Friday, January 31, 2014

Have an Eco Green Super Bowl 2014 Party

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 08:48 AM PST

Planning your Super Bowl 2014 party does not mean you need to give up on your organic lifestyle. Here are some easy ways to plan your party and make it enjoyable for both you and your guests.

Keep food choices local to cut down on packaging and transportation emissions from shipping long distances. Check out local farmers markets for great tasting, fresh seasonal fruits and veggies that you can turn into appetizers, soups and more. This helps support the local farming community and local economy as well.

Keep it waste free by using reusable plates, napkins, silverware and cups. Stay away from the idea that everything including paper goods need to be football themed to make it a great party. This will help keep disposables ending up in the landfill.

Encourage guests to bring reusable food containers so they can bring home leftovers, or lend them some of your containers.

Try to avoid serving beverages that come in cans. If you do serve beverages in cans, clearly mark an area that guests can put their empties for recycling. Look for nearby breweries and wineries to keep it local and consider making a pitcher or two of sangria.

When you head out shopping for your party, remember your reusable shopping bags and plan your trips to avoid wasting gas.

Serving locally brewed beer is a tasty option for your Super Bowl 2014 party!

Seasonal fruits and veggies can be found at your local farmers markets.

Don't waste food, send extras home with guests. Better yet, tell each guest to bring their own to-go containers for leftovers.

Nix the idea that you need to have matching football themed disposable paper goods. Have friends bring their own dish, mix-and-match what you already have.

Homemade pizza is sure to be a hit with your guests and it's a great way to use up remaining veggies in your fridge.
[via Examiner]

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Health Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Posted: 30 Jan 2014 06:28 AM PST

Rosemary oil is one of the most popular essential oils for its wide array of health benefits. It has become increasingly important and popular over the years as more of its various health benefits have become understood, including its ability to stimulate hair growth, boost mental activity, relieve respiratory problems and reduce pain.

Rosemary, also known as Rosmarinus Officinalis, is very popular in the Mediterranean region as a culinary herb. Many dishes are cooked with rosemary oil and freshly plucked rosemary leaves. Rosemary essential oil is mostly extracted from the leaves. The rosemary bush belongs to the mint family which includes basil, lavender, myrtle, and sage.

Rosemary has been extensively used since ancient times for a variety of purposes. The Romans gave special importance to the rosemary plant and used it frequently in religious ceremonies. It was also used during wedding ceremonies, food preparation, cosmetic care, and medicinal herbal care. Rosemary plant and its extract were also used by the ancient, Egyptian civilization as incense.

The health benefits of rosemary essential oil made it a favorite of Paracelsus, a renowned German-Swiss physician and botanist, who made significant contributions to the understanding of herbal medicine during the 16th century. Paracelsus valued rosemary oil due because of its ability to strengthen the entire body. He correctly believed that rosemary oil had the ability to heal delicate organs such as the liver, brain, and heart.

Health Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Today, many medicinal preparations contain rosemary oil. The various, well-researched health benefits of rosemary oil are listed below:

Indigestion: Rosemary oil is often used for indigestion, relieving flatulence, stomach cramps, constipation, and bloating. Rosemary essential oil is also thought to relieve symptoms of dyspepsia and it is an appetite stimulant. Furthermore, research has shown the essential oil to be detoxifying for the liver, and it also helps to regulate the creation and release of bile, which is a key part of the digestive process. It also stimulates blood flow and improves circulation, which can benefit the absorption of nutrients from food. Rosemary leaves are often added to meat dishes because it is particularly helpful in digesting meat, particularly lamb, beef and pork.

Hair care: Rosemary oil and rosemary teas are widely used for hair care in shampoos and lotions. Regular use of rosemary oil helps to stimulate follicles, making hair grow longer and stronger. It is also believed that rosemary oil slows down premature hair loss and graying of the hair. Therefore, it is an excellent tonic for bald people or those who are beginning to show signs on male pattern baldness.

Rosemary essential oil is also beneficial for dry and flaky scalps. Regular massaging of the scalp with rosemary oil nourishes the scalp and removes dandruff. Furthermore, it is often mixed with tea tree oil and basil oil to alternately treat scalp problems. For many years, rosemary has been combined with olive oil as a way to darken and strengthen hair by using hot oil treatments.

Mouth care: Rosemary essential oil is a disinfectant and is often used as a mouth wash. It also helps in removing bad breath. By removing oral bacteria, rosemary essential oil can prevent gingivitis, cavities, plaque build up, and other damaging dental conditions.

Skin care: Rosemary essential oil is not used in skin care as extensively as it is used in hair care, but it does have antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities that make it beneficial in efforts to eliminate eczema, dermatitis, oily skin, and acne. Topical application of the essential oil, or regular massage with the oil helps in toning your skin and removing dryness. It can also give your skin a healthy, even glow when regularly applied, or when it is a main component of your moisturizers and other creams.

