Food Babe, I will only partner up with companies who I can get behind and support, and Molly's Suds in no exception. I'm so thankful that I found Molly's Suds and want you to see how fantastic their products are too!

Because Molly's Suds is one of my favorite household brands and a Food Babe partner, they've worked out a special deal just for you. So now is time to stock up!

Get 15% off your Molly's Suds order through Monday, Oct. 24 with special discount code: foodbabe

I have been using Molly's Laundry Powder for years (it smells like peppermint!) - and I LOVE it - but they just came out with a liquid form of laundry detergent that I'm really excited about!

Their new liquid version comes in sleek packaging with a specially-designed spout that makes it easy to use every last drop and measure out portions accurately. The bag that it comes in is so much easier to pick up and handle than those giant, bulky, hard plastic containers. It's unscented, gentle on sensitive skin, and safe for babies!

I also use their Oxygen Whitener to keep my whites looking good, and their Wool Dryer Balls to make my clothes feel nice and soft without any chemical-laden dryer sheets!

Get your Molly's Suds Starter Pack (or stock up detergent refills) here.

I absolutely love partnering with brands that are changing our lives for the better. If you decide to try Molly's, thank you for supporting this incredible company and us here at Food Babe too.



P.S. Please don't forget to use the code "foodbabe" at checkout so you can save 15% off by Monday, October 24th.

P.P.S. These products also make great stocking stuffers for your Tide loving friends! :)





P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What I am cooking up in my kitchen this week...

Last weekend, we took a little impromptu trip to the mountains. The leaves are starting to change and it was so gorgeous! The beautiful scenery, nature, fresh air and animals along the way... it's all so magical. There's something so peaceful about it that I can't get enough of!!!! 

We also enjoyed some delicious meals at some of the spectacular farm-to-table restaurants in the area. For me, one of the best things about fall is all of the delicious food - and I've been spending A LOT of time in the kitchen lately cooking up my favorite soups and fall treats! 

Here's a round up of my favorite fall recipes, leading off with one of the healthiest ingredients of the season: Pumpkin! Not only is it delicious, but pumpkin is amazingly healthy for you - packed with beta-carotene (vitamin A) and fiber.

Beta-carotene is good for vision and helps to prevent cancer and heart disease, while the fiber helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours. If you love pumpkin as much as I do, you've got to try these recipes...

I'm also cooking up these dishes this season...

If you do make the pistachio milk (or any nut milk) - save the pulp! You can use it to make crunchy biscotti or a body scrub that is perfect for giving yourself a little spa treatment after hiking in the fall weather! So, if you haven't yet... get out there and get moving. It's beautiful out there!!! 

I feel so fortunate to be in good health so that I can enjoy activities like this, and that is why I safeguard my health very closely! I will never forget the time an emergency room doctor sent me home with the advice to take some Advil, only to find out the next day that my appendix was about to burst! I've since learned that it is vitally important to be your own health advocate.

On the blog this week is a kick in the pants post from Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn, who serves on my Advisory Council. He gives you a list of specific questions to ask or testing to request from your health care providers in hopes that it will prepare you for dealing with the overtaxed medical complex! 

Read the new post here.

Happy Fall!






P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Breaking! Food Movement Changes JELL-O!

Exciting news for the Food Babe Army!!! First, I want to let you know - our next major campaign is coming. You will be the first to know when we go live! It's almost time to make another major food company more transparent and responsible for their ingredients - and with your help, I know we can make this change possible.

Our activism is truly changing the food system, and I'm excited to share how another one of the most iconic products in America has been transformed!!!

Back in 2014, I shared an investigation about the toxic ingredients in JELL-O and how disgusting it is that Kraft continues to make this product. Millions of children are exposed to JELL-O in schools and daycares across the country - not to mention all the sick people who are fed JELL-O in hospitals. The Food Babe Army shared this investigation so much that it was read by millions of people.

JELL-O is preserved with the harmful preservative BHA - an ingredient linked to cancer that is banned across the globe. The typical box of JELL-O is filled with GMO sugar and artificial colors like Red #40 that both require warning labels in Europe. These artificial colors are derived from petroleum and linked to behavioral problems in children. Kraft knows that artificial food dyes pose these risks, but still markets JELL-O to children.