Boosting mental activity: Rosemary essential oil is an excellent brain and nerve tonic. It is often used by students during exam times because it increases concentration and helps in studying efficiently. It stimulates mental activity and is a good remedy for depression, mental fatigue and forgetfulness. Inhaling rosemary oil seems lift your spirits immediately. Whenever your brain is tired, try inhaling a little rosemary oil to remove boredom and renew your mental energy.

In a study, researchers found that of 144 test participants who inhaled rosemary oil during an exam displayed significantly higher cognitive function. This is why some researchers are beginning to explore the options for using rosemary oil as an alternative treatment for slowing down the onset of Alzheimer's disease in certain patients because of this apparent connection between boosted neural activity and the essential oil.

Stress Relief: Aside from the relaxing nature of aromatherapy and general inhalation of rosemary essential oil, it has been proven to actually decrease the level of cortisol in the saliva. Cortisol is one of the main stress hormones that are released during the "flight or fight" response of the body to stress. Excess cortisol in the blood that may occur due to chronic stress can wreak havoc on the body, including its hormonal balance and the efficiency of the metabolism. A study said that inhaling rosemary oil and lavender oil for five minutes significantly reduced the levels of cortisol in the test subject's saliva, which could seriously decrease the dangers inherent from chronic stress.

Immune System Boost: Antioxidants are some of the most valuable defensive weapons we have in our body for fighting off infection and disease, so any food or essential oil that either adds to or stimulates the activity of antioxidants is a huge benefit to overall health. The same study which found that cortisol levels decreased after simultaneous massage and inhalation of rosemary essential oil also found that the scavenging free radical activity in the test subjects' bodies also increased significantly. This means that regular use or inhalation of rosemary essential oil in aromatherapy sessions or in other ways can increase the strength of the immune system and help combat all of the diseases associated with free radicals, including cancer and heart disease.

Pain relief: The ability of rosemary essential oil to relieve pain has resulted in its extensive use in treating headaches, muscle pains, rheumatism and even arthritis. Massaging the affected area that is in pain with rosemary essential oil can give quickly relieve the pain. Vapor baths with rosemary oil are also found to be effective in the treatment of rheumatism. It has certain anti-inflammatory qualities as well, which makes it very good for relieving the pain from sprains and joint aches. Furthermore, it is known to stimulate blood circulation, which can relieve pain and also aid in coagulation of wounds for faster healing.

Aroma: Rosemary has a mesmerizing aroma, which makes rosemary essential oil an excellent inhalant. The oil is used in room fresheners, cosmetics, beauty aids, food, bath oil, candles and perfumes because of its unique and intoxicating aroma. When the oil is inhaled, it can boost mental energy and is also known to clear the respiratory tract. Many people spray a mixture of rosemary essential oil and water to remove bad odors from room and objects.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Recent research suggests that the use of rosemary essential oil's antimicrobial qualities can help reduce the effects and recurring inflammation of the herpes virus. The herpes virus can quickly develop immunity to normal antiviral medication, so alternative methods are always being explored. A number of studies have now shown the essential oil of rosemary to be an effective option for reducing the symptoms of the Herpes virus in test subjects, and even affects the level of contagiousness of the virus.

Respiratory problems: The benefits of rosemary essential oil in treating respiratory problems are well-researched and supported. The scent of the oil has been shown to give relief from throat congestion, and it is also used in the treatment of respiratory allergies, colds, sore throats and the flu. Since rosemary oil also has antiseptic qualities, it is also effective for respiratory infections. The oil is antispasmodic and is therefore used in some treatment programs for bronchial asthma.

There are various other claims regarding possible health benefits of rosemary oil, including its usage for disorders in menstrual cycle, menstrual cramps, peptic ulcer, urine flow, prostate, gall bladder, intestine, liver, cataract, heart, sperm mobility, leukemia, kidney stones and associated pain. Research is currently being performed to study its potential in treating various types of cancers including those of the colon, stomach, breasts, and lungs.

Rosemary oil may, at times, cause allergic reactions, so it should only be used if prescribed or after thorough consultation with your medical specialist. Since rosemary oil is volatile in nature, the oil has occasionally caused vomiting and spasms. Therefore, it should never be ingested. It is strongly suggested that rosemary essential oil should not be used by pregnant, breastfeeding, or nursing women. Excessive use of the oil may even lead to miscarriage or a disability in the fetus.

Rosemary essential oil is used extensively in aromatherapy due to its versatility as a welcome aroma in so many popular combinations. The oil blends well with frankincense, lavender, clary sage, cedarwood, basil, thyme, citronella, lemongrass, elemi, geranium, chamomile, peppermint and cardamom.

Pesticides and Potatoes: 3rd Grader’s Science Project Convinces Us to Choose Organic

Posted: 30 Jan 2014 06:23 AM PST

Watch out world, the next generation of organic food activists is getting started young. Meet Elise. She's here to show you through her 3nd grade science project (put together with the help of her grandmother) that potatoes and sweet potatoes may look healthy, but if they're not organic, they could be doused with a scary, tumor-causing chemical called bud nip.

Sweet Elise did an experiment to see how long it would take a sweet potato to sprout in water. She just couldn't wait for her tater to grow vines, but after waiting three weeks with one sweet potato and another three weeks with another sweet potato, she saw zero growth. When she asked the produce man at the grocery store why her sweet potato was sprout-free, she was informed that these conventional sweet potatoes will never grow vines because of the use of the chemical bud nip.

Bud nip, also called chlorpropham, is a sprout inhibitor that's applied a month after harvest. Bud nip is not allowed in organic farming, which is obvious from the other two sprout-friendly sweet potatoes she uses later on in the video. It's definitely not something that you want on your fruits and vegetables because it gets into the meat of the crop as well. And it can poison laboratory animals by causing inflammation of the stomach and intestinal bleeding. Long term exposure can also cause tumors. Bud nip can be found on potatoes, kale, peaches, broccoli and other common fruits and vegetables. Though from my research, it isn't used on sweet potatoes commonly like it is potatoes.

Watch the video:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is Chiropractic? 7 Fast Facts

What is Chiropractic? 7 Fast Facts

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

What is Chiropractic? 7 Fast Facts

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 01:14 PM PST

Best chiropractor of all time

Chiropractic care has become a common and recommended form of treatment for many ailments. It’s often covered by health insurance and the US government offers chiropractic care for members of the armed services; a licensed chiropractor is even stationed in the Capitol building! [1] Do you visit a chiropractor? If not, the following fast facts will give you a good reason to consider it.

1. What is Chiropractic?

With an emphasis on holistic healing, chiropractic treatments typically involve quick thrusts, or adjustments, to relieve pressure and stress and promote balance throughout the body. [2] [3] A syringe-looking device known as an activator may also be used. The practice as we know it today, which was was founded in 1895, was originally coined as “a science of healing without drugs.” However, the roots of chiropractic, also known as manual therapy, have been practiced all across the world for at least 2000 years.

2. Chiropractic is Real Medicine

In the 1990's, the chiropractic industry achieved professional autonomy and was granted statutory self-regulation. [4] Around 2000, a study compared chiropractic education to that of medical students and found the programs to have more similarities than differences — clinical sciences included. [5] Clearly, the US government echoes the benefits, for there is a chiropractor stationed at the Capitol for members of Congress.

3. Chiropractic is Worldwide

In the United States, spending on chiropractic care rose from 1996 to 2005. [6] That trend has continued. Healthcare expenditures for professional services, including chiropractic, totaled $76.4 billion in 2012, a 4.5% increase over 2011. [7] The industry is fully expected to continue its growth, especially because of increased health insurance coverage and offerings by the military.

4. There’s More Chiropractors Now Than Ever

The number of chiropractors in the US steadily increased until 2004, at which time nearly 53,000 were recorded. [6] During the following years, the total diminished slightly but a 2010 study projected an 18-20% increase over the next decade. [8] That’s just in the United States. Worldwide, chiropractors practice in over 100 countries and continues to grow. [9]

5. Chiropractic Can Help Back Pain

Chronic back pain is one of the most common, debilitating conditions. Sufferers are often desperately seeking relief. Although back pain can stem from many, many causes, many people generally responded positively to chiropractic care. [10] A review of studies from 2000-2010 noted that chiropractic care positively affects physical health and disability conditions. [11] Low-force chiropractic techniques are even safe and useful for geriatric patients. [12] In fact, persons suffering from chronic back pain who experience relief after the first visit typically report continued improvement over the following 3 months.

6. Chiropractic Improves Many Conditions

Chiropractic is beneficial for a number of ailments and conditions, including:

  • Pregnancy – Clinical studies have reported positive outcomes for pregnant women who used chiropractic services to address headache and heartburn. [13] [14]
  • Respiratory Health – Research has shown chiropractic to be effective at supporting respiratory health, especially for children. [15] [16] And, a study of older patients with COPD reported that spinal manipulation supported lung function. [17]
  • Colic – Research from the United Kingdom noted that manual therapy helped colicky babies. [18] [19]

7. Encourages a Healthy Doctor-Patient Relationship

When the Northwestern College of Chiropractic surveyed patients, 92% reported that chiropractic services produced improvement in their conditions. [20] Furthermore, the outcomes typically exceed patient expectations and many chiropractors report that patients improve quicker than expected. [21] Much of the success is due to the fact that chiropractors encourage an open dialogue to identify and establish treatment goals.