That's why I've railed hard against their use of artificial colors and launched a successful campaign to get the artificial yellow dye out of their mac n'cheese. I just knew that if we targeted this popular product, that it would lead to greater change.

And it has! The snowball revolution keeps growing!

Kraft just came out with a new line of JELL-O gelatins and puddings without any artificial food dyes or the preservative BHA...

OLD VERSION JELL-O Orange: Sugar, Gelatin, Adipic Acid, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Disodium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Fumaric Acid, Yellow 6, Red 40, BHA.

NEW VERSION JELL-O Simply Good Orange Tangerine: Cane Sugar, Gelatin, Dried Orange Juice, Adipic Acid, Disodium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Fumaric Acid, Natural Flavor, Oleoresin Turmeric and Beet Juice.

People stopped buying JELL-O and look what they had to do!

While this new version is not what I consider healthy, I can't help but think about all of the children who will no longer be exposed to artificial colors and BHA due to this change. The less harmful and risky ingredients in our food supply, the better!

When we demand better, food companies have no choice but to change.

Other major brands have made a commitment to remove artificial food dyes too! Everyone from M&M's, Skittles, Starburst, Panera Bread, Lucky Charms, Trix, Campbell's Soup, Pepperidge Farm, Swanson, Fruit Loops, Yoplait, Twizzlers, Apple Jacks, to Fruit by the Foot… the list goes on! It is going to take some of these companies a few years - but at least they are doing it.

I truly believe that artificial dyes in our food will be ancient history before long.

Beware that the old toxic version of JELL-O with artificial colors and BHA is still in stores and this is just a new line that they have created - so continue to check the ingredient list on any product you buy!

My hope is that Kraft will make this change to their entire product line, including the pre-made cups of JELL-O gelatins and puddings that so many kids pack in their lunchbox every day. It's a shame these products are even allowed to be sold in grocery stores - now that there is a safer alternative available.

Stay loud and keep making your voice heard. It's working! Ask grocery stores for what you want and they will carry it.

Thank you Food Babe Army for continuing to change the food industry!



P.S. Remember to stay tuned! Big campaign coming soon.


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

5 Ways Home Gardeners Can Make More Robust Soil

Posted: 06 Oct 2016 11:18 AM PDT

As a child, Kristin Ohlson had easy access to gardens. Her grandparents maintained a small orchard and grew produce on their farm; her parents also planted huge plots of vegetables and flowers each year. While Ohlson didn't develop a deeper agricultural interest until she grew up (all those hours harvesting vegetables cut into childhood playtime, after all), she eventually started researching how food is grown. And that research turned into a minor obsession.

In her 2014 book, The Soil Will Save Us, Ohlson documents how soil scientists are experimenting with cover crops, composting, no-till techniques, and other methods that help farmers reduce their reliance on fertilizer and rethink their relationships with soil. "Dirt First," her more recent feature for Orion Magazine, and a Q&A with the Food & Environment Reporting Network (FERN) dive even deeper into the subject, exploring the role that microorganisms play in soil health, for both farm fields and backyard gardens.

"Plants pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and create a carbon syrup," she writes. "About 60 percent of this fuels the plant's growth, with the remaining exuded through the roots to soil microorganisms, which trade mineral nutrients they've liberated from rocks, sand, silt, and clay—in other words, fertilizer—for their share of the carbon bounty."

But before you chalk this all up as far too heady for the home gardener, check out her five easy steps for nurturing vegetables and flowers with natural methods based on that big-picture research—but applied to our own backyards.


Soil health starts with one basic principle: Don't disturb the dirt. Sure, soil supports roots and helps hold up plants, but it also serves as a habitat for beneficial microorganisms.

"Underneath our feet is this incredible world teeming with billions of microorganisms that have been working in the soil for millions of years," Ohlson says. "That ecosystem in the soil is what plants depend on for their nutrition, their water, and their defenses against chemicals, diseases, and insects."

Rather than tilling garden rows and digging deep holes for new plants, she suggests leaving the soil structure as intact as possible. Poke small holes for seeds and dig slightly bigger spaces before planting seedlings.


It may sound counter-intuitive—maybe even chaotic, in terms of landscaping—but weeds don't need to be treated as an enemy. Even uninvited plants can help protect soil and feed the microorganisms at work below the surface.