Is Chiropractic Right for You?

For decades, patients have reported success from chiropractic care; outcomes which are supported by modern, clinical research. But, as with all medical care, quality matters. Ask around and research local providers. Don’t be scared to visit with several in order to find the one who is right for you. Additionally, check with your health insurance. Many providers offer care coverage and may be able to steer you toward a good chiropractor.

Has chiropractic medicine benefited you? Please leave a comment below and share your experience with us!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. Integration of Chiropractic Care and VA/Military Facilities. (last accessed 01-20-2014)
  2. Staud R. Effectiveness of CAM therapy: understanding the evidence. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2011 Feb;37(1):9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.rdc.2010.11.009. Epub 2010 Dec 3.
  3. Crawford JP. Chiropractic intervention in the treatment of joint and soft tissue disorders. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999 Jun;24(3):279-89.
  4. Tyreman S. Values in complementary and alternative medicine. Med Health Care Philos. 2011 May;14(2):209-17. doi: 10.1007/s11019-010-9297-5.
  5. Coulter I, Adams A, Coggan P, Wilkes M, Gonyea M. A comparative study of chiropractic and medical education. Altern Ther Health Med. 1998 Sep;4(5):64-75.
  6. Davis MA, Davis AM, Luan J, Weeks WB. The supply and demand of chiropractors in the United States from 1996 to 2005. Altern Ther Health Med. 2009 May-Jun;15(3):36-40.
  7. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Expenses. National Health Expenditures 2012 Highlights. (last accessed 01-20-2014)
  8. Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Chiropractic Care in the US to Reach US$12.53 Billion by 2015, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. (last accessed 01-20-2014)
  9. World Federation of Chiropractic. The Current Status of the Chiropractic Profession (last accessed 01-20-2014)
  10. Lall M. Chiropractic management of back pain. Aust Fam Physician. 1983 May;12(5):355-8.
  11. Parkinson L, Sibbritt D, Bolton P, van Rotterdam J, Villadsen I. Well-being outcomes of chiropractic intervention for lower back pain: a systematic review. Clin Rheumatol. 2013 Feb;32(2):167-80. doi: 10.1007/s10067-012-2116-z. Epub 2012 Nov 14.
  12. Sawyer CE, Ramlow J. Attitudes of chiropractic patients: a preliminary survey of patients receiving care in a chiropractic teaching clinic. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1984 Sep;7(3):157-63.
  13. Alcantara J, Cossette M. Intractable migraine headaches during pregnancy under chiropractic care. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2009 Nov;15(4):192-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2009.03.005. Epub 2009 May 2.
  14. Peterson C. A case study of chiropractic management of pregnancy-related heartburn with postulated fetal epigenome implications. Explore (NY). 2012 Sep-Oct;8(5):304-8. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2012.06.001.
  15. Pepino VC, Ribeiro JD, Ribeiro MA, de Noronha M, Mezzacappa MA, Schivinski CI. Manual therapy for childhood respiratory disease: a systematic review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013 Jan;36(1):57-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.12.004.
  16. Miller AL. The etiologies, pathophysiology, and alternative/complementary treatment of asthma. Altern Med Rev. 2001 Feb;6(1):20-47.
  17. Dougherty PE, Engel RM, Vemulpad S, Burke J. Spinal manipulative therapy for elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a case series. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2011 Jul-Aug;34(6):413-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.05.004. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
  18. Miller JE, Newell D, Bolton JE. Efficacy of chiropractic manual therapy on infant colic: a pragmatic single-blind, randomized controlled trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012 Oct;35(8):600-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.09.010.
  19. Aase K, Blaakær J. Chiropractic care of infants with colic lacks evidence. Ugeskr Laeger. 2013 Feb 11;175(7):424-8.
  20. Killinger LZ. Chiropractic and geriatrics: a review of the training, role, and scope of chiropractic in caring for aging patients. Clin Geriatr Med. 2004 May;20(2):223-35.
  21. Sigrell H. Expectations of chiropractic treatment: what are the expectations of new patients consulting a chiropractor, and do chiropractors and patients have similar expectations? J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2002 Jun;25(5):300-5.

The post What is Chiropractic? 7 Fast Facts appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Get ready!

Hey there! 

Yesterday at Food Babe headquarters, we had to take a meditation break due to all the exciting events that are going to take place very soon. Get ready, cause I'm gonna need all of you to make this happen. It's about time we did something about this company.

Until then, I've got a recipe for ya that will be perfect for the big game coming up or just to make because it is sooooo good! 

There's a little video action for you too, in case you need some additional instruction, or would like to know why I make my own homemade chips.

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do around here.

Get it here!




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9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure

9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 03:33 PM PST


Exposure to fluoride is a contentious topic with fierce words coming from both sides. And with good reason, exposure is everywhere. Not only is fluoride a common ingredient in toothpaste, many municipalities have a fluoridated water supply. Why? Well, the reason we’re given is that it encourages oral health… even though it’s not known to prevent harmful oral bacteria. [1] What is known is that fluoride is toxic. The leading reason for poison control inquiries concerning fluoride are for children who’ve consumed toothpaste. [2] [3] Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones… even the tooth enamel it's supposed to help. [4] [5] [6] These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.

1. Weakens Skeletal Health

Skeletal fluorosis is a well-known condition resulting from fluoride consumption. Since the liver cannot process fluoride, it passes into the bloodstream to combine with calcium. This is harmful because the calcium is leeched from the skeletal system and you’re left with weak bones.

It’s been known for decades that continuous exposure to increased levels of fluoride can lead to skeletal fluorosis. [7] Perhaps even more scary is that it’s not known much fluoride is required to cause skeletal fluorosis and the quality of life impact can be devastating. [8] [9]The best way to protect yourself is to avoid fluoride. Recently, Chinese authorities established a link between reduced fluoride exposure and the incidence of fluorosis. [10]

2. Causes Arthritis

Fluoride has been shown to lead calcification of cartilage, the essential tissue for joint health. [11] Degenerative osteoarthritis has been linked to skeletal fluorosis. [12] And in a study of individuals suffering from fluorosis, osteoarthritis knee conditions occurred frequently. [13]

3. Toxic to the Thyroid

An element in the same family as iodine, fluoride easily binds to receptors in place of iodine. Fluoride has been shown to be toxic to thyroid cells, inhibiting proper function and causing cell death. [14] For decades, fluoride was used to reduce thyroid function in individuals suffering from an overactive thyroid. [15] Now — and pay attention to this — the range used in water fluoridation matches the levels typically used to reduce thyroid function. [16]

4. Calcifies the Ultra-Important Pineal Gland

Although the full capabilities of the pineal gland have been the subject of debate by philosophers and scientists for centuries, it’s known for certain that, at a minimum, the pineal gland regulates body rhythms and wake-sleep cycles; two extremely important functions. Fluoride is especially toxic to the pineal gland, where it easily accumulates and calcifies the gland. In fact, by the time the average person reaches old age, their pineal gland will have higher calcium density than their bones. [17]

5. Accelerates Female Puberty

It also deserves mention that the pineal gland plays an integral role in the onset of puberty. Research has shown that girls living in higher areas prone to more fluoride exposure experience puberty earlier than girls exposed to lower levels of fluoride. [18] Yes, many factors impact hormonal function, including estrogen exposure. Fluoride's damaging effect on sexual function only here…

6. Harmful to Male and Female Fertility

A direct link exists between fertility rates and fluoridated drinking water. Higher levels of fluoride correspond lower fertility rates, particularly with drinking water reported fluoride levels of 3 ppm. [19] Animal models show that fluoride reduces reproductive hormones in females. [20] Men have it just as bad; those suffering with fluorosis have lower testosterone and fertility than men with limited fluoride exposure. [21]

7. Can Lead to Kidney Disease

Fluoride is toxic to the kidneys and a higher rate of chronic kidney disease has been reported in areas where the water contains high levels of fluoride. [22] [23] According to Chinese researchers, a fluoride level of 2 mg/L is all it takes to cause renal damage in children. [24] While water fluoridation levels often fall much lower than this, the fluoride bombardment continues with toothpaste and other environmental sources.

8. Harmful to the Cardiovascular System

Research suggests that exposure to fluoride causes cardiovascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. [25] [26] Other research has examined its effect on blood pressure but had mixed results. Regardless, despite that cardiovascular disease can have many causes, the evidence, and history show its incidence increases with exposure to fluoride.

9. Negative Cognitive Effects

The Fluoride Action Network reports that, as of May 2013, 43 studies have examined the effect of fluoride on human intelligence and the results should motivate anyone to avoid or reduce their fluoride intake. High fluoride has consistently been linked to a negative impact on children's neural development. [27] One study found that children living in highly fluoridated areas had five times greater chance of developing a low IQ compared to those who do not. [28]

Reducing Your Exposure to Fluoride

Using non-fluoride toothpaste can immediately help reduce fluoride exposure. Maintaining healthy iodine levels can help protect the thyroid from fluoride. The largest problem is the fluoridation of water supplies. Most water filters are not adequate for removing fluoride; instead look to a reverse osmosis water purification systems.