"I used to dig up weeds or pull them out by the roots, but now I don't want to disturb the soil. I go around with scissors and snip weeds off at the soil level instead," says Ohlson. She then scatters clipped stems and leaves between the plants she wants to keep. This organic matter functions as mulch and acts as compost as it decomposes.


"In nature, there is this vast abundance of diversity—plants and insects and all kinds of life—in every square foot. This biodiversity helps feed and support the biodiversity in the soil," she says. (Check out the incredible variety of plants in this enchanting Texas garden.)

Follow nature's lead in your garden by growing a variety of vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, and other plants in close proximity. The variety promotes healthy, robust soil and might also attract a new mix of pollinators.


Every gardener has heard this one before, and Ohlson is a firm believer as well. She aims to keep her garden soil engaged, either by covering it in dead plant material or by nurturing live roots in the ground. Cover crops play a dual role. They interact with microorganisms by extending their roots as they grow, and they provide extra organic material to protect the soil once they're harvested. In small gardens, simply clip cover crops with scissors and scatter over bare ground.

Not sure what kind of cover crop to plant? First, consider what might thrive in your location and climate. "Then, see what plants and flowers are native to your region," Ohlson suggests. "But really, I think people can use almost anything, as long as it grows." (These 5 cover crops will keep a small plot healthy.)


When plants rely on fertilizer, they get lazy. Their partnership with microorganisms in the soil changes, and that can impact the wider microbe community. By using compost instead, you're enhancing the soil with a concentration of microorganisms and carbon that help plants thrive.

If making your own seems too messy or daunting, look into local sources. Some cities collect food waste and make the resulting compost available to the public. Elsewhere, garden and hardware stores sell organic compost by the bag. You might find regional farmers who can supply the materials you need, as well.

"I also put sticks, some food waste, and dead plant matter around my living plants. That keeps the benefits of compost happening on the most basic level," Ohlson says.


Ohlson's overall advice is similar for gardeners who grow plants in pots or containers, where soil mindfulness is especially important.

"When water hits bare soil, it compacts that soil. Even the force of one raindrop can make an impact. So, the less that bare soil is exposed to water, the healthier that soil is," she says. "Even in a small pot, I don't want to be pouring water directly on the soil. I'd rather have it seeping through clipped plant material and reaching the soil in a gentler way."

Ohlson has two raised beds in her own backyard and she packs them with a diverse selection of vegetables, flowers, and shrubs. "I plant things really close together and try to have a lot of live roots in the ground. It's so rewarding to see the incredible production I get out of these two tiny raised beds," she says.

They tried to SABOTAGE me.

I get asked a lot if I fear for my life. The work I do as a food activist on the front line is not for the faint of heart.

Speaking engagements are the place where I connect the most to you and the public – It's my favorite part of this work, but it is also where the food and chemical industry plays very DIRTY. They will do anything to silence me.

They recently tried to unethically sabotage my speaking event at the University of Hawaii.

Here's how they tried to do it, who exactly was behind it and how we prevailed...

Read the brand new investigation here.

I think you'll be surprised on how "mainstream" some of these agents for the industry are – what publications they write for and who they defend.

I debated whether or not to share this publicly, but I decided the truth needs to get out. The more people aware of these disgusting tactics, the better we are equipped to determine fact from fiction when it comes to finding ultimate health – which is our goal after all.

Godspeed Food Babe Army! I need you more than ever to share this and spread the word.











P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Is your toothpaste full of carcinogens? Check this list...

I do everything I can to take really good care of my teeth - brushing, flossing, regular dental cleanings, and avoiding sticky, sugary candy and soda. Bad teeth and gum health are linked to all sorts of health issues.

When it comes to toothpaste, I've tried many different brands and switched it up a lot over the years as I learn more about the ingredients that are allowed for use in cosmetics and personal care products. This is especially the case when it comes to toothpaste, as this is something that we are putting in our mouth at least twice a day and even if we don't swallow it, the mouth is one of the most absorbent parts of the body. 

For that reason, I do my best to avoid the most harmful ingredients in toothpaste (to which there are many!).

To see if your toothpaste passes the test – check this brand new post which includes my top recommendations for toothpastes based on personal experience.

Happy brushing!



P.S. Don't forget to share this information with your family and friends, no one should be putting carcinogens in their mouth twice a day!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.