Have you made efforts to reduce your exposure and minimize the dangers of fluoride? What tips do you have? Please leave a comment below and share with us.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Puciennik-Stronias M, Zarzycka B, Bo?tacz-Rzepkowska E. The effects of topical fluoridation of enamel on the growth of cariogenic bacteria contained in the dental plaque. Med Dosw Mikrobiol. 2013;65(2):129-32.
  2. Shulman JD, Wells LM. Acute fluoride toxicity from ingesting home-use dental products in children, birth to 6 years of age. J Public Health Dent. 1997 Summer;57(3):150-8.
  3. Whitford GM. Acute toxicity of ingested fluoride. Monogr Oral Sci. 2011;22:66-80. doi: 10.1159/000325146. Epub 2011 Jun 23.
  4. C. J. Spak, S. Sjöstedt, L. Eleborg, B. Veress, L. Perbeck, and J. Ekstrand. Tissue response of gastric mucosa after ingestion of fluoride. BMJ. 1989 June 24; 298(6689): 1686–1687.
  5. Sauerheber R. Physiologic conditions affect toxicity of ingested industrial fluoride. J Environ Public Health. 2013;2013:439490. doi: 10.1155/2013/439490. Epub 2013 Jun 6.
  6. Perumal E, Paul V, Govindarajan V, Panneerselvam L. A brief review on experimental fluorosis. Toxicol Lett. 2013 Nov 25;223(2):236-51. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.09.005. Epub 2013 Sep 17.
  7. Czerwinski E, Nowak J, Dabrowska D, Skolarczyk A, Kita B, Ksiezyk M. Bone and joint pathology in fluoride-exposed workers. Arch Environ Health. 1988 Sep-Oct;43(5):340-3.
  8. Chachra D, Limeback H, Willett TL, Grynpas MD. The long-term effects of water fluoridation on the human skeleton. J Dent Res. 2010 Nov;89(11):1219-23. doi: 10.1177/0022034510376070. Epub 2010 Sep 21.
  9. Paiste M, Levine M, Bono JV. Total knee arthroplasty in a patient with skeletal fluorosis. Orthopedics. 2012 Nov;35(11):e1664-7. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20121023-29.
  10. Chen H, Yan M, Yang X, Chen Z, Wang G, Schmidt-Vogt D, Xu Y, Xu J. Spatial distribution and temporal variation of high fluoride contents in groundwater and prevalence of fluorosis in humans in Yuanmou County, Southwest China. J Hazard Mater. 2012 Oct 15;235-236:201-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.07.042. Epub 2012 Aug 8.
  11. Bang S, Boivin G, Gerster JC, Baud CA. Distribution of fluoride in calcified cartilage of a fluoride-treated osteoporotic patient. Bone. 1985;6(4):207-10.
  12. P. Roschger, P. Fratzl, S. Schreiber, G. Kalchhauser, H. Plenk, K. Koller, J. Eschberggrill, K. Klaushofer. Bone mineral structure after six years fluoride treatment investigated by backscattered electron imaging (BSEI) and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS): a case report. Bone (Impact Factor: 3.82). 01/1995; 16(3):407-407. DOI:10.1016/8756-3282(95)90480-8.
  13. Savas S, Cetin M, Akdoan M, Heybeli N. Endemic fluorosis in Turkish patients: relationship with knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology International. Rheumatol Int. 2001 Sep;21(1):30-5.
  14. Zeng Q, Cui YS, Zhang L, Fu G, Hou CC, Zhao L, Wang AG, Liu HL. Studies of fluoride on the thyroid cell apoptosis and mechanism. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2012 Mar;46(3):233-6.
  15. Merck & Co. The Merck Index, 1968 Edition. Rahway NJ. USA. (last accessed (01-10-2014)
  16. Thyroid. (last accessed (01-10-2014)
  17. Luke J. Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland. Caries Res. 2001 Mar-Apr;35(2):125-8.
  18. Luke J. The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D Dissertation, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. 1997.
  19. Freni SC. Exposure to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water is associated with decreased birth rates. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1994 May;42(1):109-21.
  20. Zhou Y, Qiu Y, He J, Chen X, Ding Y, Wang Y, Liu X. The toxicity mechanism of sodium fluoride on fertility in female rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Dec;62:566-72. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2013.09.023. Epub 2013 Sep 23.
  21. Susheela AK, Jethanandani P. Circulating testosterone levels in skeletal fluorosis patients. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1996;34(2):183-9.
  22. Chandrajith R, Nanayakkara S, Itai K, Aturaliya TN, Dissanayake CB, Abeysekera T, Harada K, Watanabe T, Koizumi A. Chronic kidney diseases of uncertain etiology (CKDue) in Sri Lanka: geographic distribution and environmental implications. Environ Geochem Health. 2011 Jun;33(3):267-78. doi: 10.1007/s10653-010-9339-1. Epub 2010 Sep 18.
  23. Chandrajith R, Dissanayake CB, Ariyarathna T, Herath HM, Padmasiri JP. Dose-dependent Na and Ca in fluoride-rich drinking water–another major cause of chronic renal failure in tropical arid regions. Sci Total Environ. 2011 Jan 15;409(4):671-5. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.10.046. Epub 2010 Nov 24.
  24. Liu JL, Xia T, Yu YY, Sun XZ, Zhu Q, He W, Zhang M, Wang A. [The dose-effect relationship of water fluoride levels and renal damage in children]. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 2005 May;34(3):287-8.
  25. Varol E, Varol S. Effect of fluoride toxicity on cardiovascular systems: role of oxidative stress. Arch Toxicol. 2012 Oct;86(10):1627. doi: 10.1007/s00204-012-0862-y. Epub 2012 May 10.
  26. Ma Y, Niu R, Sun Z, Wang J, Luo G, Zhang J, Wang J. Inflammatory responses induced by fluoride and arsenic at toxic concentration in rabbit aorta. Arch Toxicol. 2012 Jun;86(6):849-56. doi: 10.1007/s00204-012-0803-9. Epub 2012 Mar 16.
  27. Choi AL, Sun G, Zhang Y, Grandjean P. Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Oct;120(10):1362-8. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1104912. Epub 2012 Jul 20.
  28. Tang QQ, Du J, Ma HH, Jiang SJ, Zhou XJ. Fluoride and children’s intelligence: a meta-analysis. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2008 Winter;126(1-3):115-20. doi: 10.1007/s12011-008-8204-x. Epub 2008 Aug 10.

The post 9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Monday, January 27, 2014

10 Conscious Food Blogs And Who Should Read Them

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 01:45 PM PST

The internet abounds with food blogs. So much so that it can be overwhelming. Like in any supermarket which is full of products you don't need, there is a lot of blogs, website, etc. claiming to  offer you "healthy options".  However, for all the bad food blogs out there, there are plenty of good ones, and in a world where more and more people are focused on eating better, buying local foods and cooking seasonally, there's a plethora of conscious eating inspiration.

Need some help navigating? Luckily Organic Authority rounded up some of their favorite conscious food blogs, in no particular order:

Green Kitchen Stories

If you put together a scrapboard of all your favorite vegetarian recipes ripped out from colorful magazines, you would have a wall that looks like Green Kitchen Stories. Colorful, inventive and 100 percent vegetarian, time spent on this site is like spending time in the most amazing health food store you could ever dream of.

Who should read it: Anyone who believes that regular oatmeal is boring.

Gourmande in the Kitchen

Gourmande in the Kitchen is for the gourmande who doesn't just want to indulge, but indulge with a good conscience. The focus here is whole foods that are fresh, seasonal and free of processed ingredients. Best of all? It's all about minimal preparation.

Who should read it: Anyone that thinks healthy food is boring.

Green Girl Eats

Helen Williams is all about no-nonsense, vegetarian (mostly organic) cooking. She also believes in healthy indulgence, which means you get things like Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls.

Who should read it:
Those wondering how they are going to convince their significant other to go vegetarian.

Oh My Veggies

If you're looking to get more vegetarian food into your diet and don't know Oh My Veggies, put it on your "to follow" list immediately. The recipes are fun, creative and unique and the focus isn't just on vegetables, but local, seasonal fare.

Who should read it: Anyone that needs a vegetarian resource but doesn't want to buy another cookbook.

A Tasty Love Story

On A Tasty Love Story, Josephine Malene Kofod focuses on whole, organic and seasonal food. With her Danish roots, any of the recipes come with a Scandinavian twist.

Who should read it:
Those pining away for the Nordic lands but want to keep using chia seeds.

Dishing Up the Dirt

Andrea Bemis works on a farm in Oregon, and her recipes show it. Creative with the ingredients she pairs together, the focus here is on tasty, seasonal fare.

Who should read it:
Anyone that has ever gone on a farmers market shopping spree and ended up with too many vegetables.

The Roasted Root

From smoothies to oatmeal, Julia Mueller takes classic healthy recipes and makes them just a little more interesting. Lots of gluten-free recipes on here as well (hello Coconut Sweet Potato Cookies).

Who should read it: The person who wants a t-shirt with the sentence "eat well, eat often" on it.

Love and Lemons

The Love and Lemons team is, as they put it, "all about vegetables." The recipes are anything but average – Coconut Rice with Kale and Edamame should probably be your next dinner – and there are plenty of gluten-free and vegan options.

Who should read it: Anyone who has ever thought of pairing beets and grapefruits.

The Minimalist Baker

This is exactly what it sounds like: delicious baking with minimal ingredients. That makes for creative recipes like Black Bean Brownies and a lot of things that can be made with ingredients you probably have hanging around the house.

Who should read it: The cheapskate foodie who doesn't want to look like one.

101 Cookbooks

Heidi Swanson's beautiful website is a classic, as well as her cookbooks. The focus is primarily natural and whole foods, and they're the kind of recipes that will quickly become staples.

Who should read it:
Anyone that has sworn off buying another cookbook ever again. But still wants another one.

Prepackaged Meals that You Can Make Yourself

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 09:30 AM PST

Prepackaged meals. we all try to avoid them, but actually may end up with a few in the cupboard. While they aren't too pricy, a majority of the ingredient list is more than a little concerning. Hydrogenated this, hydrolyzed that. And the sodium content? Sheesh. Looking at the nutrition label of a popular boxed meal, and one serving of the stuff will give you 770mg of sodium. An adult's daily intake is usually more than sufficient at 1,500mg—most of us don't even need that much.

As always, we aim to provide you with recipes and meal idea made from locally sourced, organic ingredients, using what you already have in your pantry. In the long run, it's less expensive and the nourishment value is much higher than in prepackaged meals.  So, if you're in search of a way to steer clear of putting your money towards meals that come in a box and don't last very long, here are a few that you can make yourself.


This recipe is referred to as "Breadsticks," and while it does make amazing breadsticks, it can also be used to make pizza, calzones, dinner braids, or a quick loaf of bread. If you master this simple recipe, you will never have to buy one of trans fat tubes of dough again.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Combine 1 tablespoon yeast, 1 ½ cup warm water, ½ teaspoon sugar. Let them rise and set on top of your stove; it's getting warm, which makes for an ideal place for the yeast to get going.

Once the yeast is bubbly, add 2 tablespoons sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, and about 3 cups of flour—or a little more if needed—just enough to make a nice, soft dough. (It shouldn't be sticking to the bowl or your hands.)

Take your ball of dough out of your mixing bowl, grease the bowl, and put the dough back in. Cover the bowl with a damp towel, and place it back on the stove.

Let it rise for ten minutes.

Now, on a floured surface, roll the dough out until it's about ½ inch thick. With a pizza cutter, cut into 4×2-inch strips. Dip the strips into melted butter, then place them on a baking sheet. Let them rise for 15 minutes, then bake them for 12-14 minutes.


No need to buy a mix when you've got cocoa powder on hand. You can make several batches of brownies for the cost of one mix.

Mix together:
  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
After those are mixed well, add:
  • 1 ½ cup flour
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
Pour the batter into a greased and floured 13×9 pan, and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

For a family of four, cutting the recipe in half is just about perfect; there's enough for dinner and for a few leftovers for the next day, and you can save the rest of the ingredients for another batch later on.

Chicken Pasta Salad

Stir together:
  • 12 oz. package bowtie pasta, cooked
  • 12 oz. package rainbow pasta, cooked
  • 6 chicken breasts (cooked and shredded or cubed)
  • 1 can crushed pineapple, lightly drained
  • 2 cups celery, finely chopped
  • 2 cups red grapes, quartered
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 bottle coleslaw dressing
This is just what the recipe calls for. It makes a lot, so it's perfect for when you have to serve a lot of people. Salads like this are great because you're able to use whatever you have on had; apples instead of grapes, cucumbers instead of celery, canned chicken, more mayo if you don't have dressing, etc. Don't be afraid to break the rules.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

In a food processor, blend the following:
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 2 heaping tablespoons tahini
  • Juice of one freshly squeezed lemon; or 2 tablespoons of the bottled kind
  • ½ teaspoons salt
  • 1 roasted red pepper (you can use a small jar of roasted red peppers)
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic sauteed in 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Blend ingredients together for a few minutes, and serve with crackers, veggies, or use it as a sandwich spread.

Sidenote: while throwing everything into the blender makes a good hummus, mixing everything else – the tahini, lemon juice, salt, garlic, and oil — and then blending it in with the beans makes it even better.

Cheese and Broccoli Soup

In a large microwavable bowl, melt 6 tablespoons butter, then add 4 tablespoons flour and 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon; stir well.
Return to microwave for 1 minute, then whisk in 4 cups milk.
Return to microwave for 18 minutes or until thick; stop and stir every 4 minutes.
Add one jar of Cheez Wiz and stir until it melts into the soup.
Add 2 large bunches of chopped, cooked broccoli.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

